:p I've learned a game during my birthday it's called "any colour" magic
for now i'll just call it black magic~ :p
so this is how you can trick your other friends that you have the power to read minds :邪惡
first you find your best friend and tell them how to do this magic...
now find another friend or a group of friends to play
you ask any person other than the both of you to tell you or your best friend to choose object that is within the eye sight range, while the other person shuts his/her eyes.
Now either you or your best friend can open you eye and start to read the other person's mind
the person who knows the answer will start to ask... (for example:
is it the T-shirt i'm wearing)
and the other person will say no
until... (black magic this is called) the person who knows the answer points at an object say is it (for example) the black tie i'm wearing (notice the color of the object matches the game) then you say no
but the next object, the person have to ask the right object then the answering person will say yes.
Now go and try it on your friends and have a friendly joke about it for the rest of your day ^^