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eveloped for the USAF as reconnaissance aircraft more than 30 years ago, SR-71s are still the world's fastest and highest-flying production aircraft. The aircraft can fly more than 2200 mph (Mach 3+ or more than three times the speed of sound) and at altitudes of over 85,000 feet. For its reconnaissance mission, the aircraft was outfitted with an advanced synthetic aperture radar system [ASARS-I], an optical bar camera and a technical objective camera wet film system. All were once part of the aircraft's original equipment.

The SR-71 was designed by a team of Lockheed personnel led by Clarence "Kelly" Johnson, at that time vice president of the company's Advanced Development Projects, known as the "Skunk Works." The first version, a CIA reconnaissance aircraft that first flew in April 1962 was called the A-11. Upon retrofitting with J-58 engine, it was designated the A-12. An interceptor version was developed in 1963 under the designation YF-12A. A USAF reconnaissance variant, called the SR-71, was first flown in 1964. The A-12 and SR-71 designs included leading and trailing edges made of high-temperature fiberglass-asbestos laminates which among other features contributed to their reduced radar signature. Its existence was publicly announced by President Lyndon Johnson on Feb. 29, 1964, when he announced that an SR-71 had flown at sustained speeds of over 2000 mph during tests at Edwards, Calif.
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Development of the SR-71s from the A-11 design, as strategic reconnaissance aircraft, began in February 1963. First flight of an SR-71 was on Dec. 22, 1964. The YF-12s were experimental long-range interceptor versions of the same airframe and were first displayed publicly at Edwards on Sept. 30, 1964.
The Air Force needed technical assistance to get the latest reconnaissance version of the A-12 family, the SR-71A, fully operational. Eventually, the Air Force offered NASA the use of two YF-12A aircraft, 60-6935 and 606936. A joint NASA-USAF program was mapped out in June 1969. The NASA YF-12 research program was ambitious; the aircraft flew an average of once a week unless down for extended maintenance or modification. It made 90 flights between 16 July 1971 and 22 December 1978.

The SR-71 is a delta-wing aircraft designed and built by Lockheed. They are powered by two Pratt and Whitney J-58 axial-flow turbojets with afterburners, each producing 32,500 pounds of thrust. Studies have shown that less than 20 percent of the total thrust used to fly at Mach 3 is produced by the basic engine itself. The balance of the total thrust is produced by the unique design of the engine inlet and "moveable spike" system at the front of the engine nacelles, and by the ejector nozzles at the exhaust which burn air compressed in the engine bypass system.

The Blackbird weighs about 34 tons empty, and can carry another 20 tons of special JP-7 jet fuel (enough for about two hours of flight time) in its fuselage and wing tanks. In flight, the fuel is redistributed automatically to maintain the plane's center of gravity and load specifications. Because the Blackbird was designed to expand during flight, it has had a history of fuel tank leaks on the ground.
The airframes are built almost entirely of titanium and titanium alloys to withstand heat generated by sustained Mach 3 flight. The aircraft's largely titanium structure is coated with a special radar-absorbing black paint that also helps dissipate the intense frictional heat resulting from flight through the atmosphere at faster than three times the speed of sound. It also gives the plane its distinctive "Blackbird" nickname. Aerodynamic control surfaces consist of all-moving vertical tail surfaces above each engine nacelle, ailerons on the outer wings, and elevators on the trailing edges between the engine exhaust nozzles.

Although most news reports characterize the SR-71 aircraft as `radar evading', in point of fact, however, the SR-71 was one of the largest radar targets ever detected on the FAA's long-range radars. The FAA was able to track it at ranges of several hundred miles. The explanation offered was that the radars were detecting the exhaust plume.

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Correction: "The two reactivated SR-71 Blackbirds (1995-1998) were equipped with all-weather day/night ASARS-1 radar imaging 'downloadable' to any military ground station, and an electro-optical digital imaging camera (a modified TEOC), similar to the U-2 SYSERS, which also could downlink to any ground station. It also could carry traditional film, so it could carry 3 different imagery collection systems each mission, 2 which were NRT. It was a targeteer's perfect look-shoot-look intelligence platform." -- Colonel Joe Reich, USAF (Ret), Senior Intelligence Officer, SR-71 Reactivation Team, 1995-98

