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- LLXXLL7:歌詞寫得很有意涵
- 看看吧~
- 轉貼自摩尼BBS社區
- [color=#d96701][url="http://www.blackeyedpeas.com/"][color=#0000ff]http://www.blackeyedpeas.com/[/color][/url]
- 這是黑眼豆豆的官方網站,請點選選項中的video即可線上觀看MV....
- 真的是很有意涵的一首歌
- [url="http://www.rokey.net/v2/music/Where_Is_The_Love.rar"][color=#0000ff]http://www.rokey.net/v2/music/Where_Is_The_Love.rar[/color][/url]
- 複製下載
- Where is the Love
- 愛在何處
- what's wrong with the world, mama?
- 這世界出了什麼錯, 媽媽?
- people livin like they ain't got no mamas
- 這些人活著像沒媽的孩子一樣
- I think the whole world's addicted to the drama
- 我想全世界都對戲劇化的生活上癮了
- only attracted to the things that'll bring the trama
- 只被會帶來創傷的事情吸引
- overseas ya we tryin to stop terrorism
- 在國外我們試著停止恐怖主義
- but we still got terrorists here livin
- 但是在我們的生活裡還是有恐怖份子
- in the U.S.A, the big C.I.A
- 在美國, 偉大的C.I.A(中央情報局)
- the bloods & the crips, and the KKK
- 流血事件&不堪一擊的對手還有三K黨
- but if you only got love for your own ways
- 但是如果你只以自己的方式來獲取愛
- then you only leave space to discriminate
- 然後你所給予的生存空間是有差別待遇的
- and to discriminate only generates hate
- 然後歧視別人只為了造成仇恨
- and when you hate, then you're bound to get irate
- 然後當你怨恨的時候, 你被憤怒給困住了
- madness is what you demonstrate
- 你實際呈現出的就是瘋狂
- and that's exactly how anger works and operates
- 而這正是憤怒所成就和運行的方式
- man ya gotta have love, this'll set us straight
- 兄弟你必須擁有愛, 這將會讓我們回到正途
- take control of your mind and meditate
- 掌握你的心智和思考的控制權
- let your soul gravitate, to the love ya'll
- 讓你的靈魂受到愛的吸引
- people killin
- 人們互相殘殺
- people dyin
- 人們不斷死去
- children hurt and
- 孩童受到傷害
- u hear them cryin
- 你聽見了他們的哭聲
- when you practice what you preach
- 當你實踐你的教義時
- and could you turn the other cheek
- 而你能否轉過你的左臉
- (以上兩句和聖經有關)
- father father father, help us
- 神父神父神父, 幫幫我們吧~
- need some guidance from above
- 需要來自天上的指引
- these people got me got me questionin
- 這些人讓我產生的問題就是
- where is the love?
- 愛在哪裡?
- (love) where is the love?
- (愛) 愛在哪裡
- (the love) where is the love?
- (愛) 愛在哪裡
- (the love) where is the love?
- (愛) 愛在哪裡
- (where is the love the love our love)
- (我們所愛的愛在哪裡)
- it just ain't the same
- 情況已經不同了
- old ways have changed
- 舊的方式已經改變
- new days are strange, is world insane?
- 新的生活是陌生的, 這世界不正常嗎?
