



首先我要聲明 我有得到permit(許可) 如下

夏目漱石這隻貓,在村上的海邊跟卡夫卡嬉戲,卻沒看到卑鄙的介川龍之芥拿著太刀在後方,結果三人都被黑格爾的謬論吞噬了;問:我在看哪一科?沒錯!就是數學! 說:
oh,Yamuri,can I post your novel in my Chinese forum? ( will say this novel's writer and this novel is written in ACF )
夏目漱石這隻貓,在村上的海邊跟卡夫卡嬉戲,卻沒看到卑鄙的介川龍之芥拿著太刀在後方,結果三人都被黑格爾的謬論吞噬了;問:我在看哪一科?沒錯!就是數學! 說:
I have to get the writer's permit ~ otherwise this action is violate~
Yamuri 說:
sure, go for it
夏目漱石這隻貓,在村上的海邊跟卡夫卡嬉戲,卻沒看到卑鄙的介川龍之芥拿著太刀在後方,結果三人都被黑格爾的謬論吞噬了;問:我在看哪一科?沒錯!就是數學! 說:
Yamuri 說:
you#re welcome
Yamuri 說:
I feel honored when people like my work and want to post it on other sites
夏目漱石這隻貓,在村上的海邊跟卡夫卡嬉戲,卻沒看到卑鄙的介川龍之芥拿著太刀在後方,結果三人都被黑格爾的謬論吞噬了;問:我在看哪一科?沒錯!就是數學! 說:
夏目漱石這隻貓,在村上的海邊跟卡夫卡嬉戲,卻沒看到卑鄙的介川龍之芥拿著太刀在後方,結果三人都被黑格爾的謬論吞噬了;問:我在看哪一科?沒錯!就是數學! 說:
I'm love it
Yamuri 說:

所以 希望善神阿帕跟超版不要誤解非法轉貼~
對了 建議高中以上再來看.....

Chapter One

Grown up in a world of destruction and betrayal his aim was to become a famous soldier to protect those in need. Up to an early age he was undertaking a special training so that it should be easy for him to pass the tests given to those who wanted to join SOLDIER, the elite force of the world wide operating organization Shin-ra.

Everyone new it was due to Shin-ra's mako reactor which was once placed in the subburb of his home town Gongaga, that the green and fertile village was desolated and ravaged.

Nevertheless people were still believing in the good intentionf of the company and were allowing their children to join SOLDIER. Each year SOLDIER was holding advertising campaigns in Gongaga, recruiting youths.

Like many other people he'd also planned to visit the presentation, but his parents demanded for him not to go alone since he was only 13 years old. They didn't want their son to be manipulated in subscribing something, but weren't able to accompany him on that day due to work which had to be done.

His younger brothers Yazoo and Kadaj weren't even allowed to see the convention and unfortunately his older brother Zack was suffering from a bad desease for a few days. Complaining about his badluck Loz sat in the living room, watching Yazoo playing chess with Kadaj.

"It's just not fair." he muttered silently, distracting Kadaj from the game.

"Hey, what's up brother. Shouldn't you be on your way to that convention already?" the youngest asked, looking a bit confused at his older brother.

"Zack is still ill. Mom and Dad have no time for me...damn it, I trained so hard and I looked forward to see the presentation. I wanna go, but I have noone older than me to accompany me." Loz replied sadly, sighing heavily and leaning back in his chair.

"Mom and Dad won't be back from work untill tonight and we won't tell anybody. Secret is save with us, right Yaz?" Kadaj objected, looking from Loz to Yazoo and back.

"You know Mom has a talent to find out anyways and you should better concentrate on the game. Check!" Yazoo answered. "And don't talk him into leaving alone. It's sad that he can't go now, but he'll be 14 next year and allowed to join then. One year more or less isn't the world." he said, throwing a concerned look at Loz and almost feeling as if he would be the oldest of them. "You'll be even stronger next year Loz and make it easily into SOLDIER. I'm certain." he tried to cheer him up.

