
樓主: Moun

Name:                 Ethan Wallace
Allegiance:         Unaligned / Eldritch Society
Profession:        university Student / Tager
Age:                22
Race:                 Human
Virtues:        Patient
Flaws:                Dull

Agility:        7/8/10        
Intelligence:        7
Preception:        7/8/10
Presence:        5
Strength:        5/5/7
Tenacity:        7/8/10

Skills: (22-8+10=24)

>Free Skills:
>>Language: Expert (English)
>>Literacy: Novice
>>Regional Knowledge: Novice

>General Skills:
>>(I)Education: Adept (3)
>>(I)Medicine: Novice (2)
>>(P)Misdirect: Adept (3) Focus: Lie (0.5)
>>(E)Observation: Adept (3)
>>(P)Research: Adept (3)
>>(A)Stealth: Adept (3) Focus: Silent Movement (0.5)

>Combat Skills:
>>(A)Fighting: Adept (3)
>>(A)Dodge: Adept (3)



>Assets: (-8)
>>Tager                (4)
>>Wealth        (2)
>>Fast                (2)

>Drawbacks: (+10)
>>Duty        (Eldritch Society)        (3)
>>Duty        (Sister)                (1)
>>Fanatical (Defend the weak from anything that would prey on them)        (3)
>>Dark Secret (Murdered his uncle)        (3)

Agility +2

Secondary Attributes: (Human)
>>Actions: 2
>>Movement: 13 mph (32/8 ypt - modify by Fast Asset)
>>Orgone: 6
>>Reflex: 8 (modify by Fast Asset)
>>Vitality: 11
>>Drama Points: 10
>>Insanity Point: 1

Secondary Attributes: (tager)
>>Actions: 3
>>Movement: 17 mph (42/10 ypt - modify by Fast Asset)
>>Orgone: 6
>>Reflex: 10 (modify by Fast Asset)
>>Vitality: 13
>>Drama Points: 10
>>Insanity Point: 1

Personal History:

The Wallace family was a well to do family, one that made their wealth in the new age of war and strife, until finally the war caught up with them, and Ethan's parents were killed during an attack on the arcology. Who made the attack did not matter, the fact that his parents were killed by friendly fire from NEG counterattack showed him how ineffective the military truly were.

After the incident, he and his sister were placed under the care of their uncle, a vile and greedy man who squandered most of his family's once considerable fortune, and took pleasure in physically and mentally abusing both children. Finally deciding that he could depend on nobody to potect them, he started to secretly sneak away and study ways that he can be free of his uncle's harsh entrapment.

It got worse when his sister hitted puberty, and their uncle started to take perculier interest toward her. Having no other choice, Ethan finally did something based on medical texts he found in the library: He laced his uncle's recreational drugs with lethal poison.

The experience had been both 'interesting' and liberating. He even surprised himself by not feeling the slightest guilt at what he did, though he assumed he would if the one he killed was not as vile as his uncle was. The following investigation was quick and shallow. His uncle's ill-reputation and shady connections already made him potential target for many, and who would suspect his polite and courteous, if a little aloof, stepson would be the one to actually do it?

Being close enough to legal adulthood to avoid having another foster parent, Ethan had been taking care of his sister ever since. He had taken a morbid interest toward the field of medicine. As a doctor he would be able to help more people in need, something that both NEG and his uncle had failed to do. And if he ever need to do again what he once did to his uncle, he might as well be professional about it.


His younger sister of 4 years apart, Thresa, does not get along with him very well, and live in the other side of arcology with him dropping by now and then to check on her.


Quiet, unremarkable person who is usually good at whatever he is doing. Blinks more rarely than is normal and almost never smile. Not too socialable, but will not ignore others when spoken to and is known to be easy to work with in group projects. As a matter of fact, he is so ready to offer assistance to those he see as in need of helping that it seems slightly unnerving to the few who know him. Add to the fact that he always looks as if he is watching and listening to everything around him, and is constantly on guard as if everyone is out to get him, it's not surprising that he has to social life of a blank paper.

People who dislike him call him "The Statue of Ethan".


We're supposed to say something about our character here, right?

Here's a summary.

Well, mine's a rough equalivent of a first year med-school student, slightly bookwormish and not good around people. Not shy, but mostly just don't see the point of it. Due to childhood experience though he's usually the first one to offer help to those he sees as weaker than he is.

