

Still for your love  song by:rumania montevideo

作詞:三好真美  作曲:三好誠  編曲:古井弘人、三好誠

何かが起こりそうな夜は 祈りをささげて 目を閉じなよ

こんな月のとける夜に 愛され生まれてきたのとママは言った

お願い遠くへ行かないでと なぜママは涙を流すの

ずっとずっとそばにいるよ 小さな心で思ってたけど

あの人に会うまでは 心ゆらされるまえは

そして全てはからまわり 未来がちぎれるのを見た

さぁ 裸足になって 大地けって 虹をこえて 空をつかんで

I wish 胸の十字架をにぎり 朝は

希望があなたにふりそそぎ 夜は

やわらかな光が あなたを包みこみ 明日への勇気を与える

幼い頃に うえつけられた傷は重く 心にのしかかり

暗き狭い世界で 心ない世界で

ゆりかごに似た やすらかな Final song

もう二度と 会えないとわかってても

色を変えてもつながってるから 空は

白い羽ね 身につけ 大きくはばたいて

未来を変えるよ この手で

I wish 胸の十字架をにぎり 朝は

希望が あなたに ふりそそぎ 夜は

やわらかな光が あなたを包みこみ 明日への勇気を与える

I wish forever her great happiness

Everynight in your dream I see you, I feel you

Tears stood in her eyes Please don't cry

Forever still for you, still for your love

Still for your love  song by:rumania montevideo

Written:Mami Miyoshi

Composed:Makoto Miyoshi

Arranged:Hirohito Furui . Makoto Miyoshi

Nani ka ga okorisou na yoru wa inori wo sasagete me wo toji na yo

Konna tsuki no tokeru yoru ni ai sarete umarete kita no to mama wa itta

"O-negai tooku e ikanaide" to naze mama wa namida wo nagasu no

Zutto Zutto soba ni iru yo Chiisa na kokoro de omotte 'ta kedo

Ano hito ni au made wa kokoro yurusareru made wa

So*****e subete wa karamawari mirai ga chigireru no wo mita

Saa Hadashi ni natte daichi kette niji wo koete sora wo tsukande

I wish mune no juujika wo nigiri asa wa

Kibou ga anata ni furisosogi yoru wa

Yawaraka na hikari ga anata wo tsutsumikomi a*****a e no yuuki wo ataeru

Osanai koro ni uetsurareta kizu wa omoku kokoro ni noshikakari

Kurai semai sekai de kokoro nai sekai de

Yurikago ni nita yasuraka na Final song

Mou nido to aenai to wakatte 'te mo

Iro wo kaete mo tsunagatte 'ru kara sora wa

Shiroi hane mi ni tsuke ookiku habataite

Mirai wo kaeru yo kono te de

I wish mune no juujika wo nigiri asa wa

Kibou ga anata ni furisosogi yoru wa

Yawaraka na hikari ga anata wo tsutsumikomi a*****a e no yuuki wo ataeru

I wish forever her great happiness

Everynight in your dream I see you, I feel you

Tear stood in her eyes Please don't cry

Forever still for you, still for your love

作詞:三好真美  作曲:三好誠  編曲:古井弘人、三好誠

似乎有什麼事要發生的夜晚 閉上雙眼獻上祈禱吧!
在這樣的月亮要融解的夜晚中 媽媽說愛會漸漸產生出來的

我希望不要到遠處去 為什麼媽媽要流著眼淚?
我一直一直在你身邊啊! 雖然我小小的內心是這麼認為的
直到遇見他 直到心產生動搖
所以一切都是沒用的 我看見未來被撕成碎片
來 打著赤腳 踩著大地 穿越彩虹 抓住天空

I wish 緊握胸前十字架的早晨
都有柔和的光芒 將你緊緊包圍著 給與面對明天的勇氣

在孩提時 辛苦培植的傷口壓抑在沉重的胸口上
在又黑又窄的世界裡 在沒有心的世界裡
像是在搖籃中 有個安眠的Final Song

白色羽毛附著在身上 極盡所能地振翅飛翔

I wish 緊握胸前十字架的早晨
都有柔和的光芒 將你緊緊包圍著 給與面對明天的勇氣

I wish forever her great happiness

Everynight in your dream I see you, I feel you

Tear stood in her eyes Please don't cry

Forever still for you, still for your love

On nights when it seems like somethings about to happen
Don't close your eyes and offer a prayer
It was on a night like this, when the moon was melting
That I was loved and born, so my mama said

"Please, don't go far away"
Why did mama say this with tears in her eyes?
We'll always, always be close together
In my small heart, I believed that would be so

At least until I meet that person
At least until my heart is set swaying
But then, I saw that all was in vain
That my future was in tatters
Now, becoming bare-footed, kicking up the earth
Crossing the rainbow, and seizing the sky

I wish, grasping the cross on my chest; in the morning
Hope will rain down on you; at night
A gentle light will envelop you
And give you courage for tomorrow

When I was young
The wounds inflicted on me
Weighed heavily on my heart
In this dark and narrow world
In this heartless world
A gentle final song, like a cradle

Even though I know we can't meet ever again
Even if the colors changed, we're still connected; the sky
Gives me white wings, which I give a big flap
I'll change the future, with these hands

I wish, grasping the cross on my chest; in the morning
Hope will rain down on you; at night
A gentle light will envelop you
And give you courage for tomorrow

I wish, forever her great happiness
Every night in your dream, I see you, I feel you
Tears stood in her eyes, please don't cry
Forever still for you, still for your love
You can't know that until you leave.

Nothing can start by running away from reality.

The future may be painful…

But we…

…have to face reality.
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