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CPS3 Emulator v1.0
This is the final version of the CPS3 emulator.
It adds transparency effects (not actual transparency, but well it looks like that :) ), although it's not fully understood yet.
Fixed palette transformation for flashes, and fadein/outs, now blacks properly fade to white.
Fixed crashes in some zoomin ending sequences in SF3 games.
Fixed a 1 pixel offset in the framebuffer that was causing a 1 pixel column problem in the left side of the screen sometimes.
Added support for Nebula external video plugins (there is some source code and the interface documents in the plugins folder).
Added CHD (MAME's compressed Hard Disks CD Images) support. Just put the .chd files in the CHD folder in the main directory (sorry, no path selection for it). And the bios (or the full roms zip) romsets in the ROMS directory. When loading a CHD romset, the emulator will run the entire startup sequence so it will take a while to boot (early games just have a black screen) while the bios waits for the cd to spin up.
You don't need to go through the flashrom rewritting sequence, although you can see how it looks (just for fun, as it doesn't actually write anything) by going to Test menu and selecting "Game Rewrite". Using CHDs doesn't have an actual benefit (except for seeing the exact startup sequence of the game machine) apart from being able to run Warzard in any region because Warzard always checks the cd ingame unless it's set to asia, so by having the real CD emulation through CHD, you can run it in any region).
Nebula's Homepage
JoJo's Venture / JoJo no Kimyouna Bouken
喬喬奇妙冒險 (JOJO)
JoJo's Venture / JoJo no Kimyouna Bouken (Alt)
喬喬奇妙冒險 (JOJOALT)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future / JoJo no Kimyouna Bouken: Miraie no Isan
喬喬奇妙冒險 - 未來的遺產 (JOJOBA)
Street Fighter III: New Generation
快打旋風 3 - 新世紀之戰 (SFIII)
Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack
快打旋風 3 - 二度衝擊 - 巨人的進攻 (SFIII2)
Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future
快打旋風 3 - 三度衝擊 - 為未來而戰 (SFIII3)
Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Alt)
快打旋風 3 - 三度衝擊 - 為未來而戰 (SFIII3A)
Warzard / Red Earth
紅色大地 (WARZARD)
JoJo's Venture / JoJo no Kimyouna Bouken (CHD)
喬喬奇妙冒險 (JOJOCHD)
JoJo's Venture / JoJo no Kimyouna Bouken (Alt) (CHD)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future / JoJo no Kimyouna Bouken: Miraie no Isan (CHD)
喬喬奇妙冒險 - 未來的遺產 (JOJOBACHD)
Street Fighter III: New Generation (CHD)
快打旋風 3 - 新世紀之戰 (SFIIICHD)
Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack (CHD)
快打旋風 3 - 二度衝擊 - 巨人的進攻 (SFIII2CHD)
Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (CHD)
快打旋風 3 - 三度衝擊 - 為未來而戰 (SFIII3CHD)
Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Alt) (CHD)
快打旋風 3 - 三度衝擊 - 為未來而戰 (SFIII3ACHD)
Warzard / Red Earth (CHD)
經過改版幾次以後,正式版本總算發布了,這個版本多了特效濾鏡插件功能,對於硬體環境不是頂好,或者是追求高畫質的玩家,也是多了一個選擇,就個人在不使用濾鏡的環境下執行而言,多少還是有點頓頓的,大約有 5X FPS 左右,不過比之上一個測試版本,也是有所改善。
只是 Unload Rom 及 Options 呈現灰色狀態,無法作用,不得不懷疑這版本真的是最終版本嗎?
話說回來,現在 CPS3 模擬差不多解決了,接下來應該會朝 NAOMI (聖騎士之戰系列) or ATOMIC WAVE (KOF XI、NBC...) 方向發展吧!(個人猜測)
[ 本文最後由 bluesrw 於 07-7-18 10:12 PM 編輯 ] |