Both parents died during an attack on their arcology. Took care of by an uncle who later ODed on drugs and died. Have a younger sister who don't get along with him and live away. Support himself and his sister with his family fortune and have no prior contact with the ES.


(Public Version)

Name:                 Ethan Wallace
Allegiance:         Unaligned / Eldritch Society
Profession:        University Student - 1st year Med School/ Tager
Age:                22
Race:                 Human
Virtues:        Patient
Flaws:                Dull

Agility:        7/8/10        
Intelligence:        7
Preception:        7/8/10
Presence:        5
Strength:        5/5/7
Tenacity:        7/8/10

Skills: (22-8+10=24)

>Free Skills:
>>Language: Expert (English)
>>Literacy: Novice
>>Regional Knowledge: Novice

>General Skills:
>>(I)Education: Adept (3)
>>(I)Medicine: Novice (2)
>>(P)Misdirect: Adept (3) Focus: Lie (0.5)
>>(E)Observation: Adept (3)
>>(P)Research: Adept (3)
>>(A)Stealth: Adept (3) Focus: Silent Movement (0.5)

>Combat Skills:
>>(A)Fighting: Adept (3)
>>(A)Dodge: Adept (3)



>Assets: (-8)
>>Tager                (4)
>>Wealth        (2)
>>Fast                (2)

>Drawbacks: (+10)
>>Duty        (Eldritch Society)        (3)
>>Duty        (Sister)                (1)
>>Fanatical (Defend the weak from anything that would prey on them)        (3)
>>**********        (3)

Agility +2

Secondary Attributes: (Human)
>>Actions: 2
>>Movement: 13 mph (32/8 ypt - modify by Fast Asset)
>>Orgone: 6
>>Reflex: 8 (modify by Fast Asset)
>>Vitality: 11
>>Drama Points: 10
>>Insanity Point: 1

Secondary Attributes: (tager)
>>Actions: 3
>>Movement: 17 mph (42/10 ypt - modify by Fast Asset)
>>Orgone: 6
>>Reflex: 10 (modify by Fast Asset)
>>Vitality: 13
>>Drama Points: 10
>>Insanity Point: 1

Personal History:

The Wallace family was a well to do family, one that made their wealth in the new age of war and strife, until finally the war caught up with them, and Ethan's parents were killed during an attack on the arcology. Who made the attack did not matter, the fact that his parents were killed by friendly fire from NEG counterattack showed him how ineffective the military truly were.

After the incident, he and his sister were placed under the care of their uncle, a vile and greedy man who squandered most of his family's once considerable fortune, and took pleasure in physically and mentally abusing both children. Finally deciding that he could depend on nobody to potect them, he started to secretly sneak away and study ways that he can be free of his uncle's harsh entrapment.

It continue until one day when his uncle suddenly died of drug overdose. Being close enough to legal adulthood to avoid having another foster parent, Ethan had been taking care of his sister ever since. He had taken a morbid interest toward the field of medicine. As a doctor he would be able to help more people in need, something that both NEG and his uncle had failed to do.

That was what brought him to the library...


His younger sister of 4 years apart, Thresa, does not get along with him very well, and live in the other side of arcology with him dropping by now and then to check on her.


Quiet, unremarkable person who is usually good at whatever he is doing. Blinks more rarely than is normal and almost never smile. Not too socialable, but will not ignore others when spoken to and is known to be easy to work with in group projects. As a matter of fact, he is so ready to offer assistance to those he see as in need of helping that it seems slightly unnerving to the few who know him. Add to the fact that he always looks as if he is watching and listening to everything around him, and is constantly on guard as if everyone is out to get him, it's not surprising that he has to social life of a blank paper.

People who dislike him call him "The Statue of Ethan".

Equipment: (Forgot about it in my original character sheet)
PCPU w/wireless communication earpiece
Portable HIU
Swiss Army Knife w/ Laser Pointer
VX-1100 Magnum (Wasn't actually his, but one of his uncle's various "investments" with his family fortune. While Ethan kept it in good condition, he almost never touched it - Public Transit is good enough to get around town.)



