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居爾特音樂已經發展出很多種音樂形式,有的是像純演奏、演唱、民謠味、傳統風笛、或是空靈的女聲、或帶有一些New Age風格的演奏方式。而居爾特的音樂文化,大部分都讓人感覺到美美的,而有時候又帶有令人激昂氣慨的史詩,而有時又帶著溫柔婉約的淒美小調,他們運用一些簡單的樂器,像是豎琴、風笛、小提琴、手風琴以及一些民族樂器…等,曲風都非常清新而且簡單乾淨。
The creation of their music shows the depth and broadness of their culture; it brings the Northern Europian culture that touches humans' souls and purifies them.
Celtic music has developed many music forms like pure performances, singing, the ballad taste, the tradional bagpipe, or the elusive female voice, or even the modern style performances. As the Celtic music culture goes, most of it make people feel the statisfied, sometimes it brings the poetic atmosphere to the crowd, and sometimes it brings the soft distinguished tones. They use some simple music such as the harp, the windpipe, the violin, the accordion, and some other cultural music to play a soft but clear music.
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