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A-10/OA-10 Thunderbolt II

The A-10 and OA-10 Thunderbolt IIs are the first Air Force aircraft specially designed for close air support of ground forces. They are simple, effective and survivable twin-engine jet aircraft that can be used against all ground targets, including tanks and other armored vehicles.
The primary mission of the A-10 is to provide day and night close air combat support for friendly land forces and to act as forward air controller (FAC) to coordinate and direct friendly air forces in support of land forces. The A-10 has a secondary mission of supporting search and rescue and Special Forces operations. It also possesses a limited capability to perform certain types of interdiction. All of these missions may take place in a high or low threat environment.
The A/OA-10 aircraft was specifically developed as a close air support aircraft with reliability and maintainability as major design considerations. The Air Force requirements documents emphasized payload, low altitude flying capability, range and loiter capability, low speed maneuverability and weapons delivery accuracy. The aircraft is capable of worldwide deployment and operation from austere bases with minimal support equipment.
Specific survivability features include titanium armor plated cockpit, redundant flight control system separated by fuel tanks, manual reversion mode for flight controls, foam filled fuel tanks, ballistic foam void fillers, and a redundant primary structure providing “get home” capability after being hit. Design simplicity, ease of access and left to right interchangeable components make the A/OA-10 aircraft readily maintainable and suitable for deployment at advanced bases.
The A-10/OA-10 have excellent maneuverability at low air speeds and altitude, and are highly accurate weapons-delivery platforms. They can loiter near battle areas for extended periods of time and operate under 1,000-foot ceilings (303.3 meters) with 1.5-mile (2.4 kilometers) visibility. Their wide combat radius and short takeoff and landing capability permit operations in and out of locations near front lines. Using night vision goggles, A-10/ OA-10 pilots can conduct their missions during darkness.
The A/OA-10 is a single place, pressurized, low wing and tail aircraft with two General Electric TF-34-100/A turbo-fan engines, each with a sea level static thrust rating of approximately 9000 pounds. The engines are installed in nacelles mounted on pylons extending from the fuselage just aft of and above the wing. Two vertical stabilizers are located at the outboard tips of the horizontal stabilizers. The forward retracting tricycle landing gear incorporates short struts and a wide tread. The nose wheel retracts fully into the fuselage nose. The main gear retracts into streamlined fairing on the wing with the lower portion of the wheel protruding to facilitate emergency gear-up landings. The General Electric Aircraft Armament Subsystem A/A49E-6 (30 millimeter Gun System) is located in the forward nose section of the fuselage. The gun system consists of the 30mm Gatling gun mechanism, double-ended linkless ammunition feed, storage assembly and hydraulic drive system.
Avionics equipment includes communications, inertial navigation systems, fire control and weapons delivery systems, target penetration aids and night vision goggles. Their weapons delivery systems include head-up displays that indicate airspeed, altitude and dive angle on the windscreen, a low altitude safety and targeting enhancement system (LASTE) which provides constantly computing impact point freefall ordnance delivery; and Pave Penny laser-tracking pods under the fuselage. The aircraft also have armament control panels, and infrared and electronic countermeasures to handle surface-to-air-missile threats.

