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E-2C Hawkeye


The E-2C Hawkeye is the U.S. Navy's all-weather, carrier-based tactical airborne warning and control system platform. It provides all-weather airborne early warning and command and control functions for the carrier battle group. Additional missions include surface surveillance coordination, strike and interceptor control, search and rescue guidance and communications relay.

An integral component of the carrier air wing, the E-2C carries three primary sensors: radar, IFF, and a passive detection system. These sensors are integrated through a general purpose computer that enables the E-2C to provide early warning, threat analyses, and control of counter action against air and surface targets. The E-2C incorporates the latest solid state electronics.

Carrier-based E-2C Hawkeye airborne early warning aircraft directed F-14 Tomcat fighters that provided combat air patrol during the two-carrier battle group joint strike against terrorist-related Libyan targets in 1986, and during the crisis period preceeding and following the strike. E-2Cs and AEGIS cruisers, working together, provided total air mass superiority over the American fleet. During this time, American aircraft made 153 intercepts of Libyan air force attempts to overfly the U.S. fleet, intercept the U.S. fighter combat air patrol, or gather intelligence information. Not once did a Libyan aircraft get into firing position before it was locked into the sights of a U.S. aircraft or AEGIS platform missile.

There currently is one squadron of four Hawkeyes in each carrier air wing (CVW).

E-2 aircraft also have worked extremely effectively with U.S. law enforcement agencies in drug interdiction operations. The E-2C replaces the E-2B, an earlier version. E-2C aircraft entered U.S. Navy service with Airborne Early Warning Squadron 123 (VAW-123) at NAS Norfolk, Va., in November 1973. Procurement of E-2Cs by the Navy is planned at six per year for FY 1988-98.

The E-2C+ upgrade includes radar improvements, software upgrades, and more powerful engines. Further plans include upgrading the whole E-2 fleet to Block I and II status, which mean a new radar (APS-139 and APS-145, respectively) and overall improved processing capability.

On 26 April 1999 Northrop Grumman was awarded a $1,305,400,000 multiyear advanced acquisition contract for the procurement of 21 airborne early warning E-2C aircraft in the Hawkeye 2000 configuration for the US Navy, and long lead material for one aircraft for the government of France under the Foreign Military Sales Program. Work will be performed in St. Augustine, Fla. (80%), and Bethpage, N.Y. (20%), and is expected to be completed by July 2006.

Taiwan received four E-2T [for Taiwan] Hawkeyes as of September 1995 as part of a $749.5 million deal with US firm Northrop Grumman. In conjunction with F-16 and Mirage 2000 fighters, the E-2Ts will enhance Taiwan's air defence capability, increasing attack warning times from five minutes to 25 minutes.

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Northrop Grumman (Prime), Westinghouse


Early warning and control aircraft

Power Plant:

E-2C: Two Allison T56-A-425 turboprops; each has approximately 4,600 horsepower

E-2C+: Two Allison T56-A-427 engines; each has approximately 5,100 horsepower; since 1988


Crew of five—two pilots and three operators.


E-2C: maximum speed 350 knots; range 1,300 nautical miles

E-2C+: maximum speed 350 knots; range 1,500 nautical miles


Not applicable


E-2C: Lockheed Martin Ocean, Radar, and Surveillance Systems [ex General Electric Corporation] AN/APS-138 radar since 1984;
AN/APS-139 since 1988

E-2C+: Lockheed Martin Ocean, Radar, and Surveillance Systems [ex General Electric Corporation] AN/APS-145 radar since 1991

All: AN/ALR-73 Passive Detection System, IFF

Mission and Capabilities:

High-wing, all-weather, carrier-based airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft that patrols task force defense perimeters
Provides early warning of approaching enemy aircraft and vectors interceptors into attack position
In addition to its primary AEW function, can also provide strike and traffic control, area surveillance, search and rescue guidance, navigational assistance, communications relay, and drug interdiction.
Group II upgrade to E-2C+ is the biggest advance in AEW technology in two decades.
AN/APS-145 radar provides fully automatic overland detection and tracking and significantly extends the radar detection limits. The radar capable of detecting targets anywhere within a three-million-cubic-mile surveillance envelope while simultaneously monitoring maritime traffic.
An Enhanced High-Speed Processor, which expands the active track file by 400% over previous versions, is incorporated into the mission computer. Each E-2C can maintain all-weather patrols, track, automatically and simultaneously, more than 600 targets, and control more than 40 airborne intercepts.
Enhanced Main Display Units provide operators with improved visual representation.
Joint Tactical Information Distribution System (JTIDS) incorporates several anti-jam features to allow uninterrupted voice and data communications, thereby enhancing interoperability.

