THE ARENA | 在練習場和訓練賽都可以解鎖。在練習場裡按BACK鍵就會跳出訓練賽菜單。在練習場裡按D-PAD任意方向可以進入定位球 |
1.Finish with some finesse | Score a goal using the finesse shot inside the penalty box |
很簡單,禁區內完成一個推射進球,RB+X即可 | 難度:★☆☆☆☆ | +1完成能力 |
2.Bury it with the laces | Score a goal using the laces shot inside the penalty box |
禁區內隨便進個球,X+方向 | 難度:★☆☆☆☆ | +1射門力量 |
3.Tuck home a penalty | Keep your composure to score from a penalty kick |
進一個十二碼。帶小人進禁區,按D-PAD就可以踢十二碼了 | 難度:★☆☆☆☆ | +1十二碼 |
4. Juggle the ball 5 times | Juggle the ball while standing |
連續顛球5下。按LT+點RB即可 | 難度:★☆☆☆☆ | 碟帶技巧+1顆星 |
5.Drill one in from outside the box | Score with a laces shot from outside the penalty box |
禁區外大力抽射進一個。加速碟帶,用慣用腳遠射,注意調整方向,推薦遠角 | 難度:★☆☆☆☆ | 遠射+1 |
6.Score with my weaker foot | Score with your weak foot from any distance |
用弱足進個球 | 難度:★☆☆☆☆ | 平衡+1 |
7.Curl one in from 18 yards | Score a finesse shot from outside the penalty box |
禁區外推射。在禁區邊緣(不要進禁區)用RB+X射門,推薦推遠角 | 難度:★☆☆☆☆ | 弧度+1 |
8.Try 3 of the skill moves | Perform at least three of the nine 2 star skill moves |
完成3個二星碟帶,可以到按鍵設置裡去看2星碟帶 | 難度:★☆☆☆☆ | 碟帶技巧+1顆星 |
9.Catch the ball | Catch the ball while playing as the goalkeeper |
把球抱住,祈禱AI射門軟弱無力,否則就出擊按B把球撲下 | 難度:★★☆☆☆ | 手感+1 |
10.Make a diving save | Make a diving save while playing as the goalkeeper |
做個撲救,對方射門的時候選好時機按A+方向即可 | 難度:★★☆☆☆ | 撲救+1 |
11.Bend in a free kick | Shoot&score with a standard free kick from any distance |
進一個自由球,推薦和第23個成就一起解鎖 | 難度:★★★☆☆ | 自由球精度+1 |
12.Practice 6 skill moves | Perform at least six of the nine 2 star skill moves |
完成6個2星碟帶 | 難度:★☆☆☆☆ | 控制球+1 |
13.Score back off the post | Score a goal directly following a rebound off the post |
進一個門柱反彈補射,靠運氣了,儘量用RB射門容易中門柱,然後補射 | 難度:★★★★★ | 反應+1 |
14.Check out the fakeshot | Perform the fake shot when inside the penalty box |
在禁區裡假射,X+A | 難度:★☆☆☆☆ | 敏捷+1 |
15.Test out two 3 star skills | Perform at least two of the six 3Star skill moves |
做出2個3星碟帶 | 難度:★☆☆☆☆ | 碟帶技巧+1顆星 |
16.Chip the keeper from out the box | Score with a chip shot from outside the pennalty box |
禁區外挑射,因為1V1模式下守門員一般不出擊,所以可以先射一個球,等他撲到以後補射用LB+X完成 | 難度:★★☆☆☆ | 視野+1 |
17.Score a volley in the area | Score with a volley from inside the penalty box |
先在禁區邊緣背對球門,LT+RB顛球,然後RT+前把球勾過來,就可以臨空抽射了 | 難度:★★★☆☆ | 臨空+1 |
18.dribble around a player | Dribble past an opposition player or the goalkeeper |
過掉一名球員,可以在練習賽下,調整防守方2人,因為練習模式下AI不高,簡單的LT+前後就有很大的幾率能過掉對手。 | 難度:★★☆☆☆ | 平衡+1 |
19.Save a one-on one | Make a 1-on-1 save while playing as the goalkeeper |
扮演守門員時,撲出一個單刀。和第10個是一起解的 | 難度:★☆☆☆☆ | 撲救+1 |
20.Keep out a penalty | Save a penalty while playing as the goalkeeper |
撲出一個十二碼,運氣了 | 難度:★☆☆☆☆ | 反應+1 |
21.Score from 32 yards or further | Score any type of goal from 32 yards or further out |
從32碼外遠射得分,可以是自由球。先進自由球模式下看看32碼有多遠,然後就是狂轟了,100個總能進一個 | 難度:★★★★☆ | 遠射+1 |
22.Try four 3 star skill moves | Perform at least four of the six 3 star skill moves |
嘗試4次3星的碟帶動作 | 難度:★☆☆☆☆ | 平衡+1 |
23.5 free kicks scored | Score at least 5 goals from free kicks with your virtual pro |
進5個自由球。在自由球訓練模式下,於禁區外25碼左右,右腳球員推薦罰球點為中間偏右,瞄準球門死角,力量條一半少一點,有非常大的進球成功率 | 難度:★★★★☆ | 自由球+2 |
24.Beat a player with skill | Dribble past an opposition player or the goalkeeper using any skill move |
第18項解了這個也就解了 | 難度:★★☆☆☆ | 敏捷+1 |
25.weak foot from range | Score with your weaker foot from outside the penalty box |
用弱足遠射得分。在禁區邊緣RB+射門,注意要先把球碟帶到逆足,推薦遠角難度:★★☆☆☆ | 弱足精度+1 |
26.Tuck in 10 penalties | Score at least 10 goals when practicing your penalty kicks |
進10個十二碼 | 難度:★☆☆☆☆ | 十二碼+3 |
27.Practice five 4 star skills | Perform at least five of the various 4 Star skill |
使用5種4星動作 | 難度:★☆☆☆☆ | 碟帶等級+1 |
28.Score a volley from distance | Score with a volley from outside the penalty box |
同17,換成要在禁區外完成 | 難度:★★☆☆☆ | 臨空+2 |
29.Make a double save | Make a double save while playing as the goalkeeper |
連續2次撲救,最好在練習賽上,調11對GK,自己扮演防守方,拚命堵槍眼吧! | 難度:★★★★☆ | 反應+1 |
30.Save 5 penalties | Save 5 penalties while playing as the goalkeeper |
救5次十二碼,看運氣咯 | 難度:★☆☆☆☆ | 門將位置感+1 |