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1. Contex: global networked communication environments vs. local attempts from the top (state) to limit the flow of information (tariffs, quotas ownership rules, protectionism)
Question: Has it become difficult for non-US countries to assert national cultureal sovereignty and protect their culture in the digital age?
for this one, i think, it's like you can now get these huge amounts of infomations via internet, but your brain can only be THIS big. The practice of ideas and culture takes time, and you can only have 24 hours in a day, and thus if you want to accept new foreign culture, the only way to do that is to forget your own old original culture, otherwise you wont have extra brain size and spare time. Behind all these information boom and internet i believe these are all secretly planned and runned by Western medias. They want to preach the ideas and values to we people live outside their Western world, to make us convert into one of them. They've planned this since long long ago, since the time of east indian company, since the time they come to asia and other parts of world to spread ther religion and doing trades. And also because US had done many superman job when they faught in vietnam, in WW2, in korea, in Persian Gulf etc, many non-US country peoples tend to consider US as an advance and strong country, and so they are more likely to learn and adopt the US culture. And because this is a result of people's will, not they are forced to do this, so it HAS become difficult for non-US countries to assert national cultureal sovereignty and protect their culture in the digital age.
[ 本文最後由 直落不蘭雅 於 08-2-3 11:33 PM 編輯 ] |