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S.I.A.M 管理者

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Program Summary:

In service with Naval Air Forces Atlantic and Naval Air Forces Pacific, as well as the armed forces of Israel, Japan, Egypt, Singapore, and Taiwan
Will be delivered to France in 1997
Discussions with several other potential customers are ongoing.
The Hawkeye entered service in 1961 as the E-2A and was updated in 1969 to the E-2B.
E-2C was introduced in 1973.
In 1978, the AN/APS-125 Advanced Radar Processing System was introduced and was succeeded in 1984 by the AN/APS-138 (now referred to as Group 0).
Retirement has begun; only 53 of these aircraft remain in the inventory.
In 1988, Group I version was introduced; this featured an upgraded T56-A-427 engine, which eliminated operating restrictions imposed by growth in the aircraft’s gross weight due to incorporation of new systems.
Radar was updated to the AN/APS-139 with a High-Speed Processor that doubled the track files maintained by the system.
Eighteen Group I aircraft were built and are being upgraded to Group II configuration.
The AN/APS-145 radar alleviates saturation, track overload, and overland tracking clutter.
Group II increases radar and IFF range, radar volume, target track capability, number of targets displayed, and target recognition capability through the use of color displays.
Group I and Group II aircraft are also referred to as E-2C+.

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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

Northrop Grumman (Prime), Westinghouse
Early warning and control aircraft
Power Plant:
E-2C: Two Allison T56-A-425 turboprops; each has approximately 4,600 horsepower
E-2C+: Two Allison T56-A-427 engines; each has approximately 5,100 horsepower; since 1988
Crew of five—two pilots and three operators.
E-2C: maximum speed 350 knots; range 1,300 nautical miles
E-2C+: maximum speed 350 knots; range 1,500 nautical miles
Not applicable
E-2C: Lockheed Martin Ocean, Radar, and Surveillance Systems [ex General Electric Corporation] AN/APS-138 radar since 1984;
AN/APS-139 since 1988

