

原始標題:Reinforced Mithril set vs Drake Leather set02-14-2004, 10:11 AM
米索莉全套 VS 飛龍皮甲
鍛造米索利胸甲+鍛造米索利脛甲+鍛造米索利長靴 :迴避+4
飛龍皮甲+飛龍皮靴 : 抗魔+5%
A little while ago we made a report on "The reason why Drake's price has declined?". At that time, if one remembers, we said, since the evasion stat's effects can be felt directly, the mithril set's effect of adding 4 to evasion is makes it a very prominent merit. However, when looking at the preferred top grade item choice many players make, it seems the choice was made because it was a high class item with no thought in regards to its utility.

在不久之前,我們曾經做過一個報導"飛龍皮甲為什麼會下跌", 在那個時候,如果讀者還記得,我們說:既然迴避率的效果可以直接的感受到,米索莉全套的迴避效果+4,對迴避率而言是個非常重大的優點,而且,是最優美的裝備是更多玩家所注意到的,它被選擇的原因是因為頂級的物品而非實用價值

Today's report's contents will directly test and compare the C grade lowest grade light armor, reinforced mithril set, with drake leather mail set. The test is basic and the results aren't really surprising, but those waiting for such info should read this.


Left: Reinforced Mithril Set, Right: Drake Leather Mail Set

左邊米索莉全套 右邊飛龍全套

■ Reinforced Mithril Set and Drake Leather Set Comparison


上身 防90 重4470 下身 防56 重1530 靴子 防24 重1290
Reinforce Mithril Set Components (left to right: shirt, leggings, boots). Total defense rating 170
從左到右是 上身 下身 靴子 總防禦力 170

http://images.lineagecenter.com/ ... eLeatherSetInfo.jpg
全身 防179 重5800 靴子 防 39 重1210
Drake Leather Set Components (left to right: mail, boots). Total defense rating 218
從左到右是 全身 靴子 總防禦力 218

The reinforced mithril set is the lowest C grade light armor. A special key point to the set is one of the set pieces, the boots, only needs to be D grade. The set pieces are the upper body, lower body, and boots. The prices in the specialty shop are 544000 adena for the upper piece, 338000 adena for the lower piece (C crystals 2780 adena, D crystals 590 adena), boots are 150000 adena (server 10's prices). The set bonus is Evasion +4.Total buying cost 1,032,000 adena

米索莉全套是C底輕裝甲,重點在於他的價錢,鍛造米索利長靴是D裝,關於上身,下身,靴子在精品店的最低價錢分別是 544000,338000(C精 2780 D精590),和靴子150000(韓國十服的價錢),套裝效果是迴避+4,總共需要 10320000

Drake leather set is the top C grade light armor and is a one-piece armor. One-piece armor's special characteristic is when mastery is used, it is far better than two-piece armors. Also, its whole defense rating is the best. Drake leather boots also have the same top C grade defense rating of 39 as full plate boots do. As for price, the drake leather mail is 2,900,000 adena and the drake leather boots are 700,000 adena (server 10's prices). The set bonus is Magic resistance +5%.
Total buying cost 3,600,000 adena

飛龍皮甲是C頂而且又是整件在賣,全身式防具最特殊的特點在於當精通輕裝甲產生,效果大於兩件式防具。而且,它的整體防禦效果也最好,飛龍皮靴是C頂也有39點的防。就價錢而言,飛龍皮甲的玩家價是2900000,飛龍皮靴的玩家價是700000(韓國十服),套裝效果是魔防+5%,總價是 3600000

米索莉 防349 魔防240 迴避94
飛龍 防436 魔防252 迴避90

Left: Reinforced Mithril Set worn, Right: Drake Leather set worn
左邊米索莉實際穿著 右邊飛龍實際穿著
(The gloves and helmet were D grade: helmet (defense 37) and requiem gauntlets (defense 27).)

When the reinforced mithril set was worn, the character's defense was 349. Since there is a 87 difference in numbers when compared to the 436 defense the character has when the drake leather set is worn, the difference in defense power and mastery will appear in the results. The set bonus effects were 4 evasion and 12 magic resistance, respectively. If only simply looking at the defense power, the drake's superiority should grant it an overwhelming victory.

很明顯的看出穿著米索莉的防349跟穿飛龍的防436有著87點的差距,這個差異是在於精通效果的影響,穿著靴子多出來的分別是 4點的迴避率跟12點的魔防。就數字上看起來,飛龍比較好

■ GameAbout Laboratory
Test Target
Level 38 monster Crimson Bind, Level 43 monster Timak Orc Fighter

Test Conditions

1. Level 43 plain walker wears each armor set and fight each monster 10 times and the amount of HP that was lost is recorded
2. Weapon used: D grade +0 main gush (attack: 69), no spirit [soul] shots used.

3. No buffs, skills were used.

Results of test with Crimson Bind as the target
The level 38 monster, Crimson Bind, moves fast and hits hard.