... 這始終也是 Cthulhu 嘛。


[ 本文章最後由 Moun 於 08-12-1 20:51 編輯 ]

回覆 使用道具 檢舉

Name:                 Robert Wei-Lun Cho
Allegiance:         OIS
Profession:        Field Agent/Ex-Undercover Agent
Age:                42
Race:                 Human
Virtues:        Relax
Flaws:                Irreverent

Agility:        7        
Intelligence:        7
Perception:        7
Presence:        5
Strength:        5
Tenacity:        5

Skills: (22-10+10+12=34)

>Free Skills:
>>Language(English): Expert
>>Literacy: Novice
>>Regional Knowledge: Novice

>General Skills:
>>(In)Bureaucracy: Student        1
>>(In)Law Enforcement: Student        1
>>(Ag)Criminal: Novice                2
>>(Pr)Misdirect: Adept                3
>>(Pe)Observation: Adept        3
>>(In)Occult: Novice                2
>>(Pr)Persuade: Adept                3
>>(In)Streetwise: Adept                3 / Focused: Rumormill
>>(In)Security: Novice                2
>>(Ag)Stealth: Novice                2
>>(In)Surveillance: Adept        3
(In)Language(Chinese):Student (E5)
(In)Language(Nazzadi):Student (E5)

>Combat Skills:
>>(Ag)Dodge: Adept                3
>>(Pe)Marksman: Adept                3 / Focused: Handgun Gunplay
>>(Ag)Fighting: Novice                2 / Focused: NEG Military Unarm Combat (E15)

>>Agility:        3        
>>Intelligence:        3
>>Perception:        3
>>Presence:        2
>>Strength:        2
>>Tenacity:        2


>Assets: (10)
>>Authority        (3) (OIS)
>>Contact         (3) 1 High / 1 Med / 2 Low
>>Wary                (2)
>>Ambidextrous        (2)
Famous Incident 1 (OIS) (E5) --- Years of service plus whatever it is that he forgot about.

>Drawbacks: (10)
>>Duty        (OIS)                (2)
>>Damaged                (2)
>>Shadow Walker                (3)
>>Misfit (OIS)                (1)
>>Watched (OIS)                (1)
>>Phobia (Wings)        (1)

Skill Points +12        (6)

Secondary Attributes:
>>Actions:         2
>>Movement:         11 mph (27/6 ypt)
>>Orgone:         11
>>Reflex:         7
>>Vitality:         10
>>Drama Points: 10
>>Insanity Point: 1 (Background Related)

Personal History:
The Streets are calling to him.

Not literally yet, though in today's world that could always happen.He should know. After all he had been walking the streets, breathing the rancid air of back alleys and mixing with companies your average civilians couldn't even imagine for nearly two decades.

He was one of those whose been out there for so long that he's now more crook than cop. Even now sitting behind a desk, in the office he didn't aware of having until they told him about it, he had no idea what he was supposed to do. Hell, he didn't even know where the toilets were until a week ago.

He had quite forgotten how to be a proper "good guy".

So why did they put him back on the job? Common procedure would have been to reel him in, gave him a few glowing commendation and than shoved him off to an early retirement.

There was probably a good reason if he could remember.

Strange, really. He remembered his whole life from when he was a kid to all the shady businesses he did in the name of NEG. He vaguely remembered the hospital they found him in. All the months of physical and mental therapies were a little fuzzy but largely still there. The very reason of why and how he ended up in the hospital though, that was just one big blank spot, more precise than someone drilling into his head and removing all the relevent bits.

Except for the wings. He still wakes screaming up in the middle of the night from the dream of wings, but he's starting to get a hold of it.

Must have been an assignment, that much he figured out. But if anyone knew anything, they weren't planning to tell him about it.

At least they approved his request to go back onto field status. He sure as hell didn't plan to die behind a desk, both metaphorically and literally speaking.

A balding, talkative Asian man who looks older than his age. Seems harmless on a glance and quite engaging. Bit of a social chameleon in that he tends to roll with how his audience reacts. Generally friendly and is willing to break a rule or three when it suits him.

Underneath all that though is a man who have taken a lifetime probing and bartering information that he doesn't really know how to stop. He remembers whatever he can, dig for even more, and always have a card up his sleeve in case he needs a quick blackmail or two. he doesn't consider anyone his friend because after all these years living two seperate lives he is no longer sure how to differentiate between the mutually exclusive roles. People rarely catch his "cold" moments, but they happen, once every now and then.

It's both him, though he's not really sure which is which.

He was married in his twenties. It only lasted a few years before his wife up and left him. There's also been one or two short-term relationships along the line. Might have a kid or two tuck up somewhere, but he's not sure nor care.

