「早晨之子啊!你可竟從天墜落。牠就是撒旦,今利用原本單用來敬拜父神的音樂,去迷惑世人,去滿足其被敬拜的慾望。在此,我們要謹記,神創造音樂唯一 (The one and the only one) 的目的,就是敬拜並高舉萬軍之耶和華。現在讓我們從一些外國的流行歌手、歌曲,去揭露出撤旦的詭計。希望大家能舉一反三,去明白流行歌的邪惡一面。「我絕對相信搖滾樂 (Rock and Roll) 一直以來都是屬於魔鬼的音樂,你不能說服搖滾樂與牠無關。」此語出自第一個公開承認自己是同性戀的英國流行歌手 ------- 大衛鮑依 (David Bowie) 。搖滾樂 (Rock and Roll) ,是外國樂壇的主流,相等於台灣的流行歌曲。 美國一位牧師 Jeff Godwin 在他著作 " The Devil's Disciples " 公佈了他的研究所得,發現撒旦在流行歌曲中,隱藏著兩個陰險的潛意識洗腦方法:
以下的例子,是撤旦刻意所作的安排,請細看英文歌詞。 4. Pink Floyd 的一首歌叫 "Sheep" ,在很嘈吵的金屬機械操作聲覆蓋下,竟然發現有另一把聲音,唱著非常褻瀆神的詩篇 23 篇的撒旦版,內容如下: " The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down through pastures green. He leadeth me the silent water by; with bight knives he releaseth my soul. He makes me to hang on hooks in high places. He converteth me to lamb cuttets. For Lo, He hath great power and great hungerWhen cometh the day we lowly one, through quiet reflection and great dedication master the art of karate, we shall raise up and then we shall make the bugger's eyeswater."
5. Queen 其中一首歌 " You are not the one " ,用慢速去細聽,發現在結他與鼓聲的背後,可清楚聽到: "Our Father, who art in heaven, Satan ! " 一首認撒旦為父的歌。
6. Led Zeppelind 的一首 "Who are you" ------- "Yes, I know the secret that with in your mind,you think all the people who worship you are blind, you just like big brother give us your cross when you laid it up, you just cast our soul into the dust." 很明顯這是一首敵基督的歌。
1. Led Zeppelin 的一首 " When ElectricityCame to Arkansas ! " ,到轉來播是: " Satan ! Satan ! Satan ! He is God ! He is God ! He is God ! "
2. Eagles 老鷹合唱團 ( 以印度一邪教名為其樂隊名稱 ) 於 1969 年的一首在 San Francisco's First Church of Satan 中所錄的撒旦教名曲 " Hotel California " ,相信你一定聽過,到轉播出來的歌詞竟是:
" Satan had help. He organized his own religion." 撒旦的計劃昭然若揭。這歌正面播的歌詞是: " They just can't killthe beast,.........This could be Heaven or this could be Hell,.........We haven't had that spirit ( 這裏指聖靈 ) here since 1969. ...........You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave." 很明顥他說 " 你 " ( 即聽眾 ) 已無法離開這裏,你己被撒旦捆綁了。
事緣在 1966 年,撒旦教一名祭司叫 " Lavey " ( Anton Szandor Laven ) ,在加州三藩市建立了第一間公開的撒旦教會 ( San Francisco's First Church of Satan ) ,並在 1969 年,於 California Street 中,買了那間名叫 " Hotel California " 的酒店,作為撒旦教之總部,在裏面獻祭予撒旦。撒旦聖經 ( The Satanic Bible ) 於同年出版。
3. Beatles ( 即披頭四樂隊 ) 解散後,其成員 John Lennon ( 約翰藍儂 ) 於 1980 年錄製一張唱片,叫 " Double Fantasy " ,其後一歌迷叫 Mark Chapman ,不斷聽這首歌後,就宣稱好像有邪靈給予他力量、指示與機會,去射殺 John Lennon 。於 1980 年 12 月他就是在寓所外,被 Mark Chapman 所槍殺。那首歌在 John Lennon 的太太 Yoko Ono ( 大野洋子 ) 不斷唱 " Kiss Kiss Kiss....." 那段背面,竟是: Yoko Ono 說: " Satan is Coming ... six six six ... we shot John Lennon ! " 十分奇怪,這張唱片錄好後,是很安全地放在儲物室中,無人可以進去 " 改 " 或 " 加 " 任何的說話進去。那兇手 Mark Chapman 說出事實真相,是撒旦早有計劃,要幹掉 Lennon 的。這是一個非常重要的警告: Beatles( 披頭四 ) 是最早將超覺靜座 (TM) ,在美國推廣的公眾人物, John Lennon 己經付了這個與邪靈打交道的代價。
4. AC-DC's ( Anti-Christ, Devil Children 之意思 ) 的一首 " Hell's Bells " 中,倒轉的歌詞是: " I will mesmerize ( 催眠 ) You / but he is Satan / Let me out / Satan has me prisoner."
1. " There's nothing wrong with going to bed with somebody of your own sex. I just think people should be very free with sex ---- they should draw the line at goats. ( 公山羊代表罪人 )----- Elton John ( 艾爾頓 ? 強 )
2. " I may not go down in history, but I will go down on your little daughter." ---- David Lee Roth
3. " I don't think there is any difference between being good in bed with a girl and being good in bed with a man ...... " ------David Bowie( 大衛鮑依 ) 他是第一位宣稱自己是雙性戀人,他承認自己好吸食海洛英,玩黑巫術,招邪靈來保護自己。