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Talking about SHAMAN

[複製連結] 檢視: 1281|回覆: 1

First I wanna apologize to everyone because my chinese isn't very good
so I can't really translate this article.....Will some kind ppl please help me out so everyone
can understand my am article~:微笑
Shamanism began way back in the darkness recesses
of the time and was once esribed as 'the worlds oldest profession'
Archaeologist have found evidence of shamanic practices that date back
to 20000 years ago.
The shaman is the link between this world and the cosmos.
To be selected as one is prestigious but there's no place for fakers.
A shaman takes up his duties because he is the son of a shaman
and has inherited powers,or after being selected by the spirits
who literally call him to his vocation.
Some man(for it is male dominated)are relutant to respond to the supernatural beckoning
But the spirits' messages,which might come in dreams or visions or during serious illness
are compelling.
There's a traning programme organised by an elder shaman which involves prolonged isolation
as well as tuition from a guiding spirit.Further qualifications are an iron discipine and unshakeable
faith.One flaw in the method of being summoned is the possibility of those suffering from mental
illness being welcomed to the ranks of the shamans,as their symptoms match those of people
communicating with the spirits.
To be initiated,the candidate goes into a trance and endures a symbolic eath and dismemberment
followed by rebirth.There are tribes which,following this rite,treat the fellow thereafter as a ghost.
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