Sentrytech MK-IV Concealed Armor
UT-9 Stinger
UT-9 Stinger
Conceal Holster
10mm Ammos
Stun Baton
PCPU & Wireless Earpiece
Pen Recorder

Pioneer SUV
(In trunk)
Binoculars w/ Compass
Med Kit w/ bioscanner
AHP Instant Pain Killers (10 dose)
M-6 Shotgun
12 Gauge Shots & Slugs
An icebox full of booze

EXP Mod(30):
Learned (In)Language(Chinese):Student (5)
Learned (In)Language(Nazzadi):Student (5)
Gain Focused: NEG Military Unarm Combat (15)
Gain Asset: Famous Incident 1 (OIS) (5) --- Years of service plus whatever it is that he forgot about.


Contacts for Robert (PM)

High: I have no idea and it's better to leave in your hands anyhow.

Mid: Heba.
Proud owner of a Nazzadi Jazz Bar. Knows alot about things that are happening, largely because he lets many of them happen in his bar, while having enough contacts of his own to keep them happening without much troubles. Too human and too shrewd for a Nazzadi, whatever he knows about Robert he isn't telling, and they have a favor-for-favor relationship that can always turn ugly at the drop of a hat... But for today the first drink is still on the house.

Low: "The Lightning" Kidd.
A XenoWhite streetkid who is a good source of information however he comes by them.... But also tends to get into troubles. Nothing "Robman" can't talk their ways out of... yet, but the kid has him worried somewhat. Real name unknown, and seems to be off the NEG watch-grid as well, "Kidd" is what he called himself, "The Lightning" by others for reason unknown.

Low: Uncle Tam.
Old OLD Chinese Herbal Doctor in what passes for Chinatown nowadays. Used to be a big man in the Hungs (Traditional Chinese Mafia that was big a century ago) in his days, but nowadays he is a retired man from a shrunken traditional gang that got left behind by the 21st century. Still keeps a ear open though for whatever comes their way.
"Uncle" is a nickname that sort of turns into a honorific. In the old days he was in the cocaine cicle and powerful enough to make anyone say uncle, whereas now he's pretty much just everybody's uncle.

...These or whatever you come up with.


又是 Cthulhutech (系統對味嘛)。無間得過了火位的老差骨(幫派電影的老橋段了)。身份障礙中。


[ 本文章最後由 Moun 於 08-12-1 19:49 編輯 ]

回覆 使用道具 檢舉

He finds himself looking out into the distance more and more.

Food is losing their taste. The off duty card games have become stale and lethargic. Nights get longer and he spend most of them looking up the ceiling. The world is turning Black and White and Silent. Nothing outside the cockpit matter.

Inside the cockpit, fear reign.

He can smell the burning smog, aftertaste of an energy beam's passing, even in his insulated coffin; He can see people, firends and enemies, fight and die far too often; He can move, pilot the walking vechicle of death and perform the task he is tasked to perform.

What he cannot do is think. If he thinks, all that he thinks off is to run away. Something that he can never do, as there are too many people who counts on to soldiers like him to keep them safe; Too many brother-in-arms who counts on him to keep them alive, and them to him as well.

And there really are nowhere else he can run to, isn't it?

He finds himself looking out into the distance more and more. Beats thinking about things, at least.

Even if the effort is but futile struggle, as long as he can pull the trigger, here he is.

        *        *        *

Name:                 John Bhekizizwe Mathebula
Allegiance:         NEG military
Profession:        Mecha Pilot
Age:                33
Race:                 Human
Virtues:        Dedicated
Flaws:                Pessimist

Agility:        8       
Intelligence:        5
Perception:        7
Presence:        4
Strength:        5
Tenacity:        8

*Skills: (22+5+6+2=35)

>Free Skills: (0)
>>Language(English): Expert
>>Literacy: Novice
>>Regional Knowledge: Novice

>General Skills: (13)
>>(Sp)Athletics:Novice                2        
>>(In)Demolitions:Adept                3
>>(Pe)Observation:Novice        2
>>(Ag)Pilot:Master                5
>>(Te)Survival:Student                1               

>Combat Skills: (22)
>>(Ag)Armed Fighting: Adept        3 Specialized: Mech,
>>(Ag)Dodge:Master                5 Specialized: Mech,
>>(Pe)Marksman:Master                5 Specialized: Mech, Sniping, Rifle Gunplay
>>(Ag)Fighting:Adept                3 Specialized: Mecha Close Quarter Weapons,

