::-> Background Our Mission Our Activities or better to say Pak Fucking > Read More
:: Yaha.J R0xx coded and launched Yaha.J worm. It was coded for educational purpose and test of skill only and not to launch any serious attack with mail spamming components added to it. >> Read More
:: Yaha.K
aka Yaha.M R0xx coded and launched the Yaha.K worm. This worm contained DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) components against http://www.infopak.gov.pk,the then main government website of Pakistan. The Yaha.K worm rated among top 5 virus by various AV companies including messagelabs.com blocked http://www.infopak.gov.pk within 10 days of its launch. >> Read More
:: Yaha.P
aka Yaha.Q Though apparently it was launched accidentally in BETA stage during testing process but it earned quite popularity for us and brough to public about our mission and what we stand for.The original version of Yaha.P will be released very soon...
Time of India on Yaha.P
Geek News on Yaha.P
Antivirus.com on Yaha.P
BBC on Yaha.P
Rediff.com on Yaha.P
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