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The X-29

Two X-29 aircraft, featuring one of the most unusual designs in aviation history, were flown at the NASA Ames-Dryden Flight Research Facility (soon to be renamed the Dryden Flight Research Center), Edwards, Calif., as technology demonstrators to investigate advanced concepts and technologies. The multi-phased program was conducted from 1984 to 1992 and provided an engineering data base that is available in the design and development of future aircraft.

The X-29 almost looked like it was flying backward. Its forward swept wings were mounted well back on the fuselage, while its canards ­ horizontal stabilizers to control pitch ­ were in front of the wings instead of on the tail. The complex geometries of the wings and canards combined to provide exceptional maneuverability, supersonic performance, and a light structure. Air moving over the forward-swept wings tended to flow inward toward the root of the wing instead of outward toward the wing tip as occurs on an aft swept wing. This reverse air flow did not allow the wing tips and their ailerons to stall (lose lift) at high angles of attack (direction of the fuselage relative to the air flow).

The concepts and technologies the fighter-size X-29 explored were the use of advanced composites in aircraft construction; variable camber wing surfaces; the unique forward-swept wing and its thin supercritical airfoil; strake flaps; close-coupled canards; and a computerized fly-by-wire flight control system to maintain control of the otherwise unstable aircraft.

Research results showed that the configuration of forward swept wings, coupled with movable canards, gave pilots excellent control response at up to 45 degrees angle of attack. During its flight history, the X-29's were flown on 422 research missions 242 by aircraft No. 1 in the Phase 1 portion of the program; 120 flights by aircraft No. 2 in Phase 2; and 60 flights in a follow-on "vortex control" phase. An additional 12 non-research flights with X29 No. 1 and 2 non-research flights with X-29 No. 2 raised the total number of flights with the two aircraft to 436.
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原文由Hiroster 於 07-5-17 01:20 AM 發表



而且西方大國都較偏向F\A-22跟艦載的F-35 歐洲偏向三角前翼小型戰機





前掠翼(swept-forward wing)與後掠翼相比(swept-back wing),具備了一些優勢:

更高的升阻比(lift to drag ratio)








前掠翼最大的問題是在結構方面,沿結構曲線方向的彎曲變形會使外翼沿氣流方向增大迎角﹐增加外翼部分升力﹐進一步增加機翼的彎曲變形。 速度太快,會造成機翼彎曲折斷,這現象稱彎扭發散(離散效應)。





基本上習慣用Su-47來稱呼("金雕" Su-47戰鬥機),S-32是Su-47舊稱。







[ 本文最後由 jacklf2004 於 07-5-17 08:22 PM 編輯 ]

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而且西方大國都較偏向F\A-22跟艦載的F-35 歐洲偏向三角前翼小型戰機




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美國X-29A小型驗證機(Grumman X-29 A FSW)



美國前掠翼驗證機X-29A相關數據:駕駛員人數一名;機長14。63米;機高4。27米;翼展8。32米;機翼面積17。4平方米;最大速度1。6馬赫;最高昇限15。300米;使用美國普惠公司General Electric F404-GE-400渦扇發動機,最大推力71,17 kN,功率7120kp;空重6260kg,最大重量8074kg;有效負載1818kg。



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前掠翼戰鬥機的發展始終像一團迷,前掠翼結構是一種高度不穩定空氣動力學外形,目前只有俄羅斯和美國進行過深入研究。對前掠翼戰鬥機人們始終處於期待心情,因為世界上正式面世的只有一架處於研究狀態的前掠翼戰鬥機樣機,俄羅斯的Su-47( 先前稱 S-37 為 Berkut 或金雕) 戰鬥機。


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VRML 3-D Model

(文章來自:  獨樹一幟的前掠翼戰鬥機 )

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Overall, VFC, like the forward-swept wings, showed promise for the future of aircraft design. The X-29 did not demonstrate the overall reduction in aerodynamic drag that earlier studies had suggested, but this discovery should not be interpreted to mean that a more optimized design with forward-swept wings could not yield a reduction in drag. Overall, the X-29 program demonstrated several new technologies as well as new uses of proven technologies. These included: aeroelastic tailoring to control structural divergence; use of a relatively large, close-coupled canard for longitudinal control; control of an aircraft with extreme instability while still providing good handling qualities; use of three-surface longitudinal control; use of a double-hinged trailing-edge flaperon at supersonic speeds; control effectiveness at high angle of attack; vortex control; and military utility of the overall design.

The Aircraft

The X-29 is a single-engine aircraft 48.1 feet long. Its forward-swept wing has a span of 27.2 feet. Each X-29 was powered by a General Electric F404-GE-400 engine producing 16,000 pounds of thrust. Empty weight was 13,600 pounds, while takeoff weight was 17,600 pounds.

The aircraft had a maximum operating altitude of 50,000 feet, a maximum speed of Mach 1.6, and a flight endurance time of approximately one hour. The only significant difference between the two aircraft was an emergency spin chute deployment system mounted at the base of the rudder on aircraft No. 2. External wing structure is primarily composite materials incorporated into precise patterns to develop strength and avoid structural divergence. The wing substructure and the basic airframe itself is aluminum and titanium. Wing trailing edge actuators controlling camber are mounted externally in streamlined fairings because of the thinness of the supercritical airfoil.

Program Management

The X-29 program was funded initially by the Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. The program was managed by the Air Force's Wright Laboratory, Aeronautical Systems Division, Air Force Systems Command, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio.

The flight research program was conducted by the Dryden Flight Research Center, and included the Air Force Flight Test Center and the Grumman Corporation as participating organizations.

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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

Vortex flow control involves pneumatic manipulation of forebody vortices as shown in the diagram. Exhausting air through the nozzles at the top of the airplane's forebody results in alteration or movement of the forebody vortices. As the diagram shows, air exhaused through the right nozzle accelerates the flow of the right vortex and pulls it closer to the forebody. As this occurs, the left vortex is pushed further away from the body. This results in lower pressure on the side of the blowing right nozzle, resulting in a right yawing movement of the aircraft as shown.

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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

Vortex Flow Control

In 1992 the U.S. Air Force initiated a program to study the use of vortex flow control as a means of providing increased aircraft control at high angles of attack when the normal flight control systems are ineffective.

The No. 2 X-29 was modified with the installation of two high-pressure nitrogen tanks and control valves with two small nozzle jets located on the forward upper portion of the nose. The purpose of the modifications was to inject air into the vortices that flow off the nose of the aircraft at high angles of attack.

Wind tunnel tests at the Air Force's Wright Laboratory and at the Grumman Corporation showed that injection of air into the vortices would change the direction of vortex flow and create corresponding forces on the nose of the aircraft to change or control the nose heading.

From May to August 1992, 60 flights successfully demonstrated vortex flow control (VFC). VFC was more effective than expected in generating yaw (left-to-right) forces, especially at higher angles of attack where the rudder loses effectiveness. VFC was less successful in providing control when sideslip (relative wind pushing on the side of the aircraft) was present, and it did little to decrease rocking oscillation of the aircraft.

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