E-2C+: Lockheed Martin Ocean, Radar, and Surveillance Systems [ex General Electric Corporation] AN/APS-145 radar since 1991
All: AN/ALR-73 Passive Detection System, IFF
Mission and Capabilities:
  • High-wing, all-weather, carrier-based airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft that patrols task force defense perimeters
  • Provides early warning of approaching enemy aircraft and vectors interceptors into attack position
  • In addition to its primary AEW function, can also provide strike and traffic control, area surveillance, search and rescue guidance, navigational assistance, communications relay, and drug interdiction.
  • Group II upgrade to E-2C+ is the biggest advance in AEW technology in two decades.
  • AN/APS-145 radar provides fully automatic overland detection and tracking and significantly extends the radar detection limits. The radar capable of detecting targets anywhere within a three-million-cubic-mile surveillance envelope while simultaneously monitoring maritime traffic.
  • An Enhanced High-Speed Processor, which expands the active track file by 400% over previous versions, is incorporated into the mission computer. Each E-2C can maintain all-weather patrols, track, automatically and simultaneously, more than 600 targets, and control more than 40 airborne intercepts.
  • Enhanced Main Display Units provide operators with improved visual representation.
  • Joint Tactical Information Distribution System (JTIDS) incorporates several anti-jam features to allow uninterrupted voice and data communications, thereby enhancing interoperability.
Program Summary:
  • In service with Naval Air Forces Atlantic and Naval Air Forces Pacific, as well as the armed forces of Israel, Japan, Egypt, Singapore, and Taiwan
  • Will be delivered to France in 1997
  • Discussions with several other potential customers are ongoing.
  • The Hawkeye entered service in 1961 as the E-2A and was updated in 1969 to the E-2B.
  • E-2C was introduced in 1973.
  • In 1978, the AN/APS-125 Advanced Radar Processing System was introduced and was succeeded in 1984 by the AN/APS-138 (now referred to as Group 0).
  • Retirement has begun; only 53 of these aircraft remain in the inventory.
  • In 1988, Group I version was introduced; this featured an upgraded T56-A-427 engine, which eliminated operating restrictions imposed by growth in the aircraft’s gross weight due to incorporation of new systems.
  • Radar was updated to the AN/APS-139 with a High-Speed Processor that doubled the track files maintained by the system.
  • Eighteen Group I aircraft were built and are being upgraded to Group II configuration.
  • The AN/APS-145 radar alleviates saturation, track overload, and overland tracking clutter.
  • Group II increases radar and IFF range, radar volume, target track capability, number of targets displayed, and target recognition capability through the use of color displays.
  • Group I and Group II aircraft are also referred to as E-2C+.
External Dimensions
Wing span24.56 m
Wing chord: (at root)3.96 m
Wing chord (at tip)1.32 m
Wing aspect ratio8.94 m
Length overall17.54 m
Height overall5.58 m
Diameter of rotodome7.32 m
Tailplane span7.99 m
Wheel track5.93 m
Wheel base7.06 m
Propeller diameter4.11 m
Wings, gross65.03 m2
Ailerons (totals)5.76 m2
Trailing-edge flaps (total)11.03 m2
Fins, include rudders and tabs:
Outboard (total) 10.25 m2
Inboard (total) 4.76 m2
Tailplane11.62 m2
Elevators (total)3.72 m2
Weights and Loadings
Weight empty17,859 kg
Maximum fuel (internal, usable)5,624 kg
Maximum T-O weight5,624 kg
Maximum power loading3.18 kg/kW
Performance (at maximum Takeoff Weight)
Maximum level speed338 knots
Cruising speed (ferry)259 knots
Approach speed103 knots
Stalling speed (landing configuration)75 knots
Service ceiling11,275 m
Minimum T-O run564 m
T-O to 15 m793 m
Minimum landing run439 m
Combat Radius1,500 Km
Ferry range1,542 nm
Time on station, 175 nautical miles from base4 hr. 24 min
Endurance with maximum fuel6 hr. 15 min

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Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3


1958 年3 月3 日,美國海軍正式試飛成功世界上第一種實用型的艦載預警機——E-IB「跟蹤者」預警機。此後,美國海軍又對艦隊防禦體系進行了整頓,集中力量研製了一套「海軍戰術諸元系統」。該系統能將水面艦艇、潛艇、海岸基地、飛機等所搜集的情報加以一元化處理,給出自動截機指令。這個系統的主機設在航空母艦上,要求海軍預警機必須有「機載戰術諸元系統」與之相配合。為此,1957 年,美國格魯門公司又專門為海軍設計了E-2系列艦載預警機,共研製了3 架原型機。第一架於1960 年10 月21 日首次試飛;1964 年1 月19 日,最初生產型——E-2A 開始交付美國海軍使用,共生產了59 架。其後,為了改善該機的指揮導引性能,又改用美國利登公司生產的L-304 型微型通用數字計算機,以取代原先的電子管磁鼓—存儲計算機。

它於1964 年2 月20 日首次試飛,稱為E-2B 型。1964 年,美國通用電氣公司著手研製能防止敵機低空突防的低重複頻率體制的AN/APS-l20 雷達;並於1971 年1 月20 日正式裝在新生產的E-2 飛機上,1972 年9 月試飛成功,1973年11 月交付海軍使用,定名為E-2C。E-2C 預警機雖然對海面雜波背景小的低空目標可以自動控制,但對陸地雜波背景下的低空目標只能手動控制。隨著數字技術的發展,1974 年10 月,從第34 架生產型的C 型機開始,又加裝了先進的雷達數據處理系統,並將原有的模擬信號處理系統全部數字化,稱為AN/APS-l25 型遠程搜索警戒雷達。它就是目前仍在繼續生產的E-2C「鷹眼」艦載預警機。


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S.I.A.M 管理者

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3


E-2C 機長17.55 米、機高5.59 米,翼展24.56 米;空重17256 千克,最大起飛重量23544 千克;最大平飛速度560 公里/小時,巡航速度498 公里/小時;實用升限9388 米,最大航程2580 公里,續航時間5~7 小時。機上動力裝置採用2 台T56-A-425 渦槳發動機,單台最大功率6676 馬力。為了減少占艦空間,兩翼用液壓驅動可由翼根處向後上方折疊。該機外型奇特,除機身上方安裝一個蘑菇狀的天線罩以外,在水平尾翼面上裝有4 片垂直翼面。這是為了避開天線罩產生的尾流對尾翼的干擾而採取的一種特殊的氣動佈局。這個天線罩裡背靠背安裝著警戒搜索雷達和敵我識別器天線。罩子的直徑7.32 米,厚度0.76 米,液壓驅動,以每分鐘6 圈的速度旋轉著。