But Loz did only mumble something incomprehensible and stood up to leave the room. He wasn't paying attention to his surroundings and almost ran into Zack, who had come downstairs to prepare himself some tea. "You still here?" Zack asked surprised and smiled warmly, stroking through his brother's hair. "I'm really proud of you. I can expect it's not easy for you to stay here all day, while you wanted to go to this convention."

"Nah..it's okay." Loz simply replied, pretending it wouldn't matter much to him anyways.

"You know what Loz. Since this presentation is lasting for the whole day, you may go there for at least an hour. Just be back in a hour, okay? You're old enough to take care of yourself and I'm sure Mom and Dad wouldn't mind. You can ring some friends and go with them." Zack suggested to his suprise.

"Really? Are you sure? I'm so excited...I'm allowed to go?" he asked effusively. "I'll ring my friends immediately. Thank you brother..thank you. I'll be back in an hour. Promised. And I won't sign anything, just watch."

Zack smiled and blinked at him, before fetching his tea and returning to his room. He had not been able to see his brother sad. It was his biggest dream to join SOLDIER once and he was certain nothing would happen to LOz, in case that he was accompanied by his friends and stayed only for an hour. An hour wasn't long and it was daytime anyways. Beside, the village wasn't too keen and if Loz would only leave to play with his friends he'd probably get a glimpse of the presentation.

Excited about the festival Loz left his home a few minutes later. Outside the house he joined some of his friends with whom he would visit the event which was hold at the market place in Gongaga. Lot's of people, also from other villages, were there and listening to what Shinra's Scientists, SOLDIER's and the Turks had to say. As Loz figured out it were the Turks whom you had to ask in case of joining.

He was well aware of not being allowed to subscribe anything but he might still ask them about the education. Not even realising as he lost his friends, while making his way through the crowd of people standing around the Turk's pedestal, Loz headed towards a black haired man who seemed to be the Turk's leader. Like the bald one and a red haired youth who was obviously a Turk in training, he was wearing a black suit with a name tag on it.

Unfortunately too many people were talking to him and he would probably have to wait a while untill it was his turn. But out of a sudden he saw himself face to face with the red haired one, who was smiling at him friendly. "Hey little one. Already interested in joingin SOLDIER?" he asked him.

Loz eyes grew wide immediately and he nodded enthusiasticly. "Yeah. Sure...it has always been my biggest dream and I trained much for it. But can you tell me more about the education and stuff? No offense, but it seems this guy over there...Tseng, is appropriate for the organisation stuff, isn't he?"

"Yes he is. but he would probably send you away again, since you're too young. Usually he's only recruiting youths who're at least 15 years old you see." he explained and smiled warmly. "My name's Reno though and if you're certain about joining SOLDIER at an earlier age I can tell you that you'll have to talk to my instructor Rude."

"oh...I'm not too young though. I might be just 13, but I trained for my whole life. Of course I can join before turning 15, but I will have to ask my parents about it first. Are there any documents I get? Anything I have to show my parents?" he asked curiously, but was cut off by Rude who had watched them for a while.

"Don't tell him nonsense Reno." the bald man said harshly, turning towards Loz afterwards. "I'm afraid kid, but you can't join unless you're at least 14 years old. That's the minimum. Please come back next year and I'll see what I can do for you."

"But..." Loz began, however Rude was busy again with talking to other interested youths. Reno did only shrug his shoulders and threw a pitiful look at him, whispering sorry before taking care of other stuff.

Disappointed and frustrated Loz left the convention, not noticing the pair of eyes following him.

Chapter Two

A few hours had passed when Zack awoke from a deep slumber. Looking at the clock he saw it was late already and decided to pay his brothers a visit. Kadaj and Yazoo were still in the living room, playing some table games now while Loz couldn't be seen anywhere around.

