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[email="webmaster@lineage2.co.kr"]webmaster@lineage2.co.kr[/email] (韓國天堂2網站管理員)
[email="pr@ncsoft.net"]pr@ncsoft.net[/email] (NCSoft公關部)
電郵標題: Complaint Letter against NCTaiwan (Serious BOT problem)
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(按:由於本人並非文人學者出身,英文文法和中文水平也不高,如有任何文法上的小錯漏也敬請包涵。 若要精心啄磨才拿出給大家,不知要等到何時,所以良性提點是好,但惡性肆意批評本人就不會理會! 請見諒。)
Dear Sir,
As a devoted player of your company OLG Lineage2 (L2) in Taiwan-Hongkong Area and also an oversea customer, I here write this letter to complain against NCTaiwan Co. Ltd for their disability of handling game-BOT problem.
Since last 2 months, many normal L2 players reported they found many suspected BOT-characters everywhere inside the game. The characteristic of this BOT-character is accordance of whole team while hunting monsters and moving.
Although NCTaiwan claims they have tried their best to punish BOT-player, the quantity of account using BOT inside game is actually very high or even at lost-control situation. The main reason is the appearance of a NEW-type of BOT. ONE computer installing this illegal BOT can control other 8-account players “at same time”. We call this as “OCTOPUS-BOT” and have evidence to prove that this BOT programs is made in China-mainland.
OCTOPUS-BOTs seriously affect the stability & influence of L2 Game-Server due to large amount of illegal “DATA packet” exists. Game servers may breakdown by handling too many of this illegal packets. Equality of game is now obviously destroyed by OCTOPUS-BOTs. However, NCTaiwan still ignore this serious problem and act as a routinier. They use their old method to observe behavior of a BOT-character. As a result, NCTaiwan completely fail to ban these game-accounts using OCTOPUS-BOT. These BOT-characters seem openly continue their illegal method to earn “Game money” everywhere. Normal players are now directly affected by them.
Many normal L2 players feel frustrating after they complained to NCTaiwan by E-Box. From their insincere reply, they only adopt current method which is against single-BOT player. This old observation model is applied to ALL kind of BOT-character including OCTOPUS-BOT.
How can NCTaiwan give out such irresponsible feedback? This serious problem has existed for over 2 months. Is it fair to a normal OLG player? Known from my neighbor friends, many L2 players abandoned the game due to serious BOT problem. If this situation remains, I would also consider my withdrawal of L2.
It is time to show your company determination against BOT. As a mother company of Lineage2, I hope you can give NCTaiwan clear instructs to make them improve as soon as possible.
Thank you for your kindly attention.
Yours Sincerely,
XXXXXXXX ID name (請寫出遊戲內本尊的ID…表示你的確是他們顧客)
Server XX
Lineage2 Taiwan-Hongkong Area player
本人為一位熱愛貴公司天堂2遊戲之玩家,和作為貴公司之海外顧客,現欲投訴吉恩立(台灣) 公司之無能處理外掛問題事宜。
從2個多月前開始,很多玩家回應發現很多疑似自動練公(BOT) 角色,大量充斥於天堂2遊戲內各個區域。 它們的特性是有著一致性的打怪和移動模式。
雖然吉恩立宣稱他們已盡力去清理外掛玩家,但是事實上使用外掛玩家之數量是非常高,甚至已到達失控的地步。 主因是現在流行一種新型的外掛,只需在一部電腦安裝了這種外掛程式後,便可同時登入並控制另外8個帳戶角色。 此種外掛我們正常玩家稱之為「章魚外掛」,並已知道該外掛程式由中國大陸人製造出來。
此種「章魚外掛」嚴重影響遊戲伺服器之穩定和流暢,原因在於外掛程式會發放大量非法的資料包封,伺服器也可能隨時因此而故障維修。 正因為這特性,遊戲的公平性亦嚴重受損! 可是吉恩立仍然忽視此問題之嚴重性,並依然默守成規地,使用過往分辨普通的「單獨型外掛角色」的方法。 結果當然是令「章魚外掛」逍遙法外,並公然在遊戲世界內,四處繼續使用不當方式賺取遊戲的金錢,甚至妨礙正常玩家打怪。
很多正當玩家經E-Box系統向吉恩立投訴以上情況,查詢為甚麼GM對此種新型外掛束手無策,可惜也只感到失望和沮喪。 從吉恩立無誠意的官方回覆,表示只會依照過往策略,亦即隱身觀察懷疑「某一」玩家,作為抓取任何外掛的標準。
這種不負責任的解釋,竟然由吉恩立官腔口中說出。 對於一個遵守遊戲章規的正常玩家是公平嗎? 此等章魚外掛猖獗的情況已有2個月了,從遊戲內身邊的朋友知道,很多玩家都因此外掛問題而放棄天堂2遊戲。 若問題沒有合理地改善,本人亦考慮退出遊戲。
這是一個很好的時機,證明貴公司和台灣子公司(吉恩立) 消滅外掛之決心。 既然作為天堂2遊戲之母公司,我希望貴公司能向台灣子公司(吉恩立) ,發出有力和清晰指示,著令他們立即跟進外掛猖獗的問題並盡快改善。
遊戲ID (請寫出遊戲內本尊的ID…表示你的確是他們顧客)
伺服器 X
台灣-香港區天堂2遊戲玩家 |