Riddler's Riddles地點 |
Intensive Treatment |
Lobby |
描述:Don't cut yourself on this Sharply observed portrait. |
地點:就是問號先生第一次給你無線電通話時的謎題——夏普院長的那幅畫 |
Transfer Loop |
描述:A top hat and tails is the only dress code for this party in the North |
地點:如下圖,有個半開的門,鑽進去後在牆角上 |
Holding Cells |
描述:Where would you find my home sweet home? |
地點:如下圖位置,問號先生的牢房 |
Utility Corridor |
描述:"You don't know Jack about Gotham tune in to find out!" |
地點:在逃出監獄重度看護所逃亡戶外的流程裡,我們會經過一間洗漱間,裡面有音樂,是收音機發出的 |
Secure Transit |
描述:Dr Jonathan Crane plans on elevating fear to new depths. |
地點:該區域電梯通道的最底層,裡面有個T型通風口,爬進去就能找到稻草人的藏身點了 |
Cell Block Transer |
描述:Hook up with the relatives before you're transferred out of here.. |
地點:在這能遇到稻草人的第三次毒氣攻擊,之後好好搜索下走廊,用PSP黑掉樓梯的電門後進去來到Aaron Cash的辦公室,桌子上有他家人的照片,掃瞄後得手 |
Patient Pacification Chamber |
描述:Even I was shocked when I saw how Maxie Zeus was treated... |
地點:此區域某個可破壞牆皮的後面 |
Intensive Treatment Lobby |
描述:A puzzle has many sides, but only some are visible.... |
地點:問號謎題,開偵查視角來到房間中央的小屋裡,在圖示的地方可以發現問號了,按圖示進行排序即可 |
Medical Facility |
Secure Access |
描述:Are you going to take your hat off to Harley, Bats? |
地點:當你再次回到醫院想坐電梯時會發現電梯不能用了,只能用電梯上面的通風口爬到地下區,當通過通風口來到地下區時有個岔路,爬進去,裡面就是女丑變壞前的辦公室 |
Surgery Room |
描述:Shhhhsshh! Rumors persist that Tommy Elliot operates in Arkham. Can it be true? |
地點:如下圖位置 |
Experimental Chamber |
描述:Is this bear the Bane of his life? |
地點:該區域的桌子上有個Bane的泰迪熊 |