"Hey Zack, you're up? Feeling better?" Yazoo asked, when he entered the room.

Shrugging his shoulders he leaned at the door frame. "Not really. My head seems to explode but I can't lay anymore. Just came down to distract myself." Zack replied. "Have you seen Loz already? I allowed him to go to the presentation for an hour. He should be back by now."

Both, Yazoo and Kadaj, were looking at each other interrogatively. "Honestly, we haven't seen him since he complained about not being allowed to go to the festival." Yazoo answered him, before Kadaj could even lie something. Usually Loz was obedient and that he had not come home already couldn't mean anything good.

"Maybe he went over to a friend and forgot about the time." Kadaj interposed, obviously not worrying about his older brother.

"It's alright. Don't bother yourselves. He's certainly around somewhere." Zack added, pretending everything would be fine. He was actually distressing himself already, since sucha behaviour wasn't typical for Loz. If he'd give Kadaj such a permission he could have been certain for something like that to happen. But not Loz. It was so unlike him.

Should he call their parents? No, better not. They wouldn't be pleased about him allowing Loz to go alone, although it had been only for an hour. /It's daytime, damn it. And he's old enough to take care of himself...still. If anything happened it's my fault./ Zack thought solicitously.

His anxiety even rose when he called Loz' friends, who told him they had lost track of his brother in the crowds on the market place. This was not good at all. Loz was probably still out there, alone. /You are responsible for him./ his conscience kept telling him and he knew what had to be done. Not caring about his health anymore Zack went back to his room to change his clothes.

Yazoo and Kadaj were both worried for him, when he told them he would have to leave to fetch Loz. But Zack knew it had been his mistake and therefore it was his task to take care of that problem. He didn't tell his brothers the truth about Loz being missed, since he didn't want to bother them about it much more. certainly the case could be solved easily. At least he hoped so when leaving the house.

However it seemed a harder task to fullfill than he'd thought. The market place was still crowded and whoever he asked, nobody had seen Loz. Finally he reached the Turks plattform, who were still taking care of their recruting business. "Excuse me." Zack appealed to the red haired one who didn't seem busy.

"You again?....Oh, sorry, it's not you. I've almost mistaken you with someone." Reno replied and smiled friendly. "Can I help you with anything?"

Surprised by the other's words Zack rose his eyebrow and returned the gesture. "Maybe. In case that you've seen a boy, about 13 years old, short balck hair, similar hairstyle than me, named Loz. he's my brother and I'm searching for him."

"Oh yep, I've seen him. He came around to ask me about the education and stuff. But Rude here scared him away, since we won't take any recruits younger than 14. Haven't seen him since then...and this was, wait a min'." Reno said, looking at his watch thoughtfully. "Well, three hours ago. But this place is big. Probably he's just lost. We might make an announcement. Just give me a second and I will sort this out with my mentor."

Zack nodded and waited for Reno to arrange the announcement. He was glad that those Turks were able and willing to help him and hoped Loz would be found soon. Thoughtfully he let his gaze wander around, when he became aware of someone watching him. A young man, in his late teens, was looking straight towards him. Green eyes pierced into his and he stepped backwards immediately.

Reno, who had just used the mircophone to call for Loz returning to the Turk’s plattform, had seen the unsettled expression in his eyes and turned his gaze in the silver haired man‘s direction as well. „That‘s Sephiroth, our best SOLDIER. You‘ve obviously caught his attention. Although you seem to suffer from some desease, by his looks I can tell that he sees great potential in you.“

„Oh really? Actually I haven’t planned to join SOLDIER. It‘s my brother’s dream.“ He told Reno, as Sephiroth approached them. Somehow Zack was suddenly feeling uncomfortable among those people and wished for Loz to show up. How came that he was wondering if their cordiality was just a facade?

