

Ex-Officer Sentenced to Jail
A man is going to jail. He confessed to a terrible crime. He admitted to driving drunk and hitting a young boy. The boy died. The man lost his job as a police officer and now must spend five years in jail for the crime.

Jason March was a policeman. He was off duty one afternoon and was driving his car. He passed a school bus and struck a young boy who was running across the road. Drivers are supposed to stop when they’ve been in an accident. However, March did not stop his car after the accident. He drove away from the scene, which is a felony.

Many onlookers witnessed the accident. They were shocked that March didn’t stop. One witness followed March in his car. March stopped three miles away and admitted that he had run over the child. He also told the witness that he was a police officer. He was arrested and tests showed that he was drunk. His blood alcohol level was twice the legal limit. Many people were disappointed that a police officer could break such a serious law.

There was controversy about the case. Some people say that March was treated differently by law enforcement because he was a policeman. Officials say that is not true. They say he was treated like anyone else.

The judge planned to hold a trial for March. Then March decided to enter a plea. This means that he would admit that he was guilty so he could get a lighter sentence. It also meant that March would not have a trial. The little boy’s parents were relieved that they would not have to go through a trial. It would be very difficult and emotional for them. March pleaded guilty to the crime. A judge sentenced him to no more than five years in prison. He also said March must pay more than $14,000 in fines.

The little boy’s family was sad because they felt that March’s sentence was too light. They believe he should have to serve more time in prison. They wanted more justice for their son.
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