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F-5 Freedom Fighter / Tiger

The development of the Northrop F-5 began in 1954 when a Northrop team toured Europe and Asia to examine the defense needs of NATO and SEATO countries. A 1955 company design study for a lightweight supersonic fighter that would be relatively inexpensive, easy to maintain, and capable of operating out of short runways. The Air Force did not initially look favorably upon the proposal, since it did not need for a lightweight fighter. However, it did need a new trainer to replace the Lockheed T-33, and in June of 1956 the Air Force announced that it was going to acquire the trainer version, the T-38 Talon.

On April 25, 1962, the Department of Defense announced that it had chosen the aircraft for its Military Assistance Program (MAP). America's NATO and SEATO allies would now be able to acquire a supersonic warplane of world-class quality at a reasonable cost. On August 9, 1962 the aircraft was given the official designation of F-5A Freedom Fighter. Optimized for the air-to-ground role, the F-5A had only a very limited air-to-air capability, and was not equipped with a fire-control radar. The F-5B was the two-seat version of the F-5A. It was generally similar to the single-seat F-5A but had two seats in tandem for dual fighter/trainer duties.
Although all F-5A production was intended for MAP, in October 1965, the USAF "borrowed" 12 combat-ready F-5As from MAP supplies and sent them to Vietnem with the 4503rd Tactical Fighter Wing for operational service trials. This program was given the code name of *Skoshi Tiger" ("little" Tiger). and it was during this tour of duty that the F-5 picked up its Tiger nickname.

On November 20, 1970, the Northrop entry was declared the winner of the IFA (International Fighter Aircraft) to be the F-5A/B's successor. The emphasis was be on the air-superiority role for nations faced with threats from opponents operating late-generation MiG-21s. An order was placed for five development and 325 production aircraft. In January of 1971, it was reclassified as F-5E. The aircraft came to be known as *Tiger II*
The US Navy Fighter Weapons School (the so-called "Top Gun" school) at NAS Miramar acquired a total of ten F-5Es and three F-5Fs for dissimilar air combat training. Because of the F-5's characteristics, which were similar to the MiG-21, was used as 'agressor' aircraft, equipping the FWS and VF-126 at NAS Miramar, plus VF-43 at NAS Oceana. All three units later disposed of their Tiger IIs in favor of the General Dynamics F-16N. These Tiger IIs were passed on to VF-95 at NAS Key West and VFA-127 at NAS Fallon. During FY 1996, VFC-13 moved from NAS Miramar, CA, to NAS Fallon, NV, and transitioned from 12 F/A-18 to 25 F-5 aircraft. VFC-13's flight hour program will increase to offset the scheduled decommissioning of the two remaining Active Component adversary squadrons, VF-45 and VFA-127. This transition to the F-5 adversary aircraft will provide Active and Reserve Navy pilots with air-to-air combat training at significant savings to the taxpayer. Recent estimates show that the F-5 can be operated at one third of what it costs to operate an F/A-18.
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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

F-5A Freedom Figher F-5E Tiger II
EnginesTwo General Electric J85-GE-13 turbojets,
rated at 2720 lb.s.t., 4080 lb.s.t. with afterburning.
Two General Electric J85-GE-21A turbojets, 5000 lb.s.t. with afterburning.
Maximum speed925 mph (Mach 1.4) at 36,000 feet.
Maximum cruising speed: 640 mph (Mach 0.97) at 36,000 feet
Maximum cruising speed without afterburning: Mach 0.98 at 36,000 feet.
Service ceiling50,500 feet. 51,800 feet
Rangewith maximum fuel -- 1387 miles.
Combat radius with maximum payload -- 195 miles
Combat radius with maximum fuel and two 530-pound bombs 558 miles.
with maximum fuel -- 1543 miles
Combat radius with maximum fuel and 2 Sidewinder missiles -- 656 miles.
wingspan25 feet 3 inches, 26 feet 8 inches
length 47 feet 2 inches, 48 feet 2 inches
height 13 feet 2 inches, 13 feet 4 inches
wing area170 square feet. 186 square feet
Weights:8085 pounds empty,
11,477 pounds combat,
13,433 pounds gross,
20,677 pounds maximum takeoff
9683 pounds empty, 13,350 pounds combat, 15,745 pounds gross, 24,676 pounds maximum takeoff.
Armamenttwo 20-mm cannon
in the fuselage nose. Two AIM-9 Sidewinderat the wingtips
Five pylons carry up to 6200 pounds of ordinance or fuel tanks
loads can include four air-to-air missiles, Bullpup air-to-surface missiles, bombs, up to 20 unguided rockets, or external fuel tanks.
two 20-mm M39A2 cannon with 280 rpg
two AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles at wingtips
Five pylons can carry up to 7000 pounds of ordnance or fuel

