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E-3 Sentry (AWACS)

The E-3 Sentry is an airborne warning and control system (AWACS) aircraft that provides all-weather surveillance, command, control and communications needed by commanders of U.S. and NATO air defense forces. As proven in Desert Storm, it is the premier air battle command and control aircraft in the world today.

The E-3 Sentry is a modified Boeing 707/320 commercial airframe with a rotating radar dome. The dome is 30 feet (9.1 meters) in diameter, six feet (1.8 meters) thick, and is held 11 feet (3.3 meters) above the fuselage by two struts. It contains a radar subsystem that permits surveillance from the Earth's surface up into the stratosphere, over land or water. The radar has a range of more than 200 miles (320 kilometers) for low-flying targets and farther for aerospace vehicles flying at medium to high altitudes. The radar combined with an identification friend or foe subsystem can look down to detect, identify and track enemy and friendly low-flying aircraft by eliminating ground clutter returns that confuse other radar systems.

Other major subsystems in the E-3 are navigation, communications and computers (data processing). Consoles display computer-processed data in graphic and tabular format on video screens. Console operators perform surveillance, identification, weapons control, battle management and communications functions.

The radar and computer subsystems on the E-3 Sentry can gather and present broad and detailed battlefield information. Data is collected as events occur. This includes position and tracking information on enemy aircraft and ships, and location and status of friendly aircraft and naval vessels. The information can be sent to major command and control centers in rear areas or aboard ships. In time of crisis, this data can be forwarded to the National Command Authorities in the United States.

In support of air-to-ground operations, the Sentry can provide direct information needed for interdiction, reconnaissance, airlift and close-air support for friendly ground forces. It can also provide information for commanders of air operations to gain and maintain control of the air battle.

As an air defense system, E-3s can detect, identify and track airborne enemy forces far from the boundaries of the United States or NATO countries. It can direct fighter-interceptor aircraft to these enemy targets.

Experience has proven that the E-3 Sentry can respond quickly and effectively to a crisis and support worldwide military deployment operations. It is a jam-resistant system that has performed missions while experiencing heavy electronic countermeasures.

With its mobility as an airborne warning and control system, the Sentry has an excellent chance of surviving in war. Among other things, the flight path can quickly be changed according to mission and survival requirements. The E-3 can fly a mission profile for more than 8 hours without refueling. Its range and on-station time can be increased through inflight refueling.

The aircraft can be used as a surveillance asset in support of other government agencies during counter drug operations. U.S. Customs Service officers may fly aboard the E-3 Sentry on precoordinated missions to detect smuggling activities.
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Saudi E-3 沙特的E-3

E-3 Sentry were among the first to deploy during Operation Desert Shield. During Desert Storm, E-3s flew more than 400 missions and logged more than 5,000 hours of on-station time. The E-3 controllers assisted in 38 of the 40 air-to-air kills recorded during the conflict.


Experience has proven that the E-3 Sentry can respond quickly and effectively to a crisis and support worldwide military deployment operations.


Improvement program for the E-3 began with a U.S. Air Force award of the ICON (Integration Contract) to Boeing in May 1987. ICON will equip both U.S. and NATO E-3s with an electronic support measures (ESM) passive surveillance capability, and other enhancements to the U.S. E-3 fleet.


In 1989, the US airforce received the first 7 E-3s with the Boeing "Radar system improvement project RSIP" rebuilt. RSIP updates the pulse Doppler radar`s sensitivity and counter-countermeasures ability, as well as the GPS added on. And the radar operators console is updated, replaced the radars existing computer with a new high-reliability multiprocessor and rewrite the radar software to make it easier to maintain and enhance in the future. The Northrop Grumman offered the radar computer, radar control maintain interface and other hardware in this project. The whole project is completed after the NATO and UK E-3s got the same updates in 1996.



   翼展        39.27米
   機長        43.68米
   機高        12.6米
   翼面積       282米2
   雷達天線罩直徑   9.1米
   雷達天線罩厚度   1.8米
   空重        78000千克
   最大起飛重量    147550千克
   最大平飛速度    853公里/小時
   實用升限      12200米
   起飛距離      3350米
   值勤巡航速度    M0.6
   值勤巡航高度    9140米
   值勤站在起飛點   11.5小時
   值勤站離起飛點970公里     8小時
   值勤站離起飛點1600公里    6小時
   值勤時間(空中加油)      24小時

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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

The aircraft can be used as a surveillance asset in support of other government agencies during counter drug operations. U.S. Customs Service officers may fly aboard the E-3 Sentry on precoordinated missions to detect smuggling activities.


