

Level 5
Power Strike 1 - 3 Gathers power to hit hard. Available with swords and blunts only. Power 25.
全力一擊 1-3級 限定長劍或鈍器類武器使用﹐1級時附加攻擊力25
Mortal Blow 1 - 3 Wounds opponent in vital spot. Available with daggers only. Power 73.
致命攻擊 1-3級 限定匕首類武器使用﹐1級時附加攻擊力73
Power Shot 1 - 3 Cause great damage from far distance with bow. Power 65.
強力遠射 1-3級 限定弓箭類武器使用﹐1級時附加攻擊力65
Defence Aura (#1) Temporarily increases one's defense. Effect 1.
防禦光環LV1 暫時提昇本身防禦力
Weapon Mastery (#1) Attack power increases.
武器大師LV1 永久性提昇攻擊力
Armor Mastery 1 - 2 Defense increases.
盔甲大師 LV1-2 永久性提昇防禦力
Level 10

Power Strike 4 - 6 Gathers power to hit hard. Available with swords and blunts only. Power 39.
全力一擊 4-6級 限定長劍或鈍器類武器使用﹐4級時附加攻擊力39

Mortal Blow 4 - 6 Wounds opponent in vital spot. Available with daggers only. Power 115.
致命攻擊 4-6級 限定匕首類武器使用﹐4級時附加攻擊力115

Power Shot 4 - 6 Cause great damage from far distance with bow. Power 102.
強力遠射 4-6級 限定弓箭類武器使用﹐4級時附加攻擊力102

Attack Aura (#1) Temporarily increases one's attack power. Effect 1.
攻擊光環LV1 暫時提昇本身攻擊力
Defence Aura (#2) Temporarily increases one's defense. Effect 2.
防禦光環LV2 暫時提昇本身防禦力
Weapon Mastery (#2) Attack power increases.
武器大師LV2 永久性提昇攻擊力

Armor Mastery 3 - 4 Defense increases.
盔甲大師 LV13-4 永久性提昇防禦力

Level 15
Power Strike 7 - 9 Gathers power to hit hard. Available with swords and blunts only. Power 60.
全力一擊 7-9級 限定長劍或鈍器類武器使用﹐7級時附加攻擊力60

Mortal Blow 7 - 9 Wounds opponent in vital spot. Available with daggers only. Power 178.
致命攻擊 7-9級 限定匕首類武器使用﹐7級時附加攻擊力178

Power Shot 7 - 9 Cause great damage from far distance with bow. Power 158.
強力遠射 7-9級 限定弓箭類武器使用﹐7級時附加攻擊力158

Elemental Heal 1 - 3 Recovers one's HP. Power 71.
精靈治療1-3級 恢復一個目標的HP﹐1級時基本恢復量71

Weapon Mastery (#3) Attack power increases.
武器大師LV3 永久性提昇攻擊力

Level 20

Power Strike 10 - 12 Gathers power to hit hard. Available with swords and blunts only. Power 90.
全力一擊 10-12級 限定長劍或鈍器類武器使用﹐10級時附加攻擊力90

Mortal Blow 10 - 12 Wounds opponent in vital spot. Available with daggers only. Power 268.
致命攻擊 10-12級 限定匕首類武器使用﹐10級時附加攻擊力268
Power Shot 10 - 12 Cause great damage from far distance with bow. Power 239.
強力遠射 10-12級 限定弓箭類武器使用﹐10級時附加攻擊力239
Elemental Heal 4 - 6 Recovers one's HP. Power 95.
精靈治療4-6級 恢復一個目標的HP﹐4級時基本恢復量95

資料來自www.lineage2compendium.com﹐翻譯 BY ice81721
做的不夠完美請大家多多見諒﹐晚點將會放上妖精戰士二個轉職妖精騎士與妖精巡守的技能翻譯 ^^

