抱歉,問這種怪問題...當我正要開始下載檔案時,他總會顯示:Invalid Key or in use or Missing File
Your download key for the requested file is invalid. Download keys are only valid for 48 hours. Once your download is complete, the key is no longer valid. Keys are also only valid for the original server.
Additionally this error may be caused because the file was not found on the server.
If you need help starting your download, please contact FileFront support. . --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------請問這是表示甚麼呢?在我看來好像是說合法不合法的,甚麼48小時較要把檔案刪掉的....請問是檔案死黨了嗎?還是空間在維修啊....包欠,英文太濫...希望大家多多指教...