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The Thunderbolt II's 30mm GAU-8/A Gatling gun can fire 3,900 rounds a minute and can defeat an array of ground targets to include tanks. Some of their other equipment includes an inertial navigation system, electronic countermeasures, target penetration aids, self-protection systems, and AGM-65 Maverick and AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles.
Thunderbolt IIs have Night Vision Imaging Systems (NVIS), compatible single-seat cockpits forward of their wings and a large bubble canopy which provides pilots all-around vision. The pilots are encircled by titanium armor that also protects parts of the flight-control system. The redundant primary structural sections allow the aircraft to enjoy better survivability during close air support than did previous aircraft. The aircraft can survive direct hits from armor-piercing and high-explosive projectiles up to 23mm. Their self-sealing fuel cells are protected by internal and external foam. Their redundant hydraulic flight-control systems are backed up by manual systems. This permits pilots to fly and land when hydraulic power is lost.
The Thunderbolt II can be serviced and operated from bases with limited facilities near battle areas. Many of the aircraft's parts are interchangeable left and right, including the engines, main landing gear and vertical stabilizers.
The first production A-10A was delivered to Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., in October 1975. It was designed specially for the close air support mission and had the ability to combine large military loads, long loiter and wide combat radius, which proved to be vital assets to America and its allies during Operation Desert Storm. In the Gulf War, A-10s, with a mission capable rate of 95.7 percent, flew 8,100 sorties and launched 90 percent of the AGM-65 Maverick missiles.
Service LifeThe original service life of the A/OA-10 was 8,000 hours, equating to approximately to FY2005. The revised service life was projected out to 12,000 hours, equating to approximately FY2016. The most recent long range plan has the A/OA-10 in the fleet through FY2028, which equates to approximately 18,000-24,000 hours.
A/OA-10 modifications are aimed at improving the A/OA-10 throughout the its service life. All modifications are integrated between ACC, AFRC, and ANG, with the Guard and Reserve often funding non-recurring engineering efforts for the modifications and ACC opting for follow-on production buys. Budgetary constraints are often best overcome by this type of arrangement. Two types of modifications are conducted on the A/OA-10, those to systems, structures and engines, and those to avionics. Structure, system and engine modifications aim at improving reliability, maintainability and supportability of the A/OA-10 and reducing the cost of ownership. Avionics modifications continue the metamorphosis of the A/OA-10 from a day visual flight rules (VFR) fighter to a night-capable integrated weapon system.
A/OA-10 avionics modifications provide for greater interoperability between the Army and Air Force by improving situational awareness, tactical communication, navigation and weapon system accuracy, and providing additional capabilities in the areas of threat detection and avoidance, low-level flight safety, stores management and employment of “smart” weapons. In addition, modifications are sought to reduce cost of ownership and to remove supportability quagmires such as obsolete parts. Modifications to the A/OA-10 are nearly always interdependent—interdependence maximizes combat capability of the A/OA-10 by interconnecting modifications in distributed avionics architecture. Integral to the improvement of the A/OA-10 is a new acquisition strategy centered on a recently acquired prime contractor for the weapon system. The prime contractor will be the integrator of all major weapon system modifications and provide the continuity necessary to accommodate the downward trend in organic manpower and relocation of the System Program Office.
A large portion of the systems sustaining engineering is for contingency use throughout the fiscal year and is utilized to investigate mishaps, resolve system deficiencies, develop engineering change proposals, or to establish new operational limits. Specific requirements cannot be forecast, but general needs can be predicted based on actual occurrences since the A/OA-10 program management responsibility transferred to SM-ALC in 1982. The objectives of the sustaining engineering and configuration management programs are to reduce spares utilization, reduce hazard potentials and to increase the weapon system's effectiveness. Sustaining Engineering is mission critical and will be used to obtain the non-organic engineering services needed to maintain and improve the design and performance.

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Primary Function A-10 -- close air support, OA-10 - airborne forward air control
Contractor Fairchild Republic Co.
Power Plant Two General Electric TF34-GE-100 turbofans
Thrust 9,065 pounds each engine
Length 53 feet, 4 inches (16.16 meters)
Height 14 feet, 8 inches (4.42 meters)
Wingspan 57 feet, 6 inches (17.42 meters)
Speed 420 miles per hour (Mach 0.56)
Ceiling 45,000 feet (13,636 meters)
Maximum Takeoff Weight 51,000 pounds (22,950 kilograms)
Range 800 miles (695 nautical miles)
Armament One 30 mm GAU-8/A seven-barrel Gatling gun; up to 16,000 pounds (7,200 kilograms) of mixed ordnance on eight under-wing and three under-fuselage pylon stations, including infrared countermeasure flares; electronic countermeasure chaff; jammer pods; 2.75-inch (6.99 centimeters) rockets; illumination flares and:
MK-82 (500 pound bomb)
MK-84 (2000 pound bomb)
MK77 incendiary
10 MK20 Rockeye II (4 - 6 standard load)
10 CBU-52 (4 - 6 standard load)
10 CBU-58 (4 - 6 standard load)
10 CBU-71 (4 - 6 standard load)
10 CBU-87 (4 - 6 standard load)
10 CBU-89 (4 - 6 standard load)
10 BL755 (4 - 6 standard load)
AGM-65 Maverick missiles
GBU-10 laser-guided bomb
GBU-12 laser-guided bomb
AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles
Systems AN/ALE-40 AN/ALQ-119
Crew One
Date Deployed March 1976
Unit Cost $FY98
[Total Program]
$13 million
As of Sept. 30, 2001
A-10OA-10PAITAIPAITAIActive Duty1141286685Air National Guard72761826Air Force Reserve394468Totals22524890118
VRML 3-D Model
A-10 Thunderbolt 2
VRML by Soji Yamakawa