VRML 3-D Model
F-5 Tiger2
VRML by Soji Yamakawa

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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3


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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3



類型 戰鬥機
生產公司 諾斯洛普公司
首次飛行 1959年7月30日
服役 1962年
使用狀態 米格機戰鬥推演練習(USAF)、攔截機(其他國家)[1]
主要用戶 美國空軍、加拿大、伊朗、南韓、新加坡、挪威、希臘、台灣、西班牙、VNAF
生產數量 超過2,224架
單位造價 210萬美元(F-5E)[2]
衍生機型 T-38高級教練機
IAMI Azarakhsh

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Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

性能諸元(F-5E Tiger II)


[size=90%]Data from Quest for Performance[3]
  • Drag area 3.4 ft² (0.32 m²)
  • 方位比 3.86
  • 內部油箱: 677 US gal (2,563 L)
  • 外部油箱: 275 US gal (1,040 L) per tank in up to 3 tanks
  • 最高速度: 917 kt (1,700 km/h)
  • 航程: 760 nm 戰鬥,2,010 nm 巡航 (1,405 km / 3,720 km)
  • 升限: 51,800 ft (15,800 m)
  • 爬升率: 34,400 ft/min (175 m/s)
  • 翼面荷重: lb/ft² (kg/m²)

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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

漢翔航太的F-5戰機性能提升計畫F-5 Tiger 2000


F-5 Tiger 2000機情最新報導

F-5 Tiger 2000 News Update

漢翔航太的F-5戰機性能提升計畫F-5 Tiger 2000,終於完工出場試飛。漢翔航太F-5 Tiger 2000計畫已進行多年,並曾前往蘭卡威、新加坡、台北等各航展中展示。整體規劃雖早已完成,但原型機一直是只聞樓梯響,不見機出來,不過漢翔航太的F-5 Tiger 2000原型機終於於7月24日下午三時許首次升空試飛,漢翔航太表示,將在全部飛航測試完成後舉行「新機發表會」。
Tiger 2000性能提升案以航電系統為主,包括裝設新一代機都有的手置節流閥及操縱桿(HOTAS)、整合式全球衛星定位系統暨慣性導航系統(GPS/INS)。

將AN/APQ-159型雷達會更新為F-CK-1戰機使用的金龍53型(GD-53)多功能都卜勒空用雷達。但F-5戰機鼻錐截面積較F-CK-1戰機小,使得搜索距離較F-CK-1戰機裝置之GD-53約短2哩。但發射機發射功率不變、雷達發射器、接收器與處理器與GD-53完全相同。具有對8個目標掃瞄同時追蹤、地形繪圖、地面測距等多種功能。此外還有更新任務電腦、AN/ARN-153型戰術導航儀、整合式控制面板、改良型雷達預警接收器及2具與F-16A/B Block 20彩色多功能顯示器(MFD)和抬頭顯示器(HUD)。

>改良後的Tiger 2000戰機具備發射視距外天箭二型雷達主動導引中程空對空飛彈的能力,可在機腹中線掛載1枚天劍二型飛彈。並可攜掛各式傳統炸彈、短程空對地飛彈等。據漢翔公司表示,F-5 Tiger 2000雖然在視距外空戰接戰能力大為提升,但提升後的航電系統表現最佳的還是在對地攻擊方面。由於GD-53與APG-67性能相近,搭配F-16 A/B Block 20的HUD與MFD後最佳表現還是在對地打擊方面,F-16 A/B Block 20能做的F-5 Tiger 2000都能做,但由於發動機推力相差過大,載量將比F-16A/B少。

在機體結構方面,漢翔航太可為客戶進行機體改造與擇要檢修(IRAN)。漢翔航太還可將F-5E改裝成F-5F,這也是目前市場上所有F-5性能提升案中其他廠家所不具備的。F-5F在執行對地打擊任務時彈性較F-5E為大,這也是漢翔希望將空軍封存之F-5E加以改裝出售的原因。不過由於空軍已將F-5E/F列為10年內汰除的戰機,故採購F-5 Tiger 2000的可能性有限,但由於部訓教練機的前景不明,F-5 Tiger 2000改為部訓教練機的市場潛力或許更大。

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