* 月曆顯示: 會以不同的顏色顯示有工作的日子,游標停在上面的時候會顯示工作內容
* 行事曆 (事件),可設定開始及結束時間和該事件的分類
* 待辦事項 (To Do List)
* 匯入/匯出行事曆或是待辦事項
* 可設定顯示/隱藏月曆、加入待辦事項等等功能的快速鍵
[2.9 Build 102] - 29 Jan 2011
o Added iCal support for Mac.
o The language selection for the translate widget didn't work.
o Some selection settings could't be made if some other language but English was used.
o [Orange] category wasn't shown correctly in the Shadow4 skin.
o Outlook recurring events sometimes were shown on incorrect day if the start day was start or end of the month.
o Added a workaround for Outlook events which didn't set the recurrence end date correctly.
o The CSV plugin failed to import dates where year was defined with two digits.
o The recurrence controls were incorrectly updated also when the end date was changed.
o Rainlendar crashed if previously deleted event was deleted again.
o The calendar wasn't chosen from the template unless "Allow multiple calendars" was enabled.
o Added new option for "Combine icons in the calendar" not to show any icons.
o It's not anymore possible to delete read only items in the Manager dialog. Homepage - http://www.rainlendar.net/cms/index.php