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kidd 才剛搞完這幾年應該不存在性能提升的問題
就算會賣那個超出正常價的高價 我們吃不吃的下
問題是 我們能換到什麼

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紀德艦存在老化的問題,尤其是MK-74飛彈導引火控系統 ( GMFCS )的導波管放大器( Travling Wave Tube Amplifier )原來的廠商已經是不生產了,美國海軍也沒有庫存。前美國海軍官員建議美國應將台灣納入軍品的零件供應鍊裡,因台灣是在世界的ICT( Information & Communication Technology )產業中,是成本最低的,而且現在的武器系統都是充滿了高量的訊息,都是台灣的強項。而且TWT這是1970年代的設計,許多的規格及藍圖正公開的,對於美國與台灣雙方都會錯過相互成長的機會,而且前美國海軍官員認為軍售會不鼓勵( discourage )自我研發武器軍品,真是一語道破台灣政府及軍方的心態。巡防艦的建構,個人覺得可以找美國、或是以色列等國協助設計,甚至是新加坡在這方面也有不錯的成績。

我覺得中科院應及海軍應及早的規劃未來的替代方案,結合民間產業力量將國防產業建立起來。美國人都認為台灣有能力,那國防部及政府高層為什麼要看輕自已呢? 同理,台灣的許多產業人材都優於政府,為什麼不從民間找呢? 還是自我建構就沒有油水可以撈呢?

資料來源Defence News : http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?i=4093879

Taiwan Kidds to Receive Radar Parts                                               By wendell minnick
Published: 16 May 2009 17:41  Print  |    Email

Singapore - The Pentagon has released radar components for four Kidd-class destroyers sold to Taiwan in 2003 for $700 million.

California-based Communications & Power Industries won a $12.2 million FMS contract to supply Taiwan with the MK-74 TARTAR-D system traveling wave tubes (TWT) and solenoids.

"The MK-74 TARTAR-D TWT is a component of the MK-74 Guided Missile Fire Control System (GMFCS)," according to a Pentagon contract award notice on May 12. "The GMFCS MK-74 functions as part of the missile weapons system to support the anti-air and anti-surface warfare missions of ships." Contract completion scheduled for 2014.

"The traveling wave tube (TWT) amplifier is a critical component in the radar system," said a former U.S. defense official. "This component is one example of a critical spare part on the Kidds that has gone out of production. So this company needs to replicate the TWT that the original supplier produced decades ago."

The sale is welcome news in Taiwan, where there are fears the U.S. will re-evaluate arms sales as Beijing and Taipei move closer.

However, there is some criticism of the sale, suggesting continued U.S. arms sales discourage indigenous development of weapon systems.

"One of the questions that this raises is why Taiwan industry didn't manufacture these TWTs for the ROC Navy as an alternative to procurement though the FMS system. The component no longer exists in the U.S. Navy inventory. But the specification or blueprint for the TWT is publicly available, and this is 1970s vintage technology," said the former official.

One way to fix the problem is to allow Taiwan access to the specifications for manufacture and include Taiwan as part of the Pentagon's international supply chain.

"Taiwan's status as one of world's most cost effective supplier of information and communications technology (ICT)" should be taken into consideration, "and as weapon systems become increasingly ICT-intensive, the missed opportunities grow," for both Taiwan and the U.S. military.

The best solution is to allow Taiwan to "qualify to serve as a supplier to the Department of Defense."

"At least 21 foreign industries, including a large number of major non-NATO allies, are qualified to supply DoD," said the former official. "Taiwan basically has the same status as China or North Korea, rather than the major non-NATO ally status that Congress granted Taiwan several years ago."

However, continued political issues cloud the issue for both Taiwan and the U.S. China has been increasing pressure on Washington to discontinue arms sales to Taipei. The matter has been further complicated by efforts by Taiwan's new president to enhance relations with China.

[ 本文章最後由 Wolfmann 於 09-9-6 22:09 編輯 ]

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