Level 20
Charm 1 - 3 none
魅惑 LV1-3 作用不明(別問偶﹐什麼都迷寫><)
Poison Recovery (#1) Self-cures poison. Influence under 3.
毒素恢復LV1 自我解毒﹐影響低于3(又一個不知道什麼意思的.......=.=)
Ultimate Defence (#1) none
終級防禦LV1 作用........加防禦力吧﹐不然還會是蝦米....=.=
Magic Resistance 1 - 3 Increases magic resistance.
魔法抗力LV1-3 永久提昇魔法抵抗力
Shield Mastery (#1) Shield defense rate increases.
盾牌大師LV1 提昇裝備盾牌時的防禦率(看清楚﹐是率﹐不是力噢)
Sword Blunt Mastery 1 - 3 Increases attack power when using swords and blunts.
劍&鈍器大師LV1-3 提昇使用劍與鈍器時的攻擊力
Heavy Armor Mastery 1 - 3 Increases defense when wearing heavy equipment.
重甲大師LV1-3 提昇裝備重甲時的防禦力
Expertise D (#1) Becomes familiar with D grade equipment.
D級專家LV1 熟悉D等級的裝備(這個也是不知道干嘛的......=.=)
Level 24

Charm 4 - 6 none
魅惑 LV4-6
Poison Recovery (#2) Self-cures poison. Effect 7.
毒素恢復LV2 自我解毒﹐效果7(還是不知道什麼意思.......=.=)
Hate 1 - 3 Provokes opponent's desire to attack. Power 655.
憎恨之擊LV1-3 使用對敵人的憤怒進行攻擊(=.=||)﹐1級時附加攻擊力655(這也跳太多了吧....=.=||汗)
Cure Bleeding (#1) Heals one's wounds. Influence under 3.
療傷聖光LV1 治療一個傷口﹐影響小于3(那有用麼....=.=)
Ultimate Defence (#2) none
Deflect Arrow (#1) Becomes stronger against bow attack.
撥開箭矢LV1 增強在被弓箭攻擊時的抵抗力
Magic Resistance 4 - 6 Increases magic resistance.
魔法抗力LV4-6 永久提昇魔法抵抗力
Shield Mastery (#2) Shield defense rate increases.
盾牌大師LV2 提昇裝備盾牌時的防禦率
Sword Blunt Mastery 4 - 6 Increases attack power when using swords and blunts.
劍&鈍器大師LV4-6 提昇使用劍與鈍器時的攻擊力
Heavy Armor Mastery 4 - 6 Increases defense when wearing heavy equipment.
重甲大師LV4-6 提昇裝備重甲時的防禦力
Expertise C (#2) Becomes familiar with C grade equipment.
c級專家LV1 熟悉c等級的裝備(還是不明白......=.=)

Level 28
Charm 7 - 9 none
Hate 4 - 6 Provokes opponent's desire to attack. Power 752.
憎恨之擊LV4-6 使用對敵人的憤怒進行攻擊﹐4級時附加攻擊力752
Cure Bleeding (#2) Heals one's wounds. Influence under 7.
療傷聖光LV2 治療一個傷口,影響小于7
Deflect Arrow (#2) Becomes stronger against bow attack.
撥開箭矢LV2 增強在被弓箭攻擊時的抵抗力
Magic Resistance 7 - 9 Increases magic resistance.
魔法抗力LV7-9 永久提昇魔法抵抗力
Shield Mastery (#3) Shield defense rate increases.
盾牌大師LV3 提昇裝備盾牌時的防禦率

Sword Blunt Mastery 7 - 9 Increases attack power when using swords and blunts.
劍&鈍器大師LV7-9 提昇使用劍與鈍器時的攻擊力

Heavy Armor Mastery 7 - 9 Increases defense when wearing heavy equipment.
重甲大師LV7-9 提昇裝備重甲時的防禦力

Expertise B (#3) Becomes familiar with B grade equipment.
B級專家LV1 熟悉B等級的裝備(還是不明白......=.=)

Level 32

Charm 10 - 12 none
Hate 7 - 9 Provokes opponent's desire to attack. Power 855.
憎恨之擊LV7-9 使用對敵人的憤怒進行攻擊﹐7級時附加攻擊力855
Deflect Arrow (#3) Becomes stronger against bow attack.
撥開箭矢LV3 增強在被弓箭攻擊時的抵抗力
Magic Resistance 10 - 12 Increases magic resistance.
魔法抗力LV10-12 永久提昇魔法抵抗力

Shield Mastery (#4) Shield defense rate increases.
盾牌大師LV4 提昇裝備盾牌時的防禦率

Sword Blunt Mastery 10 - 12 Increases attack power when using swords and blunts.
劍&鈍器大師LV10-12 提昇使用劍與鈍器時的攻擊力
Sprint (#1) Temporarily increases one's moving speed. Effect 1.
急奔LV1 暫時提高一個目標的移動速度﹐效果1(1.....=.=,有用嗎)
Heavy Armor Mastery 10 - 12 Increases defense when wearing heavy equipment.
重甲大師LV10-12 提昇裝備重甲時的防禦力

