3. initial d(头文字D)
(a)beat of the rising sun
(b)remember me
(c)don’t stop the music
(d)back on the rocks
(e)break the night
(g)station to station
id : musicmusic0004
password : energystyle
4. initial d(头文字D)
(a)strike on
(b)boom boom japan
(c)number one
(d)over drive
(e)kiss me goodbye
(g)burning up for you
id :musicmusic0006
password : heyhey5682
5. shaman king(通灵王)
(a)trust you
(b)x-laws theme
(c)the dawn
(d)northern light(op2)
(e)over soul(op1)
(f)silent weapon
(g)hao’s theme
2. prince of tennis(网球王子)
(c)free as a bird-return to T
(d)long way
(e)make you free
(g)you got game?(ed1)
(i)white line(ed3)
id :smilehao88@yahoo.com.cn
password : 123456789
3. grivitation
(a)super drive(op)
(b)glaring dream(ed)
(c)easy action
(d)blind game again
+ 4. full metal alchemist(钢炼金术师)
(b)ready steady go(op2)