Agility:        4       
Intelligence:        2
Perception:         3
Presence:        2
Strength:        2
Tenacity:        4

>Assets: (4)
>>Authority (NEG)        3
>>Commendation (Courage Under Fire)        1

>Drawbacks: (9)
>>Duty (NEG)                2
>>Depressive                2
>>Coward                2
>>Low Pain Threshold        3

Preception +1        (3)
Skill Points +6        (3)
Skill Points +2 (1)**

Secondary Attributes:
>>Actions:         2
>>Movement:         11 mph (27/6 ypt)
>>Orgone:         11
>>Reflex:         6
>>Vitality:         11
>>Drama Points: 10
>>Insanity Point: 0 (But quite close to getting one)

Personal History:
South African borned who was driven to the state as a refugee during the First Arcanotech War. He was only 7 at the time.

Originally a fiercely driven young man who had determined to take back their world and protected other from the fate that befell him, from the beginning of the Second Arcanotech War to now, over a decade of partically endless desperate battles had worn him down to the point of not believing that there would be an end to it. Or at least not an end that he would like to see, but then most probably won't live to see it anyhow.

While he is not unfriendly and quite welcoming to his teammates, whom he view as the closest thing to family there is, he tends to be zone out and stotic as his depressiveness gets to him. He also finds himself hard to focus and lost when not in combat.

Depend upon his moods, he can either be your regular buddy or someone obsessed with the futility of it all. He knows about his condition, but is unable to properly control them. The best he can do is to try his best to not spread it around. He is also not telling anyone about for fear of getting shipped away from the warzone, where he sees as a place that needs every help it can get right now.

On the other hand, even if he doesn't dare think about it, he does want to leave and never come back... Needlees to say, this inner conflict also worsen his moods and keeps him up at night.

Standard Mecha Pilot Gear
A thumb-sized, hand carved wooden sculpture. Carved by his uncle and is consider a good luck charm of sort.


*Note: Assuming the cheat can up skills beyond adept, and that Focused>Specialized still cost 1/2 skill point.



Cthulhutech 兼現在進行式。The Thin Red Line。Hamburger Hill。Apocolypse Now。第一個自問可能真的超越自己RP能力的角色。

現實風 Trauma 真的很難攪...


回覆 使用道具 檢舉

Name:                 Thresa Wallace
Allegiance:         Unaligned
Profession:        "Rigger for hire"
Age:                18
Race:                 Human
Gender:                Female
Virtues:        Imaginative
Flaws:                Reckless

Attributes & Feats:

Agility:        9 / 4d        
Intelligence:        8 / 4d
Preception:        5 / 2d
Presence:        6 / 3d
Strength:        5 / 2d
Tenacity:        5 / 2d

Skills:  (20+2-3+10+2=29)

>Free Skills:
>>Language: Expert (English)
>>Literacy: Novice
>>Regional Knowledge: Novice

>General Skills:
>>(Sp)Athletics: Adept (3)
>>(In)Communications: Adept (3)
>>(In)Computer: Adept (3)
>>(Ag)Criminal: Adept (3)
>>(In)Education: Student (1)
>>(In)Larceny: Adept (3)
>>(Ag)Pilot: Student (1) <---Licensed for Wheeled Vechicles
>>(In)Security: Adept (3)
>>(In)Technician: Adept (3) Focused: Mechanical

>Combat Skills:
>>(Ag)Dodge: Adept (3)
>>(Ag)Fighting: Adept (3) Focused: Hun-Zuti
>>(Ag)Marksman: Student (1)


>Assets: (-3)
>>Ally                        (1) <--- "The Marks", a Nazaddi youth gang that mostly just drew graffities and had minor infractions.
>>Wealth                (2) <--- What's left of the once vast family fortune.

>Drawbacks: (+10)
>>Damaged                (2) <--- Result of childhood abuse.
>>Ineptitude: Pilot        (2) <--- She's just plain no good at this for some reason. She had to rebuilt her bike for 3 seperate occations due to major crashes.
>>Major Phobia: Being left alone with middle-aged human male(s). (2) <--- Legacy of her uncle.
>>Obsession: Gadgets        (2) <--- Can't resist the urge to take unknown technologies apart and study them. Also do it as a distraction and stress reliever.
>>Misfit                (1) <--- Unable to understand the social norm in a psychological level. Fashion sense of a Hobo.
>>Watched                (1) <--- On police record for various Misdemoners and vandalisms.