There are four E-3 Sentries in Pacific Air Forces assigned to the 961st Airborne Air Control Squadron (AACS), based in Japan, and the 962nd AACS, Elmendorf AFB, Alaska.


The E-3B is developed from the first two E-3s, the target processing and ship detecting ability is strengthened. The E-3C and E-3D is designed for NATO and UK which is close to B type. NATO airforces have acquired 18 of the aircraft and support equipment for US$ 2 billion. The first E-3 was delivered to NATO in January 1982. The Peace Sentinel program for Saudi Arabia began in 1981. It included five AWACS aircraft and six E-3 derivative (KE-3) inflight refueling tanker aircraft, along with spare parts, trainers and support equipment. In 1984, the Saudi government exercised an option to increase the tanker order to eight. The United Kingdom ordered six E-3s in 1987 after some frustrations, US$ 260 million each, later order for one more E-3 added on. And France ordered 3(photo up here) for US$ 330 million each, deployed between 1989 to 1992, as well as one added on, too.


E-3C 美軍E-3最後10架及北大西洋公約組織使用型,其基本特點與E-3B相似,但要改裝適合歐洲作戰環境的抗干擾通信系統。為配合E-3C的使用,還將改裝其防空體系中的地面台站的通信設備。   

E-3D 英國型,裝CFM-56-2A-3渦扇發動機,1991年開始交付,1992年3月交付完畢。   

E-3F 法國型,裝CFM-56-2A-3渦扇發動機,採用部分法國電子設備,1991年5月22日向法軍交付,1992年交付完畢。   

KE-3A 利用E-3機體為沙特製造的加油機,共8架,無雷達天線罩,用CFM-56發動機。   

JE-3C 1987年波音接受美軍2.415億美元改型計劃合同。要求在美國與北約的E-3上加裝AN/AYR-1電子支援測量系統,以發現來自敵/友機的電磁信號,為美國與北約改裝的各一架試驗機於1991年交付。

NATO E-3 with NATO commemoration painting 北約的E-3,採用了北約紀念塗裝

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敵我識別器 雙卡特勒·哈默公司研製的AN/APX-103詢問機為基礎的高方向性詢問-接收編碼式敵我識別系統。其天線與雷達天線背靠背地安裝在雷達天線旋轉罩內。其詢問與接收信號均經信號處理機由中央數據處理機控制。通過該系統能獲取裝有編碼應答機的目標的方位與距離信息。敵我識別系統在一次掃瞄中能詢問200個以上裝有應答機的空中、海上或陸上目標,給「空中警戒和控制系統」指揮官以完整的陸、海、空力量配置情況。

通信系統 裝有14種高頻、甚高頻、超高頻通信設備,以確保E-3對E-3、對空、對地和應急通信。在第三批批生產飛機中加裝三軍通用的時分數字數據傳輸系統。

導航與導引系統 裝有兩套德爾科公司的輪盤木馬IV慣導系統,諾斯羅普公司的ARN-99奧米加導航設備和瑞安公司的APN-200多普勒導航儀,綜合導航誤差不大於3.7公里。

數據顯示和控制系統 主要由數據顯示控制器、多用途控制台、電傳打字機和輔助顯示器組成。多用途控制台用48厘米顯像管顯示目標與背景信息,如地圖、界標、距離圓等。通常在顯像管下方用20%的空間以表格的形式顯示出目標的速度、距離等信息,如果所顯示的是已方飛機,還可以顯示其所執行的任務。顯示有正常與放大32倍的兩種倍率,後一種倍率可用於監控和指揮多架戰鬥機的格鬥空戰。

數據處理系統 能記錄、存儲和處理來自雷達、敵我識別器、通信、導航和導引系統以及其它機載數據搜集和顯示系統的數據。其核心為國際商業機器公司的4Picc-1計算機和與之相配套的接口設備與存儲-重讀設備。該分系統的處理速度為110萬次/秒,最大輸入/輸出數據率為71萬字/秒,主存儲器容量為65.57萬字,大容量存儲器容量為120.42萬字,有故障自檢能力。

The E-3 can gather and present broad and detailed battlefield information for different military units in real time, which includes position and tracking information on enemy aircraft and ships, and location and status of friendly aircraft and naval vessels. In time of crisis, such as Nuclear strike, this data can be forwarded to the National Command Authorities in the United States.