Expertise A (#4) Becomes familiar with A grade equipment.
A級專家LV1 熟悉A等級的裝備(還是不明白......=.=)

Level 36
Charm 13 - 15 none
Hate 10 - 12 Provokes opponent's desire to attack. Power 965.
憎恨之擊LV10-12 使用對敵人的憤怒進行攻擊﹐10級時附加攻擊力965
Entangle (#1) Decreases moving speed. Effect 1.
纏繞LV1 降低目標的移動速度﹐效果1
Deflect Arrow (#4) Becomes stronger against bow attack.
撥開箭矢LV4 增強在被弓箭攻擊時的抵抗力

Magic Resistance 13 - 15 Increases magic resistance.
魔法抗力LV13-15 永久提昇魔法抵抗力
Focus Mind (#1) MP healing speed increases.
集中心神LV1 MP自然恢復速度上昇
Sword Blunt Mastery 13 - 15 Increases attack power when using swords and blunts.
劍&鈍器大師LV13-15 提昇使用劍與鈍器時的攻擊力

Sprint (#2) Temporarily increases one's moving speed. Effect 2.
急奔LV2 暫時提高一個目標的移動速度﹐效果2
Heavy Armor Mastery 13 - 15 Increases defense when wearing heavy equipment.
重甲大師LV13-15 提昇裝備重甲時的防禦力
Expertise S (#5) Becomes familiar with S grade equipment.
S級專家LV1 熟悉S等級的裝備(好咩﹐S級裝備都來了......=.=)

英文資料來自www.lineage2compendium.com﹐翻譯 BY ice81721



Charm 1 - 3 none
魅惑 LV1-3
Unlock (#1) none
开锁 LV1 (这........搞不懂干吗用的,难不成可以自己开盟屋的门进去A东西吗=.= )
Long Shot (#1) Bow range increases.
远射LV1 提升弓箭的射程(说实在的,一开始的弓箭射程真是有够短.....=.=)
Acrobat (#1) none
卖艺者LV1 (这.....不明白.......=.=|汗)
Boost Breath (#1) none
不会翻 XD 还请高人指点.....=.=
Bow Mastery 1 - 3 Increases attack power when using bows.
弓箭大师LV1-3 提升使用弓箭时的攻击力
Light Armor Mastery 1 - 3 Increases defense and evasion when wearing light equipment.
轻甲大师LV1-3 提升装备轻甲时的防御力以及回避力
Dagger Mastery (#1) Increases attack power when using daggers.
匕首大师LV1 提升使用匕首时的攻击力
Expertise D (#1) Becomes familiar with D grade equipment.
D级专家 熟悉D等级的装备
Level 24

Charm 4 - 6 none
Poison Recovery (#2) Self-cures poison. Effect 7.
恢复毒素LV2 (LV2?LV1死哪去了......=.=???)
Unlock (#2) none
开锁LV2 (还有LV2噢,巡守怎么象是盗贼.....=.=)
Cure Bleeding (#1) Heals one's wounds. Influence under 3.
治疗圣光LV1 治愈一个目标的伤口,作用小于3
Bleed (#1) none
祝福LV1 什么都没写,XD
Long Shot (#2) Bow range increases.
远射LV2 提升弓箭的射程
Acrobat (#2) none
卖艺者LV2 (这.....还是不明白.......=.=||大汗)

Boost Breath (#2) none
不会翻 XD 还请高人指点.....=.=

Boost Evasion (#1) Evasion increases.
提升回避LV1 永久性提升回避力
Bow Mastery 4 - 6 Increases attack power when using bows.
弓箭大师LV4-6 提升使用弓箭时的攻击力

Light Armor Mastery 4 - 6 Increases defense and evasion when wearing light equipment.
轻甲大师LV4-6 提升装备轻甲时的防御力以及回避力

Dagger Mastery (#2) Increases attack power when using daggers.
匕首大师LV2 提升使用匕首时的攻击力

Expertise C (#2) Becomes familiar with C grade equipment.
C级专家 熟悉C等级的装备

Accuracy (#1) none
精确LV1 大概是加命中的技能吧(我猜....=.=||)
Level 28

Charm 7 - 9 none
Unlock (#3) none
开锁 LV3
Cure Bleeding (#2) Heals one's wounds. Influence under 7.
治疗圣光LV2 治愈一个目标的伤口,作用小于7

