2003 NBA All-Star Game WEST 21 Kevin Garnett
0405 River Plate Home & 3rd Jersey 胸前須有贊助商Budweiser(燙Higuain可)
0506、0607、0708 Panathinaikos Home 任一年皆可
有意出售者請務必聯絡我,感謝 m(_ _)m
BP有一句話說:There's no such thing as a pitching prospect,這句話的意思是投手prospect的耗損率可能比想像中高很多,有太多的因素能夠讓年輕投手毀掉,克服這個問題最好的方法是囤積投手,這也是這些年來勇士一直在做的事情,養大量的pitching prospect,再把他們賣出去。
差不多確定終老勇士了。今天接受訪問的時候也很開心的說 "I love playing here,I love living here. Obviously, I want to live here forever. It was soimportant to me that it didn't matter what angle it got done. I was just happy that it got done."