

也很值得大家給個gp^_^ (lv3便有100多個gp了,大家請多多支持, 我會努力的)

1. Siege Basics

(1) Siege Qualifications
Pledges of level 4 and higher may siege. Pledges of levels lower than 4 and pledge members may participate in a siege but have no right to own a castle.
(2) Siege Locations
Gludio castle, Dion castle, Giran castle, Oren castle, and Aden castle are the five castles that can be sieged.
(3) Siege Enforcement Date
Before each siege begins, one may join through the NPC in front of the castle.
Until the next siege, one cannot be damaged in the castle.
When the scheduled time for siege arrives, a system message is sent out notifying the start of the siege.

1. 攻城戰基本

1) 攻城所需資格
-> 要4級或以上的盟。3級及以下的盟員能參與攻城,但沒有權去管有城堡。
2) 攻城戰地點
-> 古魯丁城,狄恩城,奇岩城,歐瑞城,亞丁城 五個
3) 執行攻城戰的資料
-> 在每場攻城戰之前,你可以透過城堡前的npc來參加。
-> 在下一次的攻城戰前,任何人也不能在城堡受到傷害。
-> 當攻城的時間來到時,會有一系統訊息來顯示攻城的開始。
2. Siege Preparation

(1) Siege / Defense registration
To participate in the siege, the pledge prince must register for the siege. After the siege has been proclaimed [different meaning than in Lineage 1], if the prince clicks on the NPC official, a "Siege Information" interface comes up. From this interface if the "Siege Information" tab is selected and the "Participation application" button is clicked, the prince may register for the siege. Before the castle owning prince chooses the siege time, other princes may not register. But they must register at least 24 hours before the siege begins.
While registration is still open, the prince may cancel registration by using the same NPC's interface.
To participate in the defense, click on the NPC and from the siege window select the "Defense Information" tab. During siege week it is not possible to register for defense through any other NPC.
The castle owning prince has until 6 hours before the siege begins (it used to be 24 hours, but through testing, the time was made shorter) to decide whether or not to approve the defenders on the list.
The pledge occupying the castle does not have to register, it is automatically put on the list. The castle-owning pledge may not cancel its registration.
Even though the castle prince has 24 hours after getting the castle to select the next siege time, on the test server, the time cannot be chosen.
Since the maximum number of possible sieges that can occur simultaneously is 3, while determining a siege time, if three are already designated for a certain time, one must select a different time slot.
Once a siege time has been chosen, it cannot be changed.

(2) At the beginning..
At the very beginning, the castle is owned by a NPC pledge. For the first player-controlled pledge to take the castle, the very last pledge to hold the castle in the siege becomes the first player character to own the castle.
If a pledge disbands while holding a castle, then the castle returns to the NPC pledge.

(3) Hiring System
each castle's prince may hire NPC's needed for defense and place them in appropriate locations. In the castle, from the mercenary general NPC, one may hire swordsmen, spearmen, bowmen, healers, and magicians. They may be fixed to a location or their traveling movements may be chosen.
Next is purchasing and placement of mercenaries.
- From the mercenary general NPC, the castle owning prince may purchase items. (These items are specific to each castle and has the castle name and the type of mercenary show up in a tooltip.) These items cannot be traded and only the castle owner may purchase them. If they are not used, they can be used later.
- The items can be dropped to the floor. These items may be seen by anyone but can only be picked up by the castle-owning prince.
- The items may spread around inside the castle. The place where they can be put down is at the feet.
- More than one of these mercenary NPC items may not be placed in the same spot.
- When placing the mercenary NPC item down, the direction the castle prince is looking is the direction the NPC will be.
- Even if the server goes down, the dropped items will not disappear.
- When the siege begins, these items change into the mercenary NPC's.

2. 攻城戰準備

1) 攻城/防衛戰登記
-> 要參與攻城戰,盟的王子必需先登記。在攻城戰被宣佈後(這點和天堂一有點不同),王子點選npc時,"攻城戰資料"的視窗會彈出。在視窗中如果"攻城戰資料"被選了,"參與功能\"按鈕被按了,王子便可以登記攻城戰。而城堡的擁有者選擇了攻城時間後(即上述的攻城戰被宣佈),王子便能登記了。但他們別需在攻城戰前24小時登記。
-> 在接受登記其間,王子可以在登記的那名npc處取消登記。
-> 參與攻城戰的防守方時,你可以點選npc,選"防衛戰資料"。在攻城期間,不能作任何防衛的登記。
-> 城堡擁有者可以在攻城戰前6小時決定讓不讓那些登記守衛的人幫忙。
-> 城堡擁有者不需登記,城堡擁有者的盟是自動放在登記名單上,而且不能取消。
-> 在取得城堡擁有權後,城堡擁有者有24小時來決定下次攻城時間。
-> 同一時間只可以有3場攻城戰(有5個地點可以有攻城戰),所以如果其他城的城堡擁有者已決定了攻城戰在某一時間,該城堡擁有者不可在那時間。
-> 當城堡擁有者決定了攻城時間,便不可以更改。