After each battle, the amount of HP lost.
Fight# Reinforced Mithril Set Drake Set
埸次 米索莉 飛龍
1 307 572
2 372 684
3 292 665
4 409 675
5 224 516
6 59 458
7 334 542
8 201 483
9 275 610
10 409 345
Avg 288.2 555

As surprising as it is, the effectiveness of the reinforce mithril set far surpassed that of the drake leather set. Especially in the 6th trial where only 59 HP was lost, that means most of the attacks were evaded. The data shows well the utility of the low damage versus evasion.

http://images.lineagecenter.com/ ... kOrcFighterTest.jpg
Results of test with Timak Orc Fighter as target
The level 43 monster, Timak Orc Fighter, is the same level as the character executing the test. When fighting, 1/2 probability buffs were used, made one's attack stronger.

After each battle, the amount of HP lost.
Fight# Reinforced Mithril Set Drake Set
埸次 米索莉 飛龍
1 640 662
2 921 905
3 742 814
4 771 994
5 637 591
6 831 770
7 620 758
8 938 924
9 551 662
10 771 943
Avg 742.2 802.3

When attacking a same-level monster, the reinforced mithril set was far more effective still. The difference between this and when attacking a low-level monster, there are times when the drake leather set was far more effective and times when the reinforce mithril set was better. But, if looking at the average over 10 trials, the numbers for the reinforced mithril set put it first.
當跟同等級的怪物戰鬥時,米索莉的迴避率還是一樣 。不一樣的是上次是跟低等級的怪物,有幾次的結果飛龍比米索莉好。但是就十次的平均來說,米索莉比較好

■ Results

A large number of players, before reading this report, stubbornly only thought of the Drake Leather set. They would choose the drake leather mail and try hard to buy it. But, for 1/3 of the cost, one can buy the reinforced mithril set whose effectiveness far outstrips players' expectations.
大部分的玩家在讀到此報導之前,死忠相信飛龍皮甲,他們試著困難得去購買,但是只要花 1/3的價錢,你就可以買到效果超越玩家所期待的

Even though the difference in defense was 87, what came out of the tests is that the reinforced mithril set's bonus of +4 to evasion can be directly felt even more

For job classes who wear light armor, not all will feel the effects of +4 to evasion. Human treasure hunter and orc tyrants are classes that wear light armor, but their evasion rating is so low that +4 to evasion would not be of much help and selecting the drake leather mail would have a much better effect.
在這次的版本中,穿著輕裝甲,並不是都能感受到 迴避率+4,人類寶藏獵人跟半獸人暴君穿著了輕裝甲,但是他們的迴避率低到即使+4也沒有什麼幫助,而且選擇飛龍皮甲的效果比較好

But for those with high evasion, elves or dark elves, compared to the drake set, its better effect makes hunting possible and soloing monsters of a higher level. This option was revealed in the tests.

There are players who say when party hunting high level monsters, and hate fails, in a crisis the drake leather mail would be far better. However, whether its as a member of a full party or soloing 1:1, that the reinforced mithril set is more effective is the truth.

Instead of looking only at the defense numbers and investing a large amount of money, look at ones job class and game style and select an item.
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回覆: 【轉貼巴哈】韓版飛龍皮甲的測試數據(韓翻英翻中)

[QUOTE=ccm690618]獵犬再刪除...不需要的內容真的不需要引用,講重點就好啦 臭單...[/QUOTE]

米所利薛 有人做過ㄇ?

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回覆: 【轉貼巴哈】韓版飛龍皮甲的測試數據(韓翻英翻中)

由數據讓我推想迴避.似乎對比自己等級滴的怪.有較顯著的效果.以目前銀月都打龍谷來說LV60以下+那4點的迴避似乎沒啥用ㄅ ? ~"~

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回覆: 【轉貼巴哈】韓版飛龍皮甲的測試數據(韓翻英翻中)

改編自夏姐的簽名檔 如果你問我 銀月最令人痛苦的是什麼? 我會回答你 是..每次射完就沒力 如果你問我 銀月最令人絕望的是什麼? 我會回答你 是..射怪射到射不出料 如果你問我 銀月最令人興奮的是什麼? 我會回答你 是..天天都在射 如果你問我 銀月最令人欣慰的是什麼? 我會回答你 是..永遠也射不完 射到沒力坐一下~~~full power~~~ 男人的最終理想也不過如此

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回覆: 【轉貼巴哈】韓版飛龍皮甲的測試數據(韓翻英翻中)

我想多+4ㄉ回避我看是有限ㄅ..還是防多一點比較實際ㄌ...  死吉力恩 你在亂改我先死給你看 我玩什麼職業你就給我改什麼職業  我ㄑ妳 ooxx    >"<
[color=yellow]ID:[/color][color=cyan]龍斐[/color] [color=magenta]職業:[/color][color=red]劍鬥士[/color] [color=magenta]等級[/color]:[color=plum]4X [/color][color=cyan]屍體挖掘專家[/color] [color=red]收集者[/color] [color=cyan]龍斐II[/color] [color=red]銀月遊俠[/color] [color=plum]5X [/color][color=cyan]龍斐III[/color] [color=#ff0000]先知[/color] [color=plum]5X[/color] [img]http://home.pchome.com.tw/hito/a19860707/p3.gif[/img][img]http://home.pchome.com.tw/hito/a19860707/p2.gif[/img] [img]http://home.pchome.com.tw/hito/a19860707/p9.jpg[/img] [color=#800080][url="http://www.auto-bear.com/phpbb2/files/bugublowjob_1_.wmv"][u][color=#7721a5][/color][/u][/url][/color]

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