Primary Function: Strategic Reconnaissance
Contractor:Lockheed-Martin Skunkworks
Power Plant: 2 Pratt and Whitney J-58 axial-flow turbojets with afterburners
each produces 32,500 pounds of thrust
Length:107.4 feet (32.73 m)
Height:l8.5 feet (5.63 m)
Weight:140,000 pounds (52,250 kg) Gross takeoff weight
80,000 pounds (30,000 kg) JP-7 fuel weight
Wingspan: 55.6 feet (16.94 m)
Speed: over Mach 3.2 / 2,000 mph (3,200 kph)
Range:over 2000 miles (3200 km) unrefueled
Altitude:over 85,000 feet (26,000 m)
Unit Cost:
Inventory:            Built    Lost  A-12          13       5M-21           2       1YF-12          3       2SR-71A        29      11SR-71B         2       1SR-71C         1       0

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[tr]Tail #MODELDisposition [/tr]
60-6924A-12Blackbird Airpark, Palmdale, CA (AFFTC Museum)
60-6925A-12Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum, NY
60-6926A-12crashed 24 May 1963, CIA pilot ejected safely
60-6927A-12 Museum of Science/Industry, LA (Stored at Skunk Works)
60-6928A-12crashed 05 January 1967, CIA pilot killed
60-6929A-12crashed 28 December 1967, pilot ejected safely
60-6930A-12Alabama Space and Rocket Center, Huntsville
60-6931A-12Minnesota ANG Museum, St Paul, MN
60-6932A-12crashed 5 June 1968, CIA pilot killed
60-6933A-12San Diego Aerospace Museum
60-6934YF-12Adestroyed on landing 14 August 1966
60-6935YF-12AUSAF Museum, Dayton, OH
60-6936YF-12Acrashed 24 June 1971, crew ejected safely
60-6937A-12Storage, Plant 42 (Skunk Works)
60-6938A-12 USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park, Mobile, AL
60-6939A-12destroyed on landing 9 July 1964, crew ejected safely
60-6940A-12 Museum of Flight, Seattle
60-6941M-12crashed 30 July 1966 , pilot survived, LCO killed
61-7971SR-71A Evergreen Aviation Museum, Oregon
64-17950SR-71A destroyed on takeoff 11 April 1969, crew ejected safely
64-17951SR-71A Pima Air Museum, Tucson, AZ (NASA YF-12C 937)

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64-17952SR-71A crashed 25 January 1966, pilot survived, RSO killed
64-17953SR-71A crashed 18 December 1969, crew ejected safely
64-17954SR-71A destroyed on takeoff 11 April 1969, crew ejected safely
64-17955SR-71AAFFTC Museum, Edwards AFB, CA
64-17956SR-71B Air Zoo, Kalamazoo, MI
64-17957SR-71B crashed 11 January 1968, crew ejected safely
64-17958SR-71A Robbins AFB Museum, GA
64-17959SR-71A Air Force Armament Museum, Eglin AFB, FL
64-17960SR-71A Castle Air Museum, Merced, CA
64-17961SR-71AKansas Cosmosphere & Space Center, Hutchinson, KS
64-17962SR-71AReserve Fleet, Plant 42, Palmdale, CA
64-17963SR-71A Beale AFB Museum, CA
64-17964SR-71A SAC Museum, Offut AFB, NE
64-17965SR-71A crashed 25 October 1967, crew ejected safely
64-17966SR-71A crashed 13 April 1967, crew ejected safely
64-17967SR-71AOperational (USAF), Det 2, 9th SW, Edwards AFB, CA
64-17968SR-71A Virginia Aviation Museum
64-17969SR-71A crashed 10 May 1970, crew ejected safely
64-17970SR-71A crashed 17 June 1970, crew ejected safely
64-17971SR-71AOperational (USAF), Det 2, 9th SW, Edwards AFB, CA
64-17972SR-71ANational Air and Space Museum, Washington D.C.
64-17973SR-71A Blackbird Airpark, Palmdale, CA (Det 1 ASC)
64-17974SR-71A crashed 21 April 1989, crew ejected safely
64-17975SR-71AMarch Field Museum, March AFB, CA
64-17976SR-71AUSAF Museum, Dayton, OH
64-17977SR-71Adestroyed in takeoff accident 10 October 1968
64-17978SR-71Adestroyed in landing accident 20 July 1972
64-17979SR-71A History & Traditions Museum, Lackland AFB, TX
64-17980SR-71A Operational, NASA Dryden FRC, Edwards AFB, CA
64-17981SR-71C Hill AFB Museum, Hill AFB, UT
SR-71A American Air Museum, Duxford, United Kingdom

