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I'm leaving

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Hi guys, it's been a though time since I've silently decided to quit my board managing job, and so today I've got the courage to do so and posted my resigition (wow too much chinese makes my english go incredibly wrong) So I've come to say my goodbyes and at the same time ask for anyone to stand up and help the english board to become a much stronger and popular board if anyways possible.  Lastly thanks to all the people who support me throughout these monthes and I really appreciate all the things you guys have done for me.  I will come back once in a while to help out with any problems and still by all means pm me, and I'll try to answer your question asap.
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so who is going to be the new forum master???

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原文由 直落不蘭雅 於 08-5-19 08:16 AM 發表 [原文]
so who is going to be the new forum master???

Hmm...it'll be a long time wait for new moderator.


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回應 直落不蘭雅 第 2 篇文章

you can always take over the forum and help these people ^^

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原帖由 Katliang 於 08-5-19 10:22 發表
you can always take over the forum and help these people ^^

what do you mean "take over"?? you mean Literally??


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well I've already resigned so you can always just apply for the job when your level is right and moderate the board ^^

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