As an aircraft, the Sentry has an excellent chance of surviving in war. The flight path can quickly be changed according to mission and survival requirements. The E-3 can fly a mission profile for more than 8 hours, or much longer through inflight refueling.


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機翼、尾翼、機身、起落架 與波音707-320B基本相同,但加強了機身以便安裝支持雷達天線罩的兩根支柱。舷窗與艙門重新設置,加強了地板並進行了核電磁脈衝屏蔽和防生化武器改裝。
動力裝置 翼下吊艙內裝4台普拉特·惠特尼公司的TF33-PW-100/100A渦扇發動機,單台推力93.4千牛(9525公斤),駕駛艙後上方有空中加油受油口。

座艙 第一批生產型可載17名乘員,其中駕駛員4名,系統操作員12名,後者分別負責操作通信設備、計算機、雷達和9台多用途控制台,另有值勤軍官1名。在上層機艙內,由駕駛艙向後依次排列有:通信設備機櫃與通信操作台,數據處理設備機櫃與計算機操作員工作台,3個一排的9台多用途控制台,值勤軍官工作台,雷達接收機與雷達操作員工作台,以及信號處理機機櫃。機尾處是乘員休息間和備用救生器具存放櫃。機艙前部計算機工作台 左側有跳傘投放機構。原波音-707前貨艙處經改裝後裝有飛行控制設備機櫃,通信設備機櫃,中心配電盤,直流電源機櫃和救生傘櫃。後貨艙改裝後裝有雷達發射機和輔助動力裝置,艙壁上開有輔助動力裝置進氣口。

系統 一套液冷系統,用於冷卻雷達發射機,一套循環式空調系統與一套閉回路沖壓冷卻式空調系統用於乘員和電子設備的空調。發電機容量為600千伏安。後貨艙內有輔助動力裝置。有兩套互不連通的獨立液壓系統;應急時,每一套系統都能滿足操縱飛機和驅動旋轉雷達天線罩的需要。

機載設備 可分成搜索雷達、敵我識別器、數據處理、通信、導航與導引和數據顯示與控制6個分系統。
雷達 威斯汀豪斯公司研製的AN/APY-1型S波段脈衝多普勒雷達主要由尺寸為7.3米×1.52米的平板隙縫陣天線、雷達發射機、雷達接收機與數字式信號處理機組成。可選用脈衝或脈衝多普勒、高脈衝重複頻率或低脈衝重複頻率、垂直掃瞄或不垂直掃瞄、主動或被動等多種工作方式。可以根據不同的作戰條件把360°方位圓劃分成32個扇形區,分別在每一扇形區內選用恰當的工作方式組合,排出雷達掃瞄工作程序,以適應下視、超地平線遠程搜索、海上目標搜索和干擾方位測定等不同作戰任務的需要。雷達有主波瓣窄、旁瓣低、有跳頻、多脈衝重複頻率、動目標顯示等技術特點,能有效地抗禦電子干擾。雷達天線罩是橢圓形截面,直徑9.1米,厚1.8米。中央段為鋁蒙皮加強肋結構,下方通過轉台結構和兩根支柱固定在後機身上。在轉台上有轉動軸承和電器與波導管旋轉關節系統。雷達天線、敵我識別天線、高速戰術情報數據傳輸天線、雷達天線冷卻系統、雷達罩空調系統和玻璃鋼天線罩等均固定在中央段上。雷達工作時,旋轉天線罩由液壓驅動,每分鐘6轉;雷達不工作時,每分鐘1/4轉,以保持軸承的潤滑。

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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

The radar dome on the back is the most special part of the E-3 to other aircrafts in appearance. It is 30 feet (9.1 meters) in diameter, six feet (1.8 meters) thick, and held 11 feet (3.3 meters) above the fuselage by two struts. It contains a radar subsystem that permits surveillance from the Earth's surface up into the stratosphere, over land or water. The detect range is more than 200 miles (320 kilometers) for low-flying targets and farther for medium to high altitudes. An identification friend or foe subsystem of the radar can look down to detect, identify and track enemy and friendly low-flying aircraft by eliminating ground clutter returns. In this situation, other types of radars may be confused. The unit cost of the E-3 is approximately $270 million, which is greatly effected by the high price eletronic equipment onboard.


