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- 上次登入
- 08-1-6
- 精華
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- 註冊時間
- 03-1-10
- 3379
回覆: Blood , Toil , Sweat and Tears
"I said to Zone who have joined this govern-ment , i have nothing to offer but blood , toil , tears and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of of the most grievous kind . We have before us an order of the most grievous kind . We have before us many , many months of sturggle and suffering.
You ask , what is our policy ? i say it is to wage war by land , sea and air . War with all our might and with all the strength God has given us , and to wage against a monstrous tryanny in the dark and lamentable catalogue of human crime . taht is our policy.
You ask , what is our aim ? I can answer in one word . It is victory. Victory at all costs - victory in spite of all terrors - victory , however long and hard the road may be , for without victory there in no survival ."
(阿雁 要轉貼 可以呀^^,....等等....你不會在甚麼地方發佈吧,到時我可能要天天都被打趴數次XDXD) |