Cheats: (6=1)
Agility +2 (6)
Skill Points +2 (1)

Secondary Attributes:
>>Actions: 2
>>Movement: 13 mph (32/8 ypt)
>>Orgone: 11
>>Reflex: 7
>>Vitality: 10
>>Drama Points: 10
>>Insanity Point: 0

Personal History:

The Wallace family was a well to do family, one that made their wealth in the new age of war and strife, until finally the war caught up with them, and Thresa's parents were killed during an attack on the arcology.

She was too young to remember the actual incident, after it happened both her and her older brother Ethan were placed under the care of their uncle, a vile and greedy man who squandered most of his family's once considerable fortune, and took pleasure in physically and mentally abusing both children.

Growing up in constant verbal and physical abuse and deprivations, forbidden to make contact with the outside world, at a young age Thresa only had her brother to protect her and keep her company. Her parents were prominent experts in field of science, particularly in fields of mechanical and genetic engineering. Their family library had for her became a place of hiding, because for some reason their uncle never went in there.

Book on technical texts turned into an escape from reality, and it was where her talents boomed: It turned out that Thersa was a prodigy of sort, who was good with whatever areas she choose to dabble in. Even without formal education, she had soaked up many of her parent's field of expertises before she reached puberty.

Hitting puberty was the major turning point of her life, as Ethan became more and more reclusive and started to sneak away at night, and their uncle started to take an unnatural and perculier interest in Thersa's welfare.

Before any inapporiate incidents happened though, their uncle, who was known to be ill-reputed and frequently engaged in recreational self-medications, was one day discovered to have an overdose. The night he died, Thresa saw Ethan entering their uncle's room, something that would lead to a severe beating if it was found out. She never said a thing though, and with Ethan close enough to legal adulthood to avoid having another foster parent, they were finally free to be themselves.

But that came a little late for both of them. The damage was already done, and Ethan had been so focused on protecting his "dear little sister" that they ended up having a big fallout, with Thresa moving out and getting an apartment on the other side of town. Thresa herself, after years of abuse and neglect, had pretty much shut herself into her own world. School and outside world was too cloistered and full of people for her taste, and so many man who reminded her of her uncle, that she almost never left her apartments, with nothing but gadgets and the Public Area Network to distract her.

How she met "The Marks" was a complete accident: Picking up vital components from a local hardware store when a delivery fell through, she happened up a gang of Nadazzi teens putting up anti-NEG graffities. And when the police arrived, she accidentally tasered one of the officer who tried to grab the Nazaddi girl that ran past her because the man reminded her of her uncle. She ended up running away with the gang, and had became the "honorary human" of the group. Over the past couple of years they had taught her alot of the things that no school would teach, and she was thrill with just hanging around, pulling stunts and running away from authorities.


1) Her older brother of 4 years apart, Ethan, does not get along with her very well, and live in the other side of arcology with him dropping by now and then to check on her. While he does care for her, the troubles she's frequently in are simply overwhelming at times, and with him busy with his MD degree and the management of the family legacy, he just doesn't have enough time for her.

(Solely for reference purpose, Ethan Wallace was another character in another game, and his character sheet is right here.)

2) Her relation with The Marks is a strange one: She's never a full member of the gang, and never in a close personal relationship with the individuals, but she just hangs around doing whatever they do, and they are appearantly okay with it.


A bit of an airhead, or "idiot savant" to put it more politely. While she is exceptional with whatever catches her fancy, she just never seems to grasp the inherent complexity of social rituals. It is almost impossible to talk to her, as she is easily distracted, and what conclusion she draws from anything might seems unearthly at times (For example, she believes the Earth is flat, and have created a full computer simulation of a viable flat earth.) If something is interesting to her though, it becomes almost impossible to draw her attention away from it. Her outspoken tongue gets her into lots of trouble, but is also a mask of her fear and insecurity.


-Model 18 Taser
-Sentrytech MK-IV Armor - Lt
-Stun Baton
-PCPU tricked out for computer and security hacking, with everything.
-Another PCPU for backup. Tricked out for security.
-Portable Holo-Interface Unit. Her "Biggie".
-Swiss Army Knife w/ Laser Pointer
-Boots with special detachable Inline Roller Skates Wheels. A hook and pull is all it takes to turn it from Walking Boots to Inline Skates and vice versa. Something of her own design.
-Pocket Tools
-A VX-1100 Magnum (Not exactly hers. More like Ethan's but he never used it himself, so she just sneak into the old house and uses it whenever she feels like it. He has no idea that Thresa have already totalled the thing three times.)