The variations of E-3 include E-3A, E-3B, E-3C and E-3D. The A type is the first production version for US airforce. A type`s inside is quite different from the prototype, the modified fuselage can hold 17 people. They are 4 pilots, 12 operators and 1 onboard officer. The operators will charge the communication, computer, radar and 9 multi-function display plat. The equipment can be devided into six parts which are radar, IFF, data processing, communication, navigation, data display and control. The radar system includes the Northrop Grumman AN/APY-1 radar, the multi function of the radar can seperate the whole 360 degree area into 32 parts and use different function in each part. Scan once, the IFF system can check over 200 targets with IFF receiver installed, no matter the target is in the air, on the ground or sea.


E-3A為美軍的首批生產型。機艙內作了 很大的改動,改裝後的機艙內可載乘員17名。其中機組4人,系統操縱人員12名,值勤官1名。系統操作人員分別負責操作通信設備、計算機、雷達和9個多用途控制台。機載設備可分成搜索雷達、敵我識別器、數據處理、通信、導航與導引、數據顯示與控制等六個部分。雷達系統有諾斯羅普·格魯曼公司研製的AN/APY-1型S波段脈衝多普勒雷達,可以根據不同的作戰條件把360度方位圓劃分成32個扇形區,分別在每個扇形區內選用恰當的工作方式組合。敵我識別系統在一次掃瞄中能詢問200個以上裝有應答器的空中、海上和陸上目標。

There are some other major subsystems in the E-3, navigation, communications and computers (data processing). The navigation subsystem can offer a total positioning deflection less than 3.7km. The data display and control system is mainly formed of data display, multi-function control plat, eletronic typewriter and assis-display. The data can be showed in original size or zoom to 32 times bigger, the latter is for detect and control fighters to proceed dog-fight mission. The data processing system can record, save and operate the data from the radar, IFF, navigation and other equipment in the aircraft. The system can process 400 targets or 600 for european variations. The operators onboard will look at the consoles display computer-processed data in graphic and tabular format on video screens to check all the information. And the operators will perform surveillance, identification, weapons control, battle management and communications functions.


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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

Aircraft ListProduction numberSerial numberTypeOperatorDeliveredComments2051871-01407E-3B552 ACW2051971-01408E-3B552 ACW2104673-01674E-3CBoeing2104775-00556E-3B552 ACW2118573-01675E-3B552 ACW2120775-00557E-3B552 ACW2120875-00558E-3B552 ACW2120975-00559E-3B552 ACW2125075-00560E-3B552 ACW2143476-01604E-3B552 ACW2143576-01605E-3B552 ACW2143676-01606E-3B552 ACW2143776-01607E-3B552 ACW2155177-00351E-3B552 ACW2155277-00352E-3B552 ACW2155377-00353E-3B552 ACW2155477-00354E-3B552 ACWcrashed 22 Sep 95 2155577-00355E-3B552 ACW2155677-00356E-3B552 ACW2175278-00576E-3B552 ACW2175378-00577E-3B552 ACW2175478-00578E-3B552 ACW2175579-00001E-3B552 ACW2175679-00002E-3B552 ACW2175779-00003E-3B552 ACW2282980-00137E-3C552 ACW2283080-00138E-3C552 ACW2283180-00139E-3C552 ACW2283281-00004E-3C552 ACW2283381-00005E-3C552 ACW2283482-00006E-3C552 ACW2283582-00007E-3C552 ACW2283683-00008E-3C552 ACW2283783-00009E-3C552 ACW

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Primary FunctionAirborne surveillance, command, control and communications
ContractorsPrime: Boeing Aerospace Co.
Radar: Northrop Grumman
Power PlantFour Pratt and Whitney TF33-PW-100A turbofan engines
Thrust21,000 pounds each engine
Length145 feet, 6 inches (44 meters)
Wingspan130 feet, 10 inches (39.7 meters)
Height41 feet, 4 inches (12.5 meters)
Rotodome30 feet in diameter (9.1 meters), 6 feet thick (1.8 meters), mounted 11 feet (3.33 meters) above fuselage
SpeedOptimum cruise 360 mph (Mach 0.48)
CeilingAbove 29,000 feet (8,788 meters)
Maximum Takeoff Weight347,000 pounds (156,150 kilograms)
EnduranceMore than 8 hours (unrefueled)
Unit CostApproximately $270 million
CrewFlight crew of four plus mission crew of 13-19 specialists (mission crew size varies according to mission)
Date DeployedMarch 1977
InventoryActive force, 33; Reserve, 0; Guard, 0
LossesAn E-3 crashed 22 Sep 1995 in Alaska, reducing the US fleet by one.

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