Bleed (#2) none
Ultimate Evasion (#1) none
终级回避LV1 提升回避力的吧.....(大概)
Quick Step (#1) Moving speed increases.
快速步行LV1 永久性提升移动速度
Boost Evasion (#2) Evasion increases.
提升回避LV2 永久性提升回避力
Bow Mastery 7 - 9 Increases attack power when using bows.
弓箭大师LV7-9 提升使用弓箭时的攻击力

Acrobatic Move (#1) Evasion increases when running.
Light Armor Mastery 7 - 9 Increases defense and evasion when wearing light equipment.
轻甲大师LV7-9 提升装备轻甲时的防御力以及回避力

Dagger Mastery (#3) Increases attack power when using daggers.
匕首大师LV3 提升使用匕首时的攻击力

Expertise B (#3) Becomes familiar with B grade equipment.
B级专家 熟悉B等级的装备

Level 32

Charm 10 - 12 none
Rapid Shot (#1) Increases one's speed of shooting arrows.
快速射击LV1 提升弓箭的射击速度
Ultimate Evasion (#2) none
终级回避LV2 提升回避力的吧.....(大概)

Critical Chance (#2) Critical rate increases.
临界机率LV2 (LV2?怎么又是LV2?LV1死哪去了?) 提升致命一击的出现机率
Quick Step (#2) Moving speed increases.
快速步行LV2 永久性提升移动速度

Boost Evasion (#3) Evasion increases.
提升回避LV3 永久性提升回避力

Bow Mastery 10 - 12 Increases attack power when using bows.
弓箭大师LV10-12 提升使用弓箭时的攻击力

Acrobatic Move (#2) Evasion increases when running.
杂技表演?卖艺?XD,不会翻啦。LV2 作用:在奔跑时提升回避力
Light Armor Mastery 10 - 12 Increases defense and evasion when wearing light equipment.
轻甲大师LV10-12 提升装备轻甲时的防御力以及回避力

Sprint (#1) Temporarily increases one's moving speed. Effect 1.
急奔LV1 暂时提升一个目标的移动速度 效果1
Dagger Mastery (#4) Increases attack power when using daggers.
匕首大师LV4 提升使用匕首时的攻击力

Expertise A (#4) Becomes familiar with A grade equipment.
A级专家 熟悉A等级的装备

Level 36

Charm 13 - 15 none
魅惑 LV13-15
Rapid Shot (#2) Increases one's speed of shooting arrows.
快速射击LV2 提升弓箭的射击速度
Stun Shot 1 - 3 Attacks with bow and puts into shock. Power 287.
昏迷射击LV1-3 使用弓箭攻击并且使敌人昏眩 1级时附加攻击力287
Entangle (#1) Decreases moving speed. Effect 1.
缠绕LV1 降低目标的移动速度 效果1
Critical Chance (#3) Critical rate increases.
临界机率LV3 提升致命一击的出现机率

Esprit (#1) Healing speed increases when running.
精神LV1 在奔跑时提升自然恢复速度(逃命用......=.=")
Bow Mastery 13 - 15 Increases attack power when using bows.
弓箭大师LV13-15 提升使用弓箭时的攻击力

Acrobatic Move (#3) Evasion increases when running.
杂技表演?卖艺?XD,不会翻啦。LV3 作用:在奔跑时提升回避力
Light Armor Mastery 13 - 15 Increases defense and evasion when wearing light equipment.
轻甲大师LV13-15 提升装备轻甲时的防御力以及回避力

Sprint (#2) Temporarily increases one's moving speed. Effect 2.
急奔LV2 暂时提升一个目标的移动速度 效果1

Expertise S (#5) Becomes familiar with S grade equipment.

S级专家 熟悉S等级的装备

英文資料來自www.lineage2compendium.com﹐翻譯 BY ice81721

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Expertise D ,C,B,A,S 應該是指對這些等級的裝備是否能夠使用,要學了才能使用,看一下www.lineage2compendium.com裝備列表,每個裝備後面都有等級之分的.
韓測第8server 精靈巡守 Lv 38 精靈巫師 Lv 25 人類神官 Lv 23 精靈騎士 Lv 21 矮人工匠 Lv 20

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