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(文章來自 :坦克殺手-A-10雷電II疣豬攻擊機)

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A-10/OA-10 擁有於低空速、低高度之優異操控性能。他們能夠長時間盤旋於任務區域附近做300以下的低空飛行, 並擁有2.4 公里之可見度。這架飛機的寬且直的機翼設計使其能於短距離起飛或著陸、能迅速的進出前線戰區、可靠的低速飛行能力、和同時擁有驚人的續航力 。因為它能夠以相對較低的巡航速度(僅每小時320公里), 所以能有效發揮其作為一個對地攻擊機的優勢, 尤其當一般高速戰鬥機或轟炸機常對鎖定較小和緩慢移動的地面目標相當大的難度的時候。
堅固、耐用是"疣豬" 設計的重要考量之一,它內裝了強度非常高的機構(airframe), 以及有著優良的戰場存活率, 能夠在戰鬥中承受不少可觀的損傷。 這種飛機可以直接承受穿甲彈和23厘米的高爆彈之攻擊。 除了配備了預設的液壓飛控系統之外, 另還有手控系統以備不時之需, 所以若液壓操控故障或部分機翼受損時, 飛行員還是可以盡可能地利用手動進行起降之操作。 其閉鎖式的油箱外面覆有化學防火阻燃劑可以防止油箱意外爆炸。 駕駛艙由900 (400 公斤)的金屬裝甲保護, 此裝甲也同時提供了對一部分重要的飛控系統設備的防護。除此之外, 機尾附近之左右兩顆噴射引擎能迅速的將引擎產生的廢氣通過機尾排出, 如此可以減弱紅外線的能見度, 並使地面的肩射式防空飛彈較難鎖定到它。 其引擎的安裝的位置於主翼的後上方、尾翼組件的前上方, 幾乎能使兩顆引擎不會直接暴露於來自下方的攻擊 ,即使其中一顆引擎被擊毀了, A-10還是能有辦法繼續飛。
雷電II可以部署於擁有較少機場設備的戰區臨時空軍基地並執行任務。 這架飛機有個非比尋常的特點就是這架飛機有許多的零件裝配可以左右調換使用, 甚至包括引擎,主起降架, 及垂直穩定器皆可。 機身的內裝階梯組件能讓飛行員自行上下駕駛艙而不需要額外的協助。 起落架配置了低壓輪胎, 而寬大的主翼則賦予了裝載各式各樣武器的彈性。 其基本的設計考量就是能讓戰機可在最低的地面勤務需求下進行加油和武器裝載的工作。 A10多部署於前線戰區最主要是除了可以就近提供即時的空中火力支援外, 也是因為它相較於其他戰機較低的飛行速限和低巡航速度的關係。

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A-10最為人詬病的問題就是其簡陋的航電設備 (很難想像為美軍立了這麼多汗馬功勞、殲敵無數的戰機要到1999年才開始安裝GPS衛星定位系統),它原先被設計的時候只單純的考慮到近戰空中火力支援, 當時認為太複雜的電子系統裝在執行這種任務的飛機上並非必要 , 且會浪費極大的後勤成本。 最初的航電裝配僅提供了基本通訊元件、雷達預警系統、和TACAN導航設備, 早期的機種上甚至連自動駕駛也沒有配備。 當美國空軍決定增強其反坦克能力時, 考慮到若部署此型飛機於當時北大西洋公約組織的西歐國家時, 可能常會遭遇到極糟的天候, 所以當時空軍方面有升級A10的感應元件及航電設備的壓力。 於是製造商費爾柴德在1977年時提供了一種雙座式NAW(全天候)改良方案, 結果最後還是沒有被採用... 於是A10只得用它的陽春航電設備一直撐到了第一次波灣戰爭之後... 最早期的升級方案僅包括了雷射感應器(由地面人員發射雷射鎖定目標物, 再導引A10投下的智慧型炸彈) 最初的時候A-10沒有任何能夠提供遠距離開火的導引及電腦設備, 使其火力大打折扣。 開火時完全得靠機炮和火箭等近距離(可視距內)的非精準火力,或是AGM-65小牛飛彈 - 不過還是得靠小牛飛彈本身提供的影像搖測器, 並傳送影像至A-10駕駛艙為導彈指引操作。 直到"疣豬"服役了很久很久以後, 美國Low-Altitude Safety and Targeting Enhancement (LASTE) 才終於為它安裝了電腦化的火控設備、 自動駕駛、和機載地面防撞系統。 現在A10總算能使用夜視設備了, 而直到了1999年才加裝的GPS定位系統也使得導航更加準確。