2) 在起初...
-> 在第一次攻城時,城堡是由npc的血盟所管有。自第一次由玩家組成的血盟取得城堡後,城堡的擁有者便是在最近一場攻城戰勝出的玩家。
-> 如果盟主在持有城堡時解散血盟,城堡的擁有權便回到npc手中。

3) 雇用系統
-> 每一個擁有城堡的王子也可以聘用npc來幫助守城,你可以雇用劍手,矛兵,弓手,醫療師及魔法師,放在特定的位置或跟隨著你。
-> 買入及放置
- 在負責雇用的npc,擁有城堡的王子可以買入物品(這些物品是每個城堡不同,而且有城堡名稱),這些物品不能進行交易,而且只有擁有城堡的王子可以買入。如果暫時不使用該物品,可稍後再用。
- 這些物品能掉在地上。任何人也能看到地上的物品,但只有擁有城堡的王子能撿起。
- 這些物品能在城內亂放在地上。但放下時只能放在腳旁。
- 同一地點上只能放置一件這些物品。
- 當放下這些npc的物品時,擁有城堡的王子望著的方向將是npc的位置。
- 即使侍服器壞了下,這些放在地上的物品也不會消失。
- 當攻城戰開始時,這些物品會變成那些npc的。
[註:原文用items, 即物品, 但我懷疑會不會是指傭兵?!]
附圖(傭兵) :http://forums.lineagecenter.com/l2newsimg/chronicle/chronicle02_4.jpg
3. Siege Rules

(1) Start of Siege
When the siege begins, the inside of the castle and the circumference is presented as the battlegrounds. All players receive the system message saying the battleground is ready. If there are players inside the castle who are not registered defenders, they are automatically sent to their restart location.
A siege lasts 2 hours. Server down or NPC server down time is excluded.
If the siege has begun, except for the defenders, if a character escapes or dies and restarts, they are not sent to the castle's town to restart, they are sent to the second closest town to restart. Also, when using other towns' gatekeepers, they cannot teleport to the castle's town. During siege, one cannot teleport to the castle town.
When the siege begins or while during a siege when the prince of the castle changes, everyone except the defenders is moved to their camp/headquarters or the 2nd closest town.

(2) Rules of War
The attackers and defenders are the whole army.
Members of the same alliance, and same pledge are friendly forces [allies].
Pledges that are not part of an alliance in the attacking group have no relationship with others [referred to as "neutral" henceforth]. Characters not belonging to a pledge are neutral.
When attacking enemies or characters of no relationship to oneself [see above], automatic attack is possible but to attack allies [members of same alliance or same pledge], a forced attack must be done [use control key]
When using ranged attacks, enemies and neutral members are damaged but allies do not take damage.
Above the pledge emblems another mark is displayed. For defenders a shield is shown and for attackers a sword is shown. The background color of the mark is either red or white depending on the character being an enemy or ally.
On the siege's battlefield, PK counts and penalties are not given.
If an enemy goes out of the battlefield but maintains the siege status, a PK count won't be given.
When a neutral character goes out, a pink status is given for 10 seconds.
Death in the battlefield only takes away 1/4 the experience penalty as dying on normal hunting areas. Items are not dropped.
When the NPCs are defending the castle, in the battlefield, all players are recognized as an enemy.

(3) Castle doors
Castle doors have HP. During siege, the doors can be attacked but cannot be buffed or debuffed nor do they regenerate HP. The siege doors have a special quality where full weapon attacks are weak against them.
If the doors are broken once, they cannot be repaired. If the castle prince changes then the doors are automatically repaired with 1/2 of their HP.
The defenders can pay a fixed amount of adena to increase the castle doors' HP up to level 3. Since Aden castle's walls may be broken, the walls may also be made stronger.

(4) Siege Camp/Headquarters
The princes of registered attacking pledges in a siege may use the build camp/headquarter skill to create a camp [or a headquarters] for their pledge within a certain range. During siege, this skill may be used only once. When the siege ends, they automatically disappear.
These camps have HP so if their HP goes down to 0, they are destroyed. Like the castle doors, they cannot be buffed, debuffed, nor recover HP. If the camp is lost, the pledge will restart in the 2nd closest town instead.
Pledges with a camp can have its members regenerate their HP and MP faster inside it.
When the pledge prince makes a camp, it uses MP and 4 C grade gemstones.
When the camp has been destroyed: neither the resurrection spell nor scroll may be used. Restarting at the camp is also not possible. In this case, restart will happen at the second closest town. The same goes for those pledges and characters not signed up for the siege.

(5) Castle Interior Dwelling
The pledges on the defending side can restart at the castle interior dwelling location. There is a 30 second waiting period to go back to the battleground from within the castle [after restarting there].

