Challenge | Conditions and Criteria |
Chameleon | Collect the following Disguises (see Items): Strip Club Bouncer, Store Clerk, Chicago Police Officer, Chipmunk Costume 收集4種制服:夜總會保鏢,商店職員,警察,花慄鼠戲服 |
Evidence Collector | Collect the evidence in Courtyard, The Vixen Club, Derelict Store, Convenience Store, Loading Area, Chinese New Year 收集以下6個證據: 1在天井,警察巡邏車的引擎蓋上; 2在Vixen Club,在收錢女孩和保鏢的樓上的辦公室裡; 3在廢棄建築,就是47扔下Amanda的屍體分散警察注意力後爬下去的地方; 4在便利店,收銀台; 5在卸貨區,在角落的辦公室裡; 6唐人街。在你完成X Marks the Spot挑戰的地方,弔著的貨物掉下來的地方的牆角 |
Infiltrator | Complete the chapter without being spotted. Courtyard, The Vixen Club, Dressing Rooms, Derelict Store, Convenience Store, Loading Area, Chinese New Year |
Suit Only | Complete the chapter without using a disguise. Courtyard, The Vixen Club, Dressing Rooms, Derelict Store, Convenience Store, Loading Area, Chinese New Year |
Private Dance | Kill target. Hide the body. Escape the Vixen Club unseen. Shooting Dom with the silenced JAGD P22G after his lap dance is best. You need a keycard and the silenced JAGD for this. 殺死目標並藏屍,不被發現逃離Vixen Club。等Dom看完艷舞,他會獨自留下打電話,用消音的JAGD P22G幹掉他。你要用到鑰匙牌和消音手槍 |
Dominated | Garrote target. Hide the body. Escape the Vixen Club unseen. Killing Dom in the bathroom is probably one of the better methods, although you can try and get away with it in the private booths area. 勒死目標並藏屍,不被發現逃離。最好的辦法是在洗手間 |
Schadenfreude | Use the disco ball to crush Dom in the Vixen Club. The damaged ball can be dislodged using the switch past the keycard door where the bachelor party is being held in the private corner booth. 利用disco的雷射反射球砸死目標 |
Fire Sale | Turn off the sprinklers and start the firewords in the Convenience Store. 在便利店,關閉灑水器,點燃倉庫裡的煙花 |
Two Rights Make a Right | Save the market vendor before he is killed by the target in the alley. 在巷子裡,商販被目標殺死前,救下他(似乎是必須在目標找到商販前幹掉他,任何手段) |
Moment of Bliss | Electrocute the target by rewiring the loose power cable. Throw the switch only when the target is urinating. 當目標小便時,用電弄死他。在King的跑車那個位置 |
Fire Him | Sabotage the fuel pump in the fireworks area and the target dies after an elasped time. 破壞煙花區的油泵,目標過一陣就會掛掉(在出口前的右側) |
X Marks the Spot | Kill the henchman who urinates by dropping the hanging cargo load in the alley where the target kills the market vendor. Eventually, another target will go to where 47 started this section; there is a second cargo load there. 目標帶著攤販去後巷時,利用弔著的貨物壓死他 |
Lieutenant Bad | Eliminated by proxy. Steal Birdie's file and the corrupt cop will kill your target for you in the police impound. 借刀殺人,從第二關毒販取貨的那個樓梯底,有個通風管,爬過去,轉右,蹲着偷取Birdie的檔案,靜靜離開。壞警察會被激怒然後殺了目標 |
Cleaning Up in Chinatown | Lieutenant Bad, Fire Him, X Marks the Spot, Moment of Bliss all cleared 完成以上4個挑戰 |
Damage Control | Clear mission |
Swordplay Part 1 | Stealth kill one of Wade's henchmen using the katana. The katana is found from the stall run by the market vendor who is shot by the target in the alley. 用武士刀殺死1個Wade的隨從。武士刀可以在進入King的停車點前的小攤上找到 |
Swordplay Part 2 | Stealth kill all of Wade's henchmen using the katana. The katana is found from the stall run by the market vendor who is shot by the target in the alley. 用武士刀殺死所有Wade的爪牙。我的順序:1.爪牙拷問商販的地方,2.出口附近的油泵,3.第二關販子取貨的樓梯底 |
Swordplay Part 3 | Stealth kill all of Wade's henchmen using the katana while wearing the Chipmunk costume. The katana is found from the stall run by the market vendor who is shot by the target in the alley. The chipmunk costume is found on street level; from the top of the stairs of the police impound, turn left. The disguise is in that "empty" room. 穿著花慄鼠裝,用武士刀殺死所有Wade的爪牙。我的順序:潛入拘留處,讓過目標1,上一樓幹掉一個警察並換花慄鼠裝,去取刀,回頭到樓梯底幹掉目標1,然後去拷問商販處幹掉目標2,最後去油泵處搞定目標3,離開 |
Item | Location |
Disguise - Store Clerk | The market vendors are the "clerks" here. 商販制服 |
Disguise - Chicago Policemen | The enemies in this level. 警察制服 |
Disguise - Chipmunk Costume | Chinese New Year map. The chipmunk costume is found on street level; from the top of the stairs of the police impound, turn left. The disguise is in that "empty" room. 花慄鼠裝,在唐人街,從警察拘留處的樓梯上一樓,轉左,服裝在地上 |
Disguise - Strip Club Bouncer | Vixen Club and Dressing Rooms. The enemies in those levels. 夜總會保鏢制服 |
Silenced JAGD P22G | There are two of these handguns in the Vixen Club. 帶消音的手槍,在Vixen Club |
HX UMP | Used by the Chicago PD 警察的衝鋒槍 |
Police M590 12GA | Shotgun used by police; one is found by a police cruiser in Courtyard. 警察的散彈槍 |
Bottle | Empty bottles abound. 瓶子 |
Knife | The stalls in the Convenience Store and Chinese New Year maps have some here and there. 刀,便利店裡 |
Cleaver | The stalls in the Convenience Store and Chinese New Year maps have some here and there. 切肉刀,便利店 |
Fire Extinguisher | The item which almost never gets used in interior settings. 滅火器 |
Gasoline Can | A junk item found in the Courtyard. 油罐,在天井 |
Katana | Chinese New Year. The katana is found from the stall run by the market vendor who is shot by the target in the alley. 武士刀,在進入King的停車點前,路口旁的攤檔上,有Tattoo霓虹燈的那個 |
Keycard | Various NPCs drop keycards when subdued or slain in the Vixen Club; there is one keycard left out in the open, and that's the security office about the cover charge / coat check girl at the club. 鑰匙牌,在Vixen Club,很多人身上都有 |
Metal Pipe | Found here and there in the Courtyard. 金屬管,本關一開始,轉身,轉左 |
Birdie's File | Found in the police impound in Chinese New Year。 Birdie的檔案,在警察拘留處 |
Rat Poison | A stall in Chinese New Year has this item. Used to poison another dish of sushi eaten by the target who smokes. 鼠藥,用來投入目標的壽司。就在武士刀的對面的攤子 |
Sledgehammer | Found in Derelict Building 大鎚,在廢棄的建築裡 |