為了減少占艦空間,這種「旋罩」也可軸向下降0.64 米。此外,天線罩可產生部分升力,以抵消其自身的重量。4 片垂尾中,外側的2 片延伸到平尾以下,中間的2 片垂直固定在水平安定面上。經過計算和實驗表明,在保證足夠的橫側安定性的艙面效應的前提下,無需4 個方向舵,實際上只需要3 個舵面,因此左側第二片垂尾上並沒有活動的方向舵。更有趣的是,為了減少金屬結構對搜索雷達電磁波束的干擾和遮蔽,以矯正雷達天線方向圖和增大探測距離,該機的4 片垂直尾翼和發動機的2 具螺旋槳均採用玻璃鋼材料製成。

E-2C「鷹眼」預警機最先裝備的AN/APS-125 預警搜索雷達,是一部作用距離較遠、分辨力高的探測雷達,採用大功率、主振放大式重複頻率相關脈衝壓縮體制,還應用了偏置相位中心與多普勒濾波技術,一定程度上提高了對海面雜波的抑制能力和對消能力,因而不僅對海面雜波背景下的低空目標,而且對地面一般地形背景下的低空目標進行自動檢測、截獲和跟蹤。從1989 年起計劃對所有飛機計劃改裝AN/APS-139 雷達。

雷達為八木端射式,裝在轉速6 轉/分的天線罩內,利用全輻射孔徑控制天線,降低旁瓣,提高抗干擾能力。90 年代起,美海軍又擬對該型機改裝AN/APS-145 雷達。為了保證機上大部分電子設備工作正常,E-2C 還裝有一種AN/ASM-440「空中性能監視器」、故障自動檢測和自動隔離系統。機上電子偵察設備中還配備有AN/ALR73 無源被動探測系統,它能通過對比裝在飛機頭、尾、平尾兩端的四組天線的接收信號精確地確定輻射源。敵我識別系統採用RT-988A/APX-76 詢問機和RT-859A/APX-72 應答機,能自動問答空、地和海上各種目標,識別敵我。在戰勤指揮艙裡,沿機身軸向縱列放置三部AN/APA-172綜合顯示控制台。還有AN/ALQ-108 電子干擾測量系統,「塔康」戰術空中指令和定位系統,高頻、超高頻、甚高頻通訊數據鏈,以及裝有通用多普勒導航雷達、「塔康」系統、機載慣導儀、無線電測向儀、自動航位推算裝置等導航設備。這些電子設備總重,約佔全機空重的三分之一,而價值卻為機體的2 倍。

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E-2C 憑借上述設備,不僅具有空中警戒能力,還有自動指揮引導能力。搜索雷達探測距離,對低空飛機目標400 公里,低空飛航式導彈270 公里,無源探側距離900 公里。目標處理能力很強,通常能同時掌握250 個,最多達500 個空中目標,並測出目標距離、速度、高度、航向等。還能同時發現300 個機載的或地面、海面的雷達,準確測定它們的方位、距離,及時指揮己方飛機實施攻擊或電子干擾,或指揮反輻射導彈把敵方雷達摧毀。該機除向地面或航母指揮中心——艦載海軍戰術諸元系統傳遞信息外,還可計算出15 個「最佳攻擊建議方案」,供指揮官選用;並可直接指揮引導截擊機空戰,或把己方50 到100 架攻擊機自動引導到距敵機1600 米,即能目視觀察到對方飛機的位置處。

E-2 系列艦載預警機,作為艦隊防空力量,用於海面早期預警,保護海上編隊,它比艦載警戒雷達能提供更多的預警時間。但是,該預警機也有諸多不足:沒有採用脈衝多普勒搜索雷達,在複雜的山區背景下,不具備完全的下視能力;在執行任務時還需要地面或航空母艦的指揮系統協調支援;同時存在活動半徑小、續航時間短等問題。

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