原文由himitsuaile 於 07-7-25 12:43 AM 發表
Did you see a word, ad-? which means from (off) .
A word normal will have a immense meaning difference with adding a prefix, ad.,
adnormal means something is away from (off) normal (異常),
Yes! Some words are come from Latin,
which is in fact the source, an orgin of English.
Like water as we called at present,
whose Latin is aqua, giving aquatic(水的), eau in French, an adjective means
something is related to water. An example is aquatic plant.
Instead of com/con-, there should be co - to mean doing sth mutually like
"this strategic talk is co-chaired by two persons", however,大大認為這對背單字幫助的功率是...
if you learned this sorts of prefixs, you could fully well understand wt's a meaning of
a particular words.For instance,homosexual,heterosexual. They are both Latin words which mean "same" and "different" resp..
Did you see a word, ad-? which means from (off) .
A wordnormal will have a immense meaning difference with adding a prefix, ad.,
adnormal means something is away from (off) normal (異常),
especially talking about physical/genetical mutation.
But this word may be frequently seen only on biology.
To sum up, all kinds of English can enhance your ability to raise your understanding.
It doesn't matter what kind of material, which you are going to read.