

基本上,職業系統有bug,但設定應該是允許2個1級2個2級1個3級共5個。個人推薦人物設定為女精靈,過關會容易些。首先精靈在精靈城市可以用2000金幣租一把火焰劍,攻擊4-7,附火系攻擊魔法,以後可以在the vale of ruin的the shrine of fire rune可以升級,大大提升屬性。另外,性別是女,可以加入sisterhood,這個組織的第3級職業強的變態,會所有盔甲技能,可以穿重甲,會所有魔法系技能,最厲害的是近戰附加吸血屬性,不需補血。下面是全部的職業。
(Teir 1)
FIGHTER - Fighters receive learning bonuses for Weapon, Armor and Shield skills.
(Teir 2)
KNIGHT - Knights receive learning bonuses for Weapon, Armor and Shield skills, and may use Heavy Weapons, Heavy Armors, and Heavy Shields.
MARAUDER - Marauders receive learning bonuses for Weapon, Armor, Shield, and Repair skills, may use Heavy Weapons, Light Dual Weapons, and gain Sneak skill.
(Tier 3)
LORD - Lords receive learning bonuses for Weapon, Armor, Shield, and Rune Magic skills, gain Crushing Blow ability, and acquire Special Heraldry.
DEATHLORD - DeathLords receive learning bonuses for Weapon, Armor, and Shield skills, may use Medium Dual Weapons, Heavy Armor, Heavy Shields, and gain Inflict Wounds and Special Heraldry.

(Teir 1)
MAGE - Mages receive learning bonuses for Arcane Magic skills and may use Magic Weaponry.
(Teir 2)
SORCERER - Sorcerers receive learning bonuses for Arcane.Magic, Nether Magic and Magic Weaponry skills, and gain Identify, Scribe, and Alchemy skills.
BATTLEMAGE - Battlemages receive learning bonuses for Armor, Shield, Arcane Magic, Magic Weaponry, and Repair skills, gain Heavy Armor, Heavy Shield and Scribe.
(Tier 3)
WIZARD - Wizards receive learning bonuses for Arcane and Nether Magic, Magic Weaponry, Scribe and Alchemy skills, gain Spellfire ability, and acquire Special Heraldry.
WARLOCK - Warlocks receive learning bonuses for Arcane, Nether, and Rune Magic, and Magic Weaponry skills, gain Drain Life ability and acquire Special Heraldry.

(Teir 1)
ADEPT - Adepts receive learning bonuses for Celestial Magic and Armor skills, and may use Magic Weaponry.
(Teir 2)
CELESTIAL - Celestials receive learning bonuses for Celestial.Magic, Rune Magic, Magic Weaponry, and Scout skills, and gain Identify and Channel skills.
PALADIN - Paladins receive learning bonuses for Weapon, Armor.Shield, and Rune Magic skills, may use Heavy Weapons, Heavy Armors, Heavy Shields, and gain Channel skill.
(Tier 3)
STARGAZER - Stargazers receive learning bonuses for Celestial and.Rune Magic, Magic Weaponry, Channel, and Scout skills gain Iron Will ability, and acquire Special Heraldry.
CRUSADER - Crusaders receive learning bonuses for Weapon, Armor, Shield, Celestial and Rune Magic skills, gain Crushing Blow ability, and acquire Special Heraldry.

(Teir 1)
ROGUE - Rogues receive learning bonuses for all Thief skills, Throw Weapons, and have Sneak ability.
(Teir 2)
HUNTER - Hunters receive learning bonuses for Pole Weapons, Range Weapons, Athletics, Scout, Repair, and Thief skills, gain Heavy Pole, Sneak, Steal, and Backstab.
TRICKSTER - Tricksters receive learning bonuses for Throw Weapons, Nether Magic, Athletics, Scout, Bargain, Thief skills, gain Sneak, Steal, Backstab, Magic Weaponry and Alchemy.
(Tier 3)
RANGER LORD - Ranger Lords receive learning bonuses for Pole Arms, Ranged Weapons, Athletics, Scout, and Thief skills, gain Hawkeye ability, and acquire Special Heraldry.
CABALIST - Cabalists receive learning bonuses for Nether Magic, Magic Weaponry, Alchemy, and Thief skills, gain Drain Life ability, and acquire Special Heraldry.
(Teir 2)
SAMURAI - Samurai receive learning bonuses for Weapon, Archery, and Armor skills, may use Light Dual Weapons, and gain Inflict Wounds ability.
IMPERIAL - Imperials receive learning bonuses for Weapon, Pole Weapons, Armor, and Athletic skills, and may use Heavy Pole Arms, and wear Heavy Armor.
(Tier 3)
HATAMOTO - Hatamotos receive learning bonuses for Weapon, Light Dual Weapon, and Armor skills, may use Heavy Weapons, and gain Critical Strike ability and Special Heraldry.
WARLORD - Warlords receive learning bonuses for Weapon, Pole Arm, and Armor skills, may use Heavy Weapons and Heavy Shields, and gain Inflict Wounds ability and Special Heraldry.
(Teir 2)
SHUGENJA - Shugenja receive learning bonuses for Arcane.and Nether Magic skills, and gain Ninjutsu, Identify, Scribe and Alchemy skills.
MONK - Monks receive learning bonuses for Light Pole Arms, Archery, Celestial and Rune Magic, Athletics, Scout skills, and gain Ninjutsu, Identify, and Channel.
BUDOKA - Budoka receive learning bonuses for Throw Weapons, Athletics, and Thief skills, and gain Ninjutsu, Sneak, Steal, and Backstab ability.
(Tier 3)
KENJASAI - Kenjasai receive learning bonuses for Ninjutsu,.Arcane and Nether Magic, Scribe, and Alchemy skills, gain Iron Will ability, and acquire Special Heraldry.
SHAOLEI MASTER - Shaolei Masters receive learning bonuses for Ninjutsu, Pole Arms, Archery, Celestial and Rune Magic, Channel, Athletics, and gain Critical Strike and Special Heraldry.
NINJA LORD - Ninja Lords receive learning bonuses for Ninjutsu, Nether Magic, and Athletics skills, gain Critical Strike ability, and acquire Special Heraldry.

(Teir 2)
VALKYRIE - Valkyries receive learning bonuses for Weapon, Pole Arms, Armor, Shield, and Rune Magic skills, and may use Heavy Weapons, Heavy Pole Arms, Heavy Armor and Heavy Shields
ENCHANTRESS - Enchantresses receive learning bonuses for Arcane and Celestial Magic, Thief skills, may use Magic Weaponry, and gain Identify, Scribe and Channel.
(Tier 3)
WAR WITCH - War Witches receive learning bonuses for all Magic.and Armor skills, may wear Heavy Armor, gain Drain Life ability, and acquire Special Heraldry.
T1: Rogue/Warrior, T2: Hunter, Marauder, T3: Hunter Lord
To go monk you would want to go (I think):
T1: Rogue/Adept, T2: Hunter, Monk, T3: Hunter Lord
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