成就圖 |
英文 |
中文 |
成就分數 |
Chief Inspector | |
75G |
Complete 100% of all missions, cases, favors, events, jobs and races. | 完成遊戲中所有的任 務、案 件、救援、工作、比賽 |
Detective | |
35G |
Complete 50% of all missions, cases, favors, events, jobs and races. |
完成遊戲中50%的任務、案 件、救援、工作、比賽 |
Officer | |
15G |
Complete 25% of all missions, cases, favors, events, jobs and races. | 完成遊戲中25%的任務、案 件、救援、工作、比賽 |
Rookie | |
10G |
Complete 10% of all missions, cases, favors, events, jobs and races. | 完成遊戲中10%的任務、案 件、救援、工作、比賽 |
Pure Gold | |
60G |
Achieve 30 Gold Stat Awards. | 獲得30金的任務獎勵 |
Golden Touch | |
30G |
Achieve 15 Gold Stat Awards. |
獲得15金的任務獎勵 |
Gold Rush | |
10G |
Achieve 5 Gold Stat Awards. | 獲得5金的任務獎勵 |
Strike Gold | |
5G |
Achieve 1 Gold Stat Award. | 獲得1金的任務獎勵 |
Solid Silver | |
35G |
Achieve 30 Silver Stat Awards. | 獲得30銀的任務獎勵 |
Substantial Silver | |
15G |
Achieve 15 Silver Stat Awards. | 獲得15銀的任務獎勵 |
Slight Silver | |
5G |
Achieve 5 Silver Stat Awards. | 獲得5銀的任務獎勵 |
Auto Enthusiast | |
10G |
Purchase all vehicles. | 入手所有種類的車 |
Spiritual Healing | |
15G |
Pray at all of the Health Shrines. | 在所有的救 護 教 堂 祈 禱 |
Fashion Victim | |
15G |
Purchase all clothing. | 所有衣服都買個遍 |
Hong Kong Super Hacker | |
15G |
Hack every Security Camera in the game. | 打 壞 遊戲中所有的監 控 攝 像 頭 |
Karaoke Superstar | |
15G |
Achieving 90% and above for all songs at the Karaoke Bars in HK. | 在香港的KTV內唱過90%以上的歌 |
Bounty Hunter | |
20G |
Complete all of Rolands Jobs. | 完成所有的Roland佈置的工作 |
West End Scavenger | |
20G |
Unlock every lockbox in Kennedy Town and Aberdeen. | 打開Kennedy鎮和Aberdeen裡的所有上鎖的箱子 |
Central Scavenger | |
20G |
Unlock every lockbox in Central. | 打開Central的所有上鎖的箱子 |
North Point Scavenger | |
20G |
Unlock every lockbox in North Point. | 打開Nroth Point的所有上鎖的箱子 |
Super Cop | |
15G |
Unlock ten C op Upgrades. | 解鎖十個C op Upgrade |
Ultimate Fighter | |
15G |
Unlock ten Triad Upgrades. | 解鎖十個Triad Upgrade |
Wei of the Road | |
15G |
Complete all Street Races. | 完成所有 街 頭 競 賽 |
Event Planner | |
15G |
Complete all of the open world Events. | 完成所有世界公開賽的項目 |
Event Driven | |
20G |
Complete half of the open world events. | 完成一半的世界公開賽的項目 |
Mr. Nice Guy | |
30G |
Complete all Favors. | 完成所有 救 援 任務 |
Case Closed | |
30G |
Complete all cases. | 完成所有 案 件 |
Sharpshooter | |
25G |
Shoot out a c ops tires while fleeing in a police chase. | 在躲避 警 察 追 捕 的過程中打 爆 警 察 的輪胎 |
Kleptomaniac | |
15G |
Hijack 5 trucks and collect their cargo. | 劫 走 5輛貨車的貨物 |
Infowlable | |
15G |
Win 50,000 on a single c o c k fight. | 鬥 鷄比賽中贏得50000塊 |
Tourist | |
10G |
Win a bet on a c o c k fight. | 鬥 鷄比賽打堵獲勝 |
Whatevers Handy | |
15G |
Use 10 different melee weapons to defeat enemies. | 使用10中肉 搏 武 器對抗敵人 |
Gun Nut | |
15G |
Use 10 different firearms to defeat enemies. | 使用十種 槍 械 對抗敵人 |
Safe Driver | |
20G |
Cruise for 2 minutes straight without damaging your car. | 直行2分鐘沒撞 車 |
Gadgetman | |
20G |
Pick a lock, plant a bug, trace a phone, crack a safe, and take over a spy camera. | 撬 鎖,傳 播 電 腦 病 毒,竊 聽 電話,炸 開 保 險 箱 並安裝一個監 視 器 |
Environmentalist | |
15G |
Perform 5 unique environmental kills. | 完成5起由環境引起的死 亡事件 |
Foodie | |
10G |
Try 10 different foods or drinks. | 嘗試十種不同的食物和飲料 |
Man Around Town | |
20G |
Visit Aberdeen, Central, Kennedy Town and North Point. | 去過Aberdeen Central Kennedy Town和North Point |
Take A Bite Out Of Crime | |
10G |
Complete a Case. | 搞定一個案 件 |
A Slap in the Face | |
10G |
Kill someone with a fish. | 殺 死 一個拿着魚的人 |
Stuntman | |
5G |
Successfully perform an action hijack. | 成功完成一次劫 持 案 件 |
Fashion Statement | |
10G |
Change all your clothes in your wardrobe or a clothing store. | 在衣櫃或者服裝店換件衣服 |
Great Face | |
50G |
Achieve Face Level 10. | Face達到10級 |
Gaining Face | |
25G |
Achieve Face Level 5. | Face達到5級 |
Minor Face | |
5G |
Achieve Face Level 2. | Face達到2級 |
隱藏成就: |
Secret Achievement | | |
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. | 在遊戲中慢慢摸索吧 |