Could you put some bonus points in my drinking skills? 你能給我的喝酒技能升幾級嗎?
Any fish and chips shops about here?* 這附近有炸魚馬鈴薯片賣嗎?
I think it''s time for a nippy sweetie!** 我認為該吃點心了。
What the bloody hell are you playin'' at?* 該死的,你在玩些什麼啊?
There''s nothing more motivatin'' than fightin'' with a bad hangover!* 喝的爛醉然後打仗最爽了!
Where''s the pub? 酒館在哪?
Let''s get PIST! 去喝個痛快吧!
I''m not the Dryad you''re looking for. 我不是你要找的那隻林精
Fear the fearsome fury of the forest fawn! (繞口令耶,快讀一遍看看會不會咬到舌頭?)為森林小鹿可怕的憤怒而恐懼吧
You communicate by clicking on me, I communicate by doing what you say. 你透過點擊和我交流,而我透過行動和你交流。
I''m not in season! 現在是禁獵期!(or:現在非發情期?)
I got a few bucks set aside for later. 以後我得找頭公鹿呆在我旁邊
Fall like leaves... in fall! (又是繞密碼?)象秋天的樹葉一樣墜落吧
I don''t reveal much on the mini map. It''s all my fault.我沒探出太多地圖,這都是我的錯(嗚嚥)
I''ll attract the enemy with my human call: I''m so wasted, I''m so wasted! 好吧,我會用我的人類聲音去吸引敵人的……我真是生不逢時呀!