Staff (杖)
Insightful Head: +5 [5~15k]; +4 [3k]; +3 [1~2k] - MP 最大值提昇
Defense Head: +5 [3k] - +5 防禦
Hale Head: 30hp [20~35k]; 29hp [10~15k]; 28hp [5~10k] - HP 最大值提昇
Wrapping of Defense +5 [4k] - +5 防禦
Wrapping of Shelter vs Physical: +7 [3k]; +6 [500] - 物理防禦提昇
Wrapping of Warding vs Elemental: +7 [3k]; +6 [500] - 屬性防禦提昇
Wrapping of Enchantment: 20% [20~35k]; 19% [10k]; 18% [5k] - 結界時限提昇
Wrapping of Fortitude: 30hp [20~30k]; 29hp [15~20k]; 28hp [8k] - HP 最大值提昇
Hard to price items: Very specific! (難以定價之物品!)
20% Fire supposedly [100k]
20% Death supposedly [75~100k]
20% Domination supposedly [50~70k]
20% Deathbane supposedly [60k]
All the +1 to skill mods [---]
All the %damage vs. monster types [---]