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Christmas Event!!!!!!!!!

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這是一個很簡單的event 但是也有點難度~所以大家趕快準備吧!!!

event 的項目有幾個~每一個項目只有一名得獎者~每位得獎者的獎金是+1000 鐵幣

第一: 聖誕節的由來是什麼? (如果是網路上找的不算喔~要自己用英文寫出來)
第二: 通常在聖誕節你與你的家人是如何過的?
第三: 在過去的十年之內~為了聖誕節所製作的電影或影片當中哪一個最有意義?
第四: 聖誕歌當中你最喜歡哪一首~為什麼?
第五: 今年最想要的禮物是什麼? 為什麼想要這個禮物

本活動到十二月三十一號結束~ 每個參與者+5聲望

PS. 別忘了喔~在下還需要一個台灣英文版主呢 >.<"
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I really want japan to take over tw  (LOL)

u must be like wtf?

why? u ask me?

if japan take over tw

so can allow me to look at the animation in tv yeah(LOL)

how cool is that?

casually that i said

just  a desire lol

do i really have to do all 5?

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no you don't have to do all five, but it just gives u a better chance at winning lo~ ^^

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1. I don't know where does Christmas come from and I am lazy to search.

2. I usually stay at home and do my own things. Probably eat lunch and dinner together.

3. Uhh...I forgot the movie's name but it's funny, I laughed a lot.

4. Casual Christmas song, no why, just like it.(not really, I prefer Japanese ver more)

5. I want all the games sales on December. The sword of Xuan Yuan 5 and Memories Off 5.

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1. I think Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

2. we usually change gift with each other ,clean the house and decorate it, and
play mahjong=   =

3.I don't know any movie about Christmas.......... probably I know but I forgot.

4.I like all the Christmas songs (especially for the English version)

5.I want a laptop, because the computer I am using now........sucks.

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Please accept my apology to only answer question  2 and 5.
By the way, did you have a nice Christmas?

第二: 通常在聖誕節你與你的家人是如何過的?
My family does not celebrate Christmas. I get to celebrate Chirstmas with my roommates and hostfamily during my years abroad. We would prepare Christmas dinner with lots to eat and drink such as turkey with stuffing, roast pork, seafood salad, red wine, mulled wine, buck's fizz,etc. The family I am staying with this year all stayed up late on Christmas Eve and opened their presents excitedly after 12 AM.

第五: 今年最想要的禮物是什麼? 為什麼想要這個禮物
This year, I crave for a multi-funcational cellular phone which can be a camera and mp3 player. I have actually calculate the costs to buy the three, namely, a cellular phone, a camera and a mp3 player separately and buying just one multi-funcational phone works out to be most cost-effective. So I hope somebody could get me one.

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就也丟過來給你們看一下囉 XD  不算分的 不算分
滿新鮮東西就是!! @@



        許多與耶誕節有關的風俗亦與耶穌的出生無關。裝飾美麗的耶誕樹是源自督伊德人(Druids)及斯堪地納維亞原住民(Scandinavian)崇拜樹木的習俗而來。這種習俗早在耶穌降生之前即已存在;也在中古時期盛行於德國,當時在祭拜亞當與夏娃時使用 [天堂樹] 的*樹,並用蘋果裝飾。  (*那個字是 左邊一個 木 右邊一個 我不會唸所以打不出來@@ 麻煩請會的人跟我說一聲)


我家的書 [不是腦筋急轉彎]

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第一題: johnchen30247
第二題: wang8wang8
第三題: 無人
第四題: johnchen30247
第五題: 羽~風之翼


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