„Your brother’s dream? I see. Maybe I can do something for him. I have my connections.“ Sephiroth suggested, greeting him friendly. „I’m sorry for not being able to talk to him when he came by though. Rude’s words must have hurt him much, since he left quickly. But I see, this potential within you lays in your family.“

„I’m certain he would be glad, if you could do that. But he’s not old enough yet and our paren’t wouldn’t want him to join SOLDIER now. They agree completely with the rules of 13 year old kids not being allowed to join. As for me, I feel honored but I prefer another path of life.“ Zack replied, watching out for Loz. But there was still no sign of his brother.

„It‘s your decision. But be sure that you have my full support in case that you ever decide to join. Excuse me now and good luck with finding your brother. You can easily get lost in such a crowd and it attracts criminals as well you know. I wouldn’t exclude anything.“ Sephiroth said, before leaving them to take care of his own business.

Stunned about the soldier‘s last words Zack’s eyes followed him. Sephiroth was indeed impressive, but also dangerous. Those last words had certainly be more than just a hint. He wouldn’t have said something disturbing like that otherwise. Did he know more about his brother’s disappearance? Or was it just random speech to talk him into joining SOLDIER? Thoughtfully he kept waiting, but not talking much to Reno anymore.

The entire situation was distressing. First of all Loz vanished, then the Turks behaved hyper kindly and the famous Sephiroth asked him to join SOLDIER? Besides, why didn’t Sephiroth go after Loz after he left? Zack didn’t believe the swordsman had been too busy. /He knows more...but he won’t tell me./ the black haired youth thought, after an hour of waiting. /Guess I will have to find out on my own what’s going on. But more and more, by watching those Shinra people I get the impression something isn’t right. They seem too perfect, too happy and all. I bet their behaviour is only a facade. But what are they hiding behind it? Maybe....maybe I should take Sephiroth‘s offer./
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Chapter One



大家都知道屬於神羅的核心(make reactor),它位在一個名叫Gongage的近郊裡,破壞又荒涼的土地看不出來它曾經有過的肥沃綠意。























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回覆: 最終幻想(Final Fantasy VII fiction)小說

[QUOTE=jay99]thanks for sharing such good relevant novels abt FF7AC... (though it's not original written by FF7's producer~"~)

Yeah,It's Yamuri's article~[/QUOTE]


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回覆: 最終幻想(Final Fantasy VII fiction)小說

[QUOTE=jay99]thanks for sharing such good relevant novels abt FF7AC... (though it's not original written by FF7's producer~"~)[/QUOTE]
Yeah,It's Yamuri's article~

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回覆: 最終幻想(Final Fantasy VII fiction)小說

thanks for sharing such good relevant novels abt FF7AC... (though it's not original written by FF7's producer~"~)

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回覆: 最終幻想(Final Fantasy VII fiction)小說


儘管文句不會很通順 至少對於英文看不懂的人比較有利...

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回覆: 最終幻想(Final Fantasy VII fiction)小說

英文.....在學校裡  只能說是殘念...回到家   用譯典通翻看看...不要說偶懶阿>"<~~~人家也是很想學好英文的>"<~~~   謎之聲  騙誰阿  接受我的制裁吧  阿達~~~~     阿~~~~~~好討厭的@#$%&*

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回覆: 最終幻想(Final Fantasy VII fiction)小說

整理亂成一團的自己~卻不知該如何整理起 說:

夏目漱石這隻貓,在村上的海邊跟卡夫卡嬉戲,卻沒看到卑鄙的介川龍之芥拿著太刀在後方,結果三人都被黑格爾的謬論吞噬了;問:我在看哪一科?沒錯!就是數學! 說:沒錯!!正解!!(指)

整理亂成一團的自己~卻不知該如何整理起 說:........Orz



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回覆: 最終幻想(Final Fantasy VII fiction)小說

Zack=雷克(該怎說阿 就是ZACK)
其他 Loz ...等等三人組 就是銀頭髮的那三人呀...

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