

it's been three years already sasuke, do you remember me? did you know that when we left me lying there, you also stole my heart.-------------------------whatever place sasuke's in---------------------
hm...... it's getting annoying. it's already been three years but why do i still remember her? Remember my heart sank deep down when i lay her down on the ground? Sasuke's thoughts were trouble, on his handsome dark face, not only tireness showed up, but also lonliness. "Sakura.......... what did you do to me?" He murmured into the darkness and starred out the window. Sakura had always been one the the girls that were chasing him around say that they 'liked' him, but not only did Sasuke felt that they were as annoying as hell, he also knew that they supposidly liked him as what one would like an idol. Sakura was the prettiest one of all the others but even she couldn't make him give her a second glance..... until they were partnered up along with Naruto. Sakura was shallow, she didn't like naruto and Lee whom both liked her, instead, she only looks at Sasuke. But though she was shallow, she also gave everyone a home in her heart, she cared for one when needed. a thought suddenly jumped up at him, did her liked her??? then a smirk form at the edge of his lips, who am i kidding that's not possible.

a knock on the door made sasuke jump, his hand on this sword as reflax........ who was it?
"excuse me." a quiet voice sounded as sthe coor opened, it was one of his servants.
"wat???" sasuke's face turn emotionless,it was stupid if he showed any feelings for others.

"konohagakure's send troops over to fight us." the servant looked at sasuke in interest. "what do you think we should do? you are now the leader sine you kill Orochimaru-sama. the enemy doesn't seems to know that though."

"they don't need to, this isn't a british soldier fight, there are no rules to this battle." Sasuke's face remain emotionless, he looked just like a lifeless doll. " get the guys and go and stop them."

"and you?" the servant raised an eyebrow. "will you be fighting and directing the fight"

"and few troops of ninja's from Konohagakure isn't worth going, they'll be all dead within a few days with our man." Sasuke turn back to the window. "Go now and when you come back with the news of victory, you shall be rewarded." and with that the servant disappeard and the door shut behind him.

Sasuke sighed, he didn't mind to fight the Konohahakure, infacthe would have done it since Orochimaru died, but something hold him back, the crying face of Sakura when he left her were still haunting him. What would happen if he'd stay? would Sakura be by his side? but then would he have been able to avange his father by killing his brother? what if..... brother didn't kill everyone, i would be just as happier than anyone cold ever be.

--------two days later at sasuke's place---------

"master, i've brought the news that everyone in the troop that konohahakure has send died..."
"good job then..." sasuke didn't wait or him to finish he was sure what the rest would be.
"....except for this one girl, the hospital chief could not be captured." the servant finished and looked at sasuke. "i'm afraid  that it shall take me alittle longer to have this aranged and figured out."
"take your time and make sure.... that who ever this is, is capture and send to me. i want to see who in honohagakure has the power to  excaped the hands of my ninjas." after the servan exited, sasuke's handsome face looked worried. what happens if it's sakura??? he was sure it had to be her, Naruto didn't and would never know an inch about healing, but sakura.... sakura has always been the one taking care of the teams health and relationships. what happens if it her?
what should i do?

should i kill her?
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旗~木~瑩~  英文版啊...  發表於 10-3-24 21:50 聲望 + 2 枚
小桃子selina  超強啊XD  發表於 10-3-20 09:39 聲望 + 4 枚
呆呆的仔仔  英....英文版的火影同人小說啊!!!!!! (大驚 ...  發表於 10-3-19 23:48 聲望 + 3 枚

版主的話、建議還是要聽喔~ 不然下場就會是如此......最嚴重的話你的帳號還會被和諧掉喔......(望)
要先知道人家的遊戲規則才能加入遊戲啊~ (笑)



以上,廢話很多的呆仔飄過~ (逃)

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ura0124 發表於 11-11-9 15:34
sometimes they are ones who are just ignorant........... but they can't afford it.......... ...


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本文章最後由 ura0124 於 11-11-9 17:29 編輯

sometimes they are the ones who are just too ignorant........... but they can't afford it............
their loved ones, meant to be protected by them........
their pride......as a fighter...
graced as they were...........
they're still just too weak.........
their hearts stolen by each other............
a theft heart, one gone, a lesson taught.
as they falled in love                          could they stop within time to throw themselves back out?
or would they sense be unreachable to them......
clouded by the loved unknown to them.?

sasuke wasn't sure how'd he'd act when he saw her........... but now he was astonished
for that he couldn't stand to look anywhere else,
but where she sat.
Sakura could feel her cheeks burning up in flames. had she found a way to get out faster she wouldn't have to face sasuke..... not that she
resented him........ she had thought that she knew what she'd feel right now facing him..... but no........
this felt like ages ago....... when they were still on the same team, the same side, fighting back-to-back and when she could look at him for days.   Only this was much stronger, she fought the urges to cry.
sasuke could feel his heart ache as he watch her. he could see that she was trying to will the tears back........ but wells of pure green of her eyes were watered............ Shouka stood there......
watching them.
seeing the numorous expression changing on both their faces
knowing that the last was not what he had wished for.
Shouka......... he thought about the guy that had taught him all that he knows of.
do not pity
do not make your precious one to be weak.
if u want to be a knight.
find a princess who won't need protection
one that won't shatter your heart into shreds..........................................

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呆呆的仔仔 發表於 11-5-22 15:56
呃,這算是更新嘛? (望上)
免得有人搞不清楚 XD (←就是這個人) ...


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呃,這算是更新嘛? (望上)
免得有人搞不清楚 XD (←就是這個人)

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Sasuke stared at Sakura for just a moment, it wasn't easy, but he somehow managed to look away. Sakura looked really weak, dark circles under her clear green eyes, obvious against her pale white skin. what's really the point. sasuke though, i can't let her gp, but i can't kill her either. Sakura smiled warmly at Sasuke. "long time no see." she thought she'd be mad at him when she sees him. but she couldn't. she thought she had forgotten her. but she didn't, it only made her miss him even more.  they don't know, the each other, missed them just as much as they had miss eac other. they didn't know, that they were still in love with each other.

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