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- 19-10-17
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- 註冊時間
- 05-12-25
- 215856
The radar dome on the back is the most special part of the E-3 to other aircrafts in appearance. It is 30 feet (9.1 meters) in diameter, six feet (1.8 meters) thick, and held 11 feet (3.3 meters) above the fuselage by two struts. It contains a radar subsystem that permits surveillance from the Earth's surface up into the stratosphere, over land or water. The detect range is more than 200 miles (320 kilometers) for low-flying targets and farther for medium to high altitudes. An identification friend or foe subsystem of the radar can look down to detect, identify and track enemy and friendly low-flying aircraft by eliminating ground clutter returns. In this situation, other types of radars may be confused. The unit cost of the E-3 is approximately $270 million, which is greatly effected by the high price eletronic equipment onboard.
The variations of E-3 include E-3A, E-3B, E-3C and E-3D. The A type is the first production version for US airforce. A type`s inside is quite different from the prototype, the modified fuselage can hold 17 people. They are 4 pilots, 12 operators and 1 onboard officer. The operators will charge the communication, computer, radar and 9 multi-function display plat. The equipment can be devided into six parts which are radar, IFF, data processing, communication, navigation, data display and control. The radar system includes the Northrop Grumman AN/APY-1 radar, the multi function of the radar can seperate the whole 360 degree area into 32 parts and use different function in each part. Scan once, the IFF system can check over 200 targets with IFF receiver installed, no matter the target is in the air, on the ground or sea.
E-3A為美軍的首批生產型。機艙內作了 很大的改動,改裝後的機艙內可載乘員17名。其中機組4人,系統操縱人員12名,值勤官1名。系統操作人員分別負責操作通信設備、計算機、雷達和9個多用途控制台。機載設備可分成搜索雷達、敵我識別器、數據處理、通信、導航與導引、數據顯示與控制等六個部分。雷達系統有諾斯羅普·格魯曼公司研製的AN/APY-1型S波段脈衝多普勒雷達,可以根據不同的作戰條件把360度方位圓劃分成32個扇形區,分別在每個扇形區內選用恰當的工作方式組合。敵我識別系統在一次掃瞄中能詢問200個以上裝有應答器的空中、海上和陸上目標。
There are some other major subsystems in the E-3, navigation, communications and computers (data processing). The navigation subsystem can offer a total positioning deflection less than 3.7km. The data display and control system is mainly formed of data display, multi-function control plat, eletronic typewriter and assis-display. The data can be showed in original size or zoom to 32 times bigger, the latter is for detect and control fighters to proceed dog-fight mission. The data processing system can record, save and operate the data from the radar, IFF, navigation and other equipment in the aircraft. The system can process 400 targets or 600 for european variations. The operators onboard will look at the consoles display computer-processed data in graphic and tabular format on video screens to check all the information. And the operators will perform surveillance, identification, weapons control, battle management and communications functions.
E-3還有一些其他的重要子系統,包括導航、通信和計算機數據處理系統等。E-3的導航與導引系統可達到綜合導航精度不大於3.7公里。數據顯示和控制系統主要由數據顯示器、多用途控制台、電傳打字機和輔助顯示器組成。顯示有正常與放大32倍兩種倍率,後一種可用於監控和指揮多架戰鬥機的空中格鬥。數據處理系統,能記錄、存儲和處理來自雷達、敵我識別器、通信、導航和引導系統以及其它機載數據搜集和顯示系統的數據。據稱能處理400個不同目標;為適應歐洲的需要,還要把容量加大到600個。機上的操作員通過控制台上的顯示器,以文字或者圖形的多種格式查看各種信息,並做出各種監視、識別、武器控制、戰場管理和通信的操作指令。 |