Level 5
Power Strike 1 - 3 Gathers power to hit hard. Available with swords and blunts only. Power 25.
全力一擊 1-3級 限定長劍或鈍器類武器使用﹐1級時附加攻擊力25
Mortal Blow 1 - 3 Wounds opponent in vital spot. Available with daggers only. Power 73.
致命攻擊 1-3級 限定匕首類武器使用﹐1級時附加攻擊力73
Power Shot 1 - 3 Cause great damage from far distance with bow. Power 65.
強力遠射 1-3級 限定弓箭類武器使用﹐1級時附加攻擊力65
Defence Aura (#1) Temporarily increases one's defense. Effect 1.
防禦光環LV1 暫時提昇本身防禦力
Weapon Mastery (#1) Attack power increases.
武器大師LV1 永久性提昇攻擊力
Armor Mastery 1 - 2 Defense increases.
盔甲大師 LV1-2 永久性提昇防禦力
Level 10
Power Strike 4 - 6 Gathers power to hit hard. Available with swords and blunts only. Power 39.
全力一擊 4-6級 限定長劍或鈍器類武器使用﹐4級時附加攻擊力39
Mortal Blow 4 - 6 Wounds opponent in vital spot. Available with daggers only. Power 115.
致命攻擊 4-6級 限定匕首類武器使用﹐4級時附加攻擊力115
Power Shot 4 - 6 Cause great damage from far distance with bow. Power 102.
強力遠射 4-6級 限定弓箭類武器使用﹐4級時附加攻擊力102
Weapon Mastery (#3) Attack power increases.
武器大師LV3 永久性提昇攻擊力
Level 20
Power Strike 10 - 12 Gathers power to hit hard. Available with swords and blunts only. Power 90.
全力一擊 10-12級 限定長劍或鈍器類武器使用﹐10級時附加攻擊力90
Mortal Blow 10 - 12 Wounds opponent in vital spot. Available with daggers only. Power 268.
致命攻擊 10-12級 限定匕首類武器使用﹐10級時附加攻擊力268
Power Shot 10 - 12 Cause great damage from far distance with bow. Power 239.
強力遠射 10-12級 限定弓箭類武器使用﹐10級時附加攻擊力239
Elemental Heal 4 - 6 Recovers one's HP. Power 95.
精靈治療4-6級 恢復一個目標的HP﹐4級時基本恢復量95