Cthulhutech 兼現在進行式。班.赫士東加GURPS4電車男再性別轉換,結果是有社交障礙的鐵拳無敵機工師?


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Witness:  Paul Marslow, Freelance Sports/Exercise Coach

"No pain, no gain." That what thay always said, and they're right.

Sport is my life, and that's literal. Ever since my dad threw me the first fastball when I was a toddler, I've been getting my hands on every type of sport and exercise there is. Fairly good at most of it too.

I've always take good care of myself. Afterall without a healthy body there is no way I can go on the field. There's always the usual pain, twists, and blood, but if I push it, make the pain works for me rather than against me, I tend to get ahead in the game farther then everybody else.

Runner's high have nothing on it. Everybody can probably do that too if they only try harder.

It's the pain that brings me back from the accident. Know that highway accident a coupla years back? Freight tuck ramming charter bus, most everybody died, yada yada yda... I was on that bus.

Hospital had been a nightmare for me. Completely immobilized, hearing the doctor ticking off my condition like a grocery list, telling me I need to learn to type with my mouth real soon... The doctor is crazy if he thinks I'm gonna take that lying down.

I never gave up. Like I always do, I let the pain works for me, and little by little, my body starts to listen and response.

The doctor said he wanted to run a few more examination. I let him examined the knuckles of my fist in the most intimate of ways alright. Well, he's the doctor, so go fix himself.

After the accident, the pains come easier, and with it, power. Some people say it's weird, impossible, or even the big E-word. I say anyone can do it if they really want to. They just need to workout more.

Sports, it does your body good. Seriously.


Obsession: Exercise - He is always looking for ways to "control" and "improve" his own body

Rage Stimulus:  Cosmetic Surgeons and people who undergone unnecessary cosmetic surgeries - The ultimate antithesis of his ideal. While he would tolerate those who need cosmetic surgeries (Survivor of domestic violence or horrible accidents, or old people who needs a new set of teethes for example), but people like army chicks who lack confidence because their cup-size are too small by nature are definitely not right in his world.

Fear Stimulus:  (Helplessness) Hospital - People do things to you that you have no control of, any many died in it. He could stomach small doctor's clinics, but you will never catch him in the local general hospitals.

Noble Stimulus: People who give their 120% to do something.

Body 70% (Gym Rat)
  General Athletics 55%
  Beatdown 70%
  Unbelieveably Healthy 55%

Speed 60% (Daily Marathorner)
  Dodge 60%
  Driving 15%
  Initiative 60%

Mind 40% (Zero Attention Span)
  General Education 15%
  Notice 15%
  Healthy Living 40%

Soul 70% (Out of this World)
  Charm 15%
  Lying 15%
  *Magic: Epideromancy 70%

Wound Points 70


Greg Stolze 的 2ed Unknown Armies。叫好不叫座的好物。

以系統而言, 角色能力愈超自然,要蓄積魔力便愈麻煩。『沒白吃午餐』在這系統下可說是常態,但是魔術師的魔力再強也強不過一把.38,D&D式的高射炮風格在這裏完全站不住腳。相對而言,『魔術』在這的定位就是『唯現實生活所不能也』。再加上核心的精神狀態檢定系統,UA 的超自然人士大都是電車男所不能比的『世外奇人』。

角色原本是有少許笨的操血師兼運動教練。玩家團隊是在全市第一的魔術師意外身亡後打算找尋傳說中的聖杯進而征服世界 (UA的路子就是這樣... 而且這些全是玩家自訂的東東 )

然後,五位玩家一開始就只餘下兩個。一輪討論下決定繼續後,首先去搜索聖杯的第一地點廢倉庫卻碰上前第一的第一副手 King(自稱) Charles。沒什麼實力也沒什麼人力的玩家們當即一擁而上,連環施展猛虎落地勢加上都市流言『天線杆上的公鹿』下令硬釘子順利相信他們是無害生物而放他們一馬。

及後於離開途中發現跟蹤者,然後在躲進 7-11 同時製造讓第五人加入的契機以及第四人的歸隊,現在正在追逐下蒼惶逃到後巷...



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