- 鐵幣
- 2446 元
- 文章
- 1415 篇
- 聲望
- 487 枚
- 上次登入
- 10-10-29
- 精華
- 1
- 註冊時間
- 06-4-18
- 250842
想來國外嗎?~想在國外打工嗎? 每個國家的習俗都不一樣~在下相信resume 也不一樣
How to Write a Resume
1. A resume should be clear and concise; preferably one page, maximum two pages
2. Layout: make it easy to read and eye-catching. Use capitals, bold or italics
3. Proofread carefully to ensure that there are no mistakes
1. Name, address, and phone number
2. Position applied for or career objective (optional)
3. Eduation: start with most recent, and go back from there. If incomplete, say 'inprograss'
4. Demonstrated Abilites (optional). Can include things such as organizational skills, teamwork skills, and additional skills (eg. trainging in progress, certificates held)
5. Work History: start with most recent first. Include dates (start to finish), position held, name of firm and address
6. Volunteer work (optional): dates, position, duties (optional), name of organization
7. Personal (optional): Languages, interest, DOB, other
8. References (optional) should include 3 |