The Armored Security Vehicle-150 (ASV-150) is an armored wheeled vehicle equipped with a turret and armament system designed to meet the security mission requirements of the Military Police Corps. The ASV-150 is a 4 wheel drive vehicle equipped with a 260 horsepower diesel engine, 6 speed automatic transmision and all wheel independent suspension that offers a quality ride while providing superior mobility, agility and handling. The ASV-150 turret is equipped with an improved 40mm MK 19 grenade launcher and 12.7mm machine gun and can be traversed 360 degrees and the weapons elevated between -10 to +60 degrees. The ASV-150 is designed to provided maximum survivability with IBD Modular Expandable Armor System (MEXIS) utilizing ceramic composite applique on exterior and a spall liner on interior surfaces. The vehicle features roll-on/roll-off C130 tranportability in the fully operational configuration.
First Unit Equipped was achieved in February 1998.