雖然A-10可以掛載大重量的武器、莢艙, 不過其主力武器卻是30厘米的GAU-8/A復仇者式格林機炮(http://www.gdatp.com/products/lethality/gau-8a/gau-8.htm), - 有史以來威力最強大的戰機用機炮。它可以於一分鐘發發射3,900發大口徑的耗乏鈾彈。其質量及高速可以用來對付厚重的坦克裝甲。 據說這型機炮使用時所能產生的力量幾乎等於A10其中一枚引擎的推力 - 美空軍中甚至流傳著這麼一則誇張的傳言; 說如果"疣豬"上可以裝載夠多的子彈,然後長時間連續開火,飛行中的"疣豬"有可能會停止飛行甚至是"倒退飛"。
依照GAU-8/A的產品網頁敘述, GAU-8/A的平均後座力為10,000 lbf (45 kN). - 這個數字略大於兩具A10引擎所可產生的最大推力的一半, 所以這門機炮的威力實在是不容小覷的。 不過, 由於引擎推力扣掉槍砲後座力還有多餘出50%, A-10無論如何還是只能往前飛而絕對不可能會「倒退飛」的。
除了以GAU-8/A機炮作為主要火力以外, A10的另外一項主要武器是AGM-65小牛空對地飛彈, 由於飛彈本身內建了光電瞄準系統, 小牛飛彈可以在比機炮所無法顧及的更遠的距離外鎖定並摧毀目標 ,這 也讓飛機面對現代的防空系統時能更加安全許多。 其他能掛載的武器有: CLUSTER BOMB (子母彈) 、 火箭莢艙、和油氣彈等等... 雖說A10可以用來投擲傳統式或雷射導引式炸彈, 不過頗令人意外的, A10對於這兩種炸彈卻都不太常有機會使用到。 自衛方面, A10一般會在左或右其中一個機翼掛載了"電子對抗/干擾措施"(ECM) 另一個機翼則安裝了兩枚AIM-9 空對空飛彈。

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第一批量產的A-10A於1975年10月被分派到了美國亞利桑那州的Davis-Mothan空軍基地, 其基本設計目的即上述的: 提供近前線的空對地火力支援和同時能籌載大量武器、彈藥, 必須有優異的續航力,並及能涵蓋大範圍的作戰半徑。 最後它在第一次波灣戰爭中的『沙漠風暴』和『Operation Noble Anvil.』二次行動中以輝煌的戰績證明了自己是美國和其盟軍不可或缺的要角。A-10的任務完成率高達不可思議的95.7%,參予了8,100次突襲和發射了聯軍90%以上的AGM-65 小牛飛彈。
剛開始在美國空軍的眼中, 「疣豬」原本是個很不受歡迎的傢伙,是機庫中食之無味棄之可惜的「雞肋」。 當時美空軍對高機動性、高性能的新型F-15和F-16噴射戰鬥機情有獨鍾, 與這兩種風雲戰機相比起來, 「疣豬」無論是外觀還是內裝或是性能,無論從任何方面來看都實在是寒酸到了極點。更何況, 當時美國空軍根本打算把臨時空對地火力支援的「粗活」交由陸軍的攻擊直昇機去做,對A-10這種飛機根本就不屑一顧。