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A-11 / A-12


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SR-71在1964年12月22日首次試飛,並在1966年1月進入加州比爾(Beale)空軍基地的第4200戰略偵察聯隊(後改番號為第9戰略偵察聯隊)服役。1990年1月26日,由於國防預算降低和操作費用高昂 ,美國空軍將SR-71退役,但在1995年又編回部隊,並於1997年展開飛行任務,1998年SR-71永久退役。

SR-71仍然是世界上最快的飛機,並且保有兩項紀錄:1976年7月28日當天,一架SR-71創下時速2,193.167哩(3,529.56公里)的速度紀錄,以及85,068.997呎(25,929公尺)的高度紀錄,只有前蘇聯的MiG-25狐蝠式高空攔截機曾經在1977年8月31日達到更高的37,650。它可以在80,000呎(約24公里)的高空,以每小時100,000平方哩(約每秒72平方公里)的速度掃視地表。當SR-71在1990年退役時,其中一架從它出生的加州棕櫚谷(Palmdale)的美國空軍42號工廠(en:Plant 42),飛到維吉尼亞州香蒂利(Chantilly)國家航太博物館展示,以平均時速2,124哩(3,418公里),全程只花了68分鐘。SR-71也保有在1974年9月1日創下的從紐約到倫敦的紀錄:1小時54分56.4秒。(協和式客機飛行同樣的路程要3小時20分,而最快的亞音速客機波音747則需要7小時。)

1968年3月21日,Jerome F. O'Malley少校與Edward D. Payne少校駕駛序號64-17976的SR-71進行首次作戰任務,這架飛機在服役生涯中累積了2,981個飛行小時與942次任務(多於其它任一架),包括257次分別從加州比爾空軍基地、棕櫚谷、日本嘉手納(Kadena)基地、與英國皇家空軍米登霍爾(Mildenhall)基地出發的作戰任務。這架飛機在1990年3月飛到俄亥俄州德通市(Dayton)的國立美國空軍博物館。在沖繩,A-12與SR-71被取了另一個綽號:Habu,因為當地人認為它們長得像這種東南亞的毒蛇。

SR-71共建造了32架,其中12架在飛行事故中損失,偵察系統官Jim Zwayer是唯一身亡的機師,其他人都彈射逃生成功。

洛克希德臭鼬鼠工廠的Kelly Johnson為CIA設計的A-12牛車式是SR-71的前身。洛克希德稱它為大天使(Archangel),但Johnson寧可用Article。在設計案的發展中,洛克希德的內部編號隨著設計變更從A-1一直到A-11,A-11是第一個進行測試飛行的,裝上了推力較低的J-75渦輪噴射引擎,因為原本要使用的普惠J-58引擎的開發延誤了。當J-58終於抵達大牧場(51區),裝上飛機成為第12個構型後,編號也隨之變更為A-12,這個編號便持續使用到製造與運作。A-12共建造了18架,其中3架被轉用為YF-12,也就是F-12攔截機型的原型機。

空軍用的偵察機型原本稱為R-12。然而在1964年的總統大選,參議員Barry Goldwater持續抨擊詹森(Lyndon B. Johnson)總統與新武器研發上落後於蘇聯,詹森總統決定以高度機密性的A-12計劃,及存在的偵察型進行回擊。

空軍計劃將R-12重新編號為RS-71(代表Reconnaissance-Strike,偵察—打擊),接續在已有兩次試飛的RS-70(XB-70女武神式轟炸機的衍生型)之後。然而,空軍參謀長(Air Force Chief of Staff)Curtis LeMay更喜歡SR的編號,也想將RS-70改編號為SR-70,這時給予媒體的新聞稿仍然寫著RS-71,造成總統誤讀飛機編號的傳聞。 [1] [2]

計劃的公開與新編號使臭鼬鼠工廠與空軍中參與計劃的人員受到震撼;所有印刷了的維修手冊、飛行員手冊、訓練vufoil、機座和材料都已印上了R-12(The 18 June, 1965 Certificate of Completion issued by the Skunkworks to the first Air Force Flight Crews and their Wing Commander are labeled: "R-12 Flight Crew Systems Indoctrination, Course VIII" and signed by Jim Kaiser, Training Supervisor and Clinton P. Street, Manager, Flight Crew Training Department)。依照詹森總統的演說,編號依據指揮官命令變更為SR-71,並立即重新印製29,000份藍圖。

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D-21B 裝載在MD-21平臺上的D-21無人機依據基本的A-12發展出來的M-21是一個重要的次型。這是以A-12改裝成D-21無人偵察機的發射平臺。



D-21B 裝載在MD-21平臺上的D-21無人機

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