bb= bye bye
gg= good game
cya= see ya
np= no problem
thnx= thanks
ty= thank you
gj= good job
roflmao= rolling of floor laughing my ass off
b/c= because
NRG= energy
req'd = required
ic= i see
sry= sorry
r= are
u= you
donnu, wanna, gonna...etc = don't know, want to, going to...etc.
no= know
No. = number
lol= laugh out loud
wtf, wth= what the ______, what the hell
wat= what
h8= hate
sux= ______
fk= ______
f u = ______ 不是故意要說髒話的~可是算了
ur= your 或 you're
ill, ull, well, theyll= i will, ... etc
ttyl= talk to you later
w/e= what ever
dont, wont...etc= don't, won't....etc
omg, omfg= oh my god....etc
im= i am
well......the shorten words we put are a part of the MSN-language....and.....unless there's an official dictionary about it, nothing is definitely right (or wrong).
as long as people can identify what word the person is using, it's not a big problem...
[I thought the purpose of this thread is to teach people what those shortened words stands for anyway...]
Another one commonly used between my friends and I (Kiwi-style?)
C'mon = come on!!!
(it expresses the frustration of the person when the other one is taking too much time to reply)
Well learning all these MSN-language isn't a bad thing but just DON'T get too deep into it...
Otherwise, one day it would end up like the Mars-Language we usually see amongst Taiwanese...
The Mars-Lang and MSN-Lang are similar things (both begins with M *smirk*...) They take the pronounciation in priority than meaning, while some others are short-forms that, can actually represent anything.
e.g. fu = fool / f**k you; np = no problem / nice play.
So, it is still a better idea to learn formal and proper English =)
ok it's b4 not be4
sry not sorz
2moro not 2mr~cuz it juz doesnt sound rite (right)
plz is please and i donnu the other one >"<
we use no more often
nomb is actually~used quite often
o and ...
b4 and be4 both works, it depends on how lazy (?) the person is. No offense :P
sorz means exactly the same thing as sry, but its rather a slang than formal English.
2mr again is just another very very short and lazy word, I think it should be 2mrw though.
I wasn't saying pld = please, but pleaseD ;)
and as for nomb... How come...? I thought I invented it!?
How can it be used too often? Or is it with different meaning? :/
And refer back to your reply, there are a few more, hehe :)
rite = right
tho = though
thru = through
tea = dinner (This isn't really a MSN language but sometimes people say "I am going to have my tea" and what they actually saying is going to have their dinner, not "tea")
w8 = wait
elo = hello
原文由artifact 於 06-12-4 06:56 AM 發表
be4 = before
sorz = sorry
tomoro/2mr = tomorrow
pld = well played (Not quite sure though...) or pleased
kno = know (I think more people are using kno than no? well... i dunno)
And this one is my own creation... ;P
nomb = None of My Business
ok it's b4 not be4
sry not sorz
2moro not 2mr~cuz it juz doesnt sound rite (right)
plz is please and i donnu the other one >"<
we use no more often
nomb is actually~used quite often
o and it's in my humble opinion (ur rite :P)
to warrust:
whatever= w/e or w.e
cuz~because, not coz
* in short hands we do not include "the" in the shorthand therefore it's roflol