- if love and peace is so strong
- 如果愛與和平是如此的強大
- why are there pieces of love that don't belong
- 為何這些愛沒有歸屬
- nations droppin bombs
- 大國丟下了炸彈
- chemical gasses fillin lungs of little ones
- 化學毒氣充滿了小國家
- with ongoin sufferin, as the youth die young
- 繼續遭受著苦難, 年輕人死於青春的時期
- so ask yourself, is the lovin really gone
- 所以問問你自己, 愛是否真的已經消失
- so I can ask myself, really what is going wrong
- 所以我可以問我自己, 說真的哪裡出了錯
- with this world that we livin in, people keep on givin in
- 在我們所生存的世界上, 人們繼續退化著
- makin wrong decisions, only visions of them dividends
- 不斷做出錯誤的決定, 映入眼簾的只有錢
- not respectin eachother, deny thy brother
- 彼此不相互尊重, 否定自己的兄弟
- a war is goin on but the reason's under cover
- 戰爭繼續進行著但理由已經被掩埋
- the truth is kept secret, and swept under the rug
- 真相要保守秘密, 而被掃到地毯下去
- if you never know truth, then you never know love
- 假使你從不知道實情, 然後你永遠不會知道愛
- where's the love ya'll? (i don't know)
- 你的愛在哪裡? (我不知道)
- where's the truth ya'll? (i don't know)
- 你將有的愛在哪裡? (我不知道)
- and where's the love ya'll?
- 而你將有的愛在哪裡?
- people killin
- 人們互相殘殺
- people dyin
- 人們不斷死去
- children hurt and
- 孩童受到傷害
- u hear them cryin
- 你聽見了他們的哭聲
- when you practice what you preach
- 當你實踐你的教義時
- and could you turn the other cheek
- 而你能否轉過你的左臉
- father father father, help us
- 神父神父神父, 幫幫我們吧~
- need some guidance from above
- 需要來自天上的指引
- these people got me got me questionin
- 這些人讓我產生的問題就是
- where is the love?
- 愛在哪裡?
- (love) where is the love?
- (愛) 愛在哪裡
- (the love) where is the love?
- (愛) 愛在哪裡
- (the love) where is the love?
- (愛) 愛在哪裡
- (where is the love the love our love)
- (我們所愛的愛在哪裡)
- I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder
- 我感覺到在我肩上世界的重量
- as I'm getting older, ya'll people gets colder
- 當我年紀不斷增長, 人們變的越來越冷漠
- most of us only care about money makin
- 我們多數人只關心賺錢這回事
- selfishness got us followin the wrong direction
- 自私讓我們跟隨著錯誤的方向
- wrong information always shown by the media
- 錯誤的訊息總是在媒體上被放送著
- negative images is the main criteria
- 負面印象是主要的準則
- infecting the young minds faster than bacteria
- 以比細菌還快的速度感染年輕人的心靈
- kids wanna act like what they see in the cinema
- 小孩子想要做他們在電影上看到的行為
- whatever happened to the values of humanity
- 管他人類的價值觀發生了什麼事情
- whatever happened to the fairness and equality
- 管他正義和公理發生了什麼事情
- instead of spreading love we spreadin animosity
- 我們以散播仇恨代替散播愛
- lack of understandin leading us away from unity
- 缺乏同理心讓我們遠離了團結
- that's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin under
- 這就是為什麼有時候我覺得低級的原因
- that's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin down
- 這就是為什麼有時候我感覺沮喪的原因
- It's no wonder why sometimes I'm feelin under
- 毫無疑問的問什麼我有時感覺低級
- gotta keep my faith alive till love is found
- 就必須保持我的信念活著直到愛被找到
- now ask yourself
- 現在問問你自己~
- people killin
- 人們互相殘殺
- people dyin
- 人們不斷死去
- children hurt and
- 孩童受到傷害
- u hear them cryin
- 你聽見了他們的哭聲
- when you practice what you preach
- 當你實踐你的教義時
- and could you turn the other cheek
- 而你能否轉過你的左臉
- father father father, help us
- 神父神父神父, 幫幫我們吧~
- need some guidance from above
- 需要來自天上的指引
- these people got me got me questionin
- 這些人讓我產生的問題就是
- where is the love?
- 愛在哪裡?
- (love) where is the love?
- (愛) 愛在哪裡
- (the love) where is the love?
- (愛) 愛在哪裡
- (the love) where is the love?
- (愛) 愛在哪裡
- (where is the love the love our love)
- (我們所愛的愛在哪裡)
- [/color]
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