[QUOTE=alex721109]You have requested the file G-A.rar (26128075 Bytes). This file has been downloaded 3 times already.
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We are really sorry, but you have downloaded 17691 KB in one hour. In order to finance this webspace, downloads just HAVE...『刪除過多引言』[/QUOTE]
You have requested the file G-A.rar (26128075 Bytes). This file has been downloaded 3 times already. IMPORTANT: Download-accelerators are only supported with a premium-account!
We are really sorry, but you have downloaded 17691 KB in one hour. In order to finance this webspace, downloads just HAVE to be limited for free-users.
This file would exceed your download-limit. Please wait or support us by getting a premium-account. It is just a one-time fee and you will have access instantly.
If you did not download anything at all and you still get this message, you are using a (transparent) proxy-server. Please see our FAQ.