

Well, my teacher hand back my test and I failed T.T...
Ho~I don't like my teacher...
OK, back to the main point...
My teacher said that the test was too terrible...
So she wants to have another test on adjective clause and phrase...
And! Tomorrow is the test...T.T...
I wonder which one need to use transitional words?
Help me plz...
I am dying...so many hw this semester...
It's like every block one hw....
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Don't feel frustration, you would pass next time.

I forgot how to  use transitional words....=.="
Maybe I should get some tip ...

But I hope this web could help you.


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原文由羽~風之翼 於 07-10-16 03:44 PM 發表
Well, my teacher hand back my test and I failed T.T...
Ho~I don't like my teacher...
OK, back to the main point...
My teacher said that the test was too terrible...
So she wants to have another test o ...

Is reducing adj clauses to adj phrases your question?

I guess that I still remember it.

First of all, If the verb in the clause is active verb, yuo can just take out the sub in the clause and change the verb to ing form.


Adj Clause                                                                             Adj phrases
The pretty girl who talked to me yesterday was my friend.---->The pretty girl talking to me yesterday was my friend.
The pretty girl who usually talk to me is my friend.---->The pretty girl talking to me is my friend.

The pretty girl who is talking to me is my friend.---->The pretty girl talking to me is my friend.

Second, If the verb in your clause is passive. you can take out the sub and be form in the clause.


The pretty girl who was kissed by me was my friend.---->The pretty kissed by me was my friend.

Third, There is one kind of adj clause that can't be reduced:注意


The pretty girl whom I kissed was my friend.----->none

Tell me, if there are any mistakes. I am a ESL student not a English teacher. I am doing researchs with you not tech you, so my answers may not be correct. You may want to ask Katliang. by the way, Didn't your text book show you how to reduce them?

[ 本文最後由 霹靂無敵貓 於 07-10-16 06:26 PM 編輯 ]

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總評分:  聲望 + 2   檢視全部評分
蒼天的藍耀  我很贊同  發表於 07-10-17 11:51 聲望 + 2 枚  回覆一般留言

What I usually do is whenever I finish writing anything, I would go back and see if anything can be reduced or not.  If when I am rereading my words, and I found out that I am over describing myself, then I would find a way to reduce whatever is necessary.  The examples given above are great, because common mistake, people make are using "who is...." or " whom is....".  That is overly redundent.  And to make your words sound better, you can use other adjective without using the words who or whom.  Try to contain who and whom in question forms and less on the normal form.

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總評分:  聲望 + 2   檢視全部評分
蒼天的藍耀  en en, it's is right!  發表於 07-10-17 11:59 聲望 + 2 枚  回覆一般留言

原文由霹靂無敵貓 於 07-10-16 18:15 發表

Is reducing adj clauses to adj phrases your question?

I guess that I still remember it.

First of all, If the verb in the clause is active verb, yuo can just take out the sub in the clause and chan ...

Thx!!!! This thing helped me a lot!
Well, I didn't find any error but some typing error :)
Actually, it was my friend who confused me...
He said adj phrases was the one using transitional words....
Then I start to feel confused because if the transitional words are use in phrases. How come I would get a F...
So, I come here to ask:)

------This is not the line----

原文由幻影神兵 於 07-10-16 16:51 發表
Don't feel frustration, you would pass next time.

I forgot how to  use transitional words....=.="
Maybe I should get some tip ...

But I hope this web could help you.

http://www.mun.ca/writ ...

LOL, I know transitional words, it's just my friend confused me with adj phrase and clause....
Because, I know that one of them contains who, whom...etc...
Just dunno which one = ="
For the test, I do feel a "little" bit frustrated...
However, I must pass this one...
This web is good ^^, thx for sharing~

[ 本文最後由 羽~風之翼 於 07-10-16 07:44 PM 編輯 ]

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can we have like a sample of your writing and then we can give you more suggestions?

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原文由Katliang 於 07-10-16 19:43 發表
can we have like a sample of your writing and then we can give you more suggestions?

Ok, but not the test one...she collected back...

Adj Clause only:
1. Animals that are born in a zoo generally adjust to captivity better tahn those that are captured in the wild.
2.The children attended a special movie program that consisted fo caroons that featured Donald Duck and Micky Mouse.

Adj Clause and Phrases:
1. When we walked past the theater, there were a lot of people waited in a long line outside the box office.
2. Last Saturday I attendeda party giving by one of my friends. My friend, who his apartment is in another town, was very glad I could come.

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1. Animals that are born in the zoo are generally adjusted to capcity better than those that are captured in the wild.
2. The children attended a special movie program that consisted of cartoons featuring Donald Duck and Micky Mouse

2. Last Saturday, I attended a party thrown by one of my friends, whose apartment is in another town.  He was very glad I could come.


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