到了80年代 美軍方打算把A-10用來做低空攻擊的角色,專門對付部署於東歐的蘇聯的坦克車。
到了1991年, 這架戰機終於有機會證明了自己的實力, 它一共摧毀了伊拉克1,000台以上的坦克, 2,000台其他戰鬥車輛, 和1,200個火炮據點。整個戰爭期間僅僅只有五架A-10被擊落 - 這個數字遠遠低於美國參謀總部原先的預期。
在90年代, 許多A-10被改裝成具有執行FAC(空軍前導)任務的能力, 機型也被改成O/A-10, 當執行空中前導任務時, 疣豬通常配備六個五吋(127厘米)的「蘇尼」(Zuni rockets)火箭莢艙, 有時也會裝配煙幕彈頭和白磷閃光彈頭。 但無論如何, 只需改換裝備, 這些A10都還是能擁有一般空對地火力支援的作戰能力。
到了1999年科索沃戰爭(Kosov), 礙於當時美國柯林頓政府的政策,深恐美國軍機被擊落和造成美軍傷亡,A-10當時並沒有得到很好的戰果。到了2001年美軍入侵阿富汗的反恐戰爭時, A-10剛開始的時候也沒有加入任何攻擊行動,不過, 之後還是被分派到了Bagram空軍基地, 並也參予了多項戰役, 由於這次綁手綁腳的政治限制少得多了, 所以A-10這次得到的戰果比1999年時好的太多了。 第二次波灣戰爭開打後, 於2003年60架 A-10被分派到了在伊拉克執行任務, 其中一臺在巴格達機場附近被伊軍防空炮火擊落。
不過A-10的駕駛員常被外界認為有喜歡胡亂開火的壞習慣, 原因是他們有兩次誤擊友軍的不良紀錄。在1991年第一次波灣戰爭期間, A-10攻擊了兩輛英軍的裝甲運兵車造成9名士兵死亡, 然後在2003的入侵伊拉克戰爭中, 又有兩輛英軍的偵查車被A-10攻擊。 (其中一輛被攻擊的偵查車的駕駛Christopher Finney 後來因為這次事件還被頒贈George Cross勳章)
A-10預計將在2028年才從美國空軍除役, 到時候將會被新式的JSF戰機(聯合打擊機)給取代。在此之前, 應該還會有不少次的升級, 例如於2005年進行的FCS(電傳飛行控制), ECM(電子對策、對抗裝置), 精靈炸彈投擲系統的套件升級。

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  • 初次部署: 1976年3月
  • 造價  : 980萬美金
  • 衍生系列: Active force, A-10, 143 and OA-10, 70; Reserve, A-10, 46 and OA-10, 6; ANG, A-10, 84 and OA-10, 18

  • 駕駛員: 1人
  • 總常: 53 呎 又 4 吋 (16.16 米)
  • 翼長: 57 呎 又 6 吋 (17.42 米)
  • 高度: 14 呎 8 吋 (4.42 米)
  • 翼面積: 506平方呎 (47 平方公尺)
  • 空機重量: 21,519 磅(9,761 公斤)
  • 全副武裝重量: 32,730 磅 (14,846 公斤)
  • 最大起飛重量: 51,000 磅 (23,000 公斤)
  • 發動機: 2具通用動力TF34-GE-100 扇渦輪引擎, 推力: 9,065 lbf (40.32 kN)
  • 極速: 420 mph (676 km/h)
  • 續航力: 620 miles (1,000 km)
  • 飛行高度: 45,000 feet (13,600 m)
  • 爬昇率: 6,000 ft/min (1,830 m/min)

  • 主力武器: 1x 30 厘米 GAU-8/A 復仇者式 7管格林機炮 1,174 發子彈(耗乏鈾彈頭)
  • 8個機翼, 和3個機腹掛具, (共可酬載7,300公斤) , 可掛載:
    • Mk 82, Mk 83, Mk 84 通用型傳統炸彈
    • BLU-1, BLU-27/B Rockeye II , CBU-52/71 叢集/子母彈
    • AGM-65 空對地小牛飛彈 和 AIM-9 空對空導彈
    • 火蛇(Hydra) 70 厘米 和 127 厘米 火箭莢艙
    • 閃光器, ECM(電子反抗系統), 等其他輔助用莢艙。

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原文由jacklf2004 於 07-1-20 10:10 AM 發表
例如於2005年進行的FCS(電傳飛行控制), ECM(電子對策、對抗裝置), 精靈炸彈投擲系統的套件升級。

FCS是Flight Control System的縮寫,線傳飛控的縮寫是FBW,而從其他的網頁查詢有關航電升級的部分如下:

Improvements include: hands-on throttle and stick control, two new Raytheon Technical Services 5in x 5in multifunction cockpit displays, situational awareness datalinks, digital stores management system, Integrated Flight and Fire Control Computer (IFFCC) from BAE Systems Platform Solutions for automated continuously computed weapons delivery, Sniper XR targeting pod for precision-guided weapons and helmet-mounted sighting system.


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