(6) Life Guardian Towers
Inside the castle for the defending pledge there are 3 towers. If these towers are destroyed, the following penalties will be applied.
If two or more of the towers have been destroyed: Neither the resurrection spell nor the scroll may be used. It is possible to restart at the defenders' restart location.
If all three towers have been destroyed: Neither the resurrection spell nor the scroll may be used. When restarting at the defenders' location, the teleport waiting time that was 30 seconds will be 8 minutes.

(7) Victory stipulations
Inside of the castle there is a "castle object" in a certain location. An attacking prince must use the "Master of Everyone" skill for a fixed amount of time during the siege and thus the castle's owner will be changed.
Using the skill takes 3 minutes. During this time, if attacked, there is a possibility the skill will get cancelled and it would have to be started over again.
During the first siege of the castle [ever], the last pledge to hold the castle at the end of the 2 hours is the first owner.
When the NPC is defending, if the siege time ends and no one has been able to use the skill to be the new castle owner, then the NPC keeps the castle.

(8) Mid-way victory
When the skill has been used, the attackers and defenders of the castle switch. The attackers who are now defending restart within and their camps automatically disappear.
Besdies the new defending pledges, all players are sent back to their restart point. Of course, those without camps are moved to the second closest town.
The pledges of the same alliance of the newly occupying pledge that were registered, automatically change to become the defenders and are not automatically ejected. Those not registered are treated like others and ejected from the castle.
The pledge that was just pulled from owning the castle, because they did not have a camp set up, they can use the skill for the one time allowed and build a camp.

(9) Exceptions
Server down : In the middle of a siege, if a server goes down, when it comes back up, the state of the siege will be the same as when it went down and will begin from there. The defending NPC's and castle doors' HP, camps' HP, characters' locations are all as when the server went down. Until the siege starts back up, all characters cannot move, recover HP, exit the battlegrounds, enter the battlefield, and cannot attack.
NPC server down : Similar to server down.
Client force quit : While in a fight, the character remains in the game for 15 seconds and will continue to hit its target during that time.
In freeze status: During a siege, if the server goes down and if the NPC server goes down, until the siege begins again, characters cannot move. When in freeze state, parties will have to be reformed.

3. 攻城戰規則

1) 攻城戰的開始
-> 當攻城戰開始時,城堡內及他的圓周也是戰場。所有玩家也會收到系統訊息說明攻城戰開始。如果有不是認可的防守登記者在內城,他們將會自動傳到他們重新開始的位置。
-> 攻城戰長達兩小時。這會排除系統/npc侍服器壞了的時間。
-> 當攻城戰開始後,如果你是非防守方而逃走(使用回卷?)或死後重開,他們會送至第二近的城鎮,而不是最近的城。
-> 攻城戰其間,任何人也不能利用守門人傳至有攻城戰的城。
-> 如果戰爭其間,城堡擁有者變了,除了防守方外,所有人也會被傳至第二近的城,或是他們的指揮部。

2) 戰爭的規模
-> 進攻方和防守方便是所有軍隊。
-> 同一聯盟,同一血盟的也是友方的[同一陣線]。
-> 各支進攻隊伍中,如果沒有同盟,他們便沒有任何關係。而沒有血盟的人也是中立的。
-> 對於沒有關係的人,你可以自由攻擊,而不需按ctrl。但對友方的人則必需先按ctrl。
-> 當使用範圍攻擊時,中立及敵對的均會被擊中,友方的則沒事。
-> 盟徽上會有多一個標記,攻城方會是一把劍,防守方是一個盾,友方的是白色底色,敵方是紅色。
-> 在戰場上,是不會有任何pk/pvp的數字上升。
-> 如果敵方走出戰場而仍是戰爭狀態,則不會增加pk值。
-> 任何人走出戰場,也會有10秒的紫色狀態。
-> 在戰場中死去只會損失平常的1/4經驗,而且不會掉下任何東西。
-> 若果是npc守城,則所有玩家也是npc的敵人。

3) 城門
-> 城門也有hp。攻城戰其間,城門可以被攻擊,但不能被加持/回復hp。
-> 城門有一特點是所有武器也只能做成少傷害。
-> 城門被破壞後不能修復,但換新的門能回復至1/2的hp。
-> 防守方能給一定的錢來增加門的hp(最高lv3)。而亞丁的城牆是可以被催毀,所以城牆也可被強化。

4) 攻城的指揮部
-> 登記了攻城的王能使用"建立指揮部"的技能來為他們的血盟建立一個指揮部。指揮部只能用於一次攻城,攻城結束後便自動消失。
-> 指揮部也有hp的,hp 0 便是被催毀了。像城門一樣,不能被加持、詛咒或者回復hp。如果指揮部被毀,血盟只能在第二近的城鎮重開。
-> 盟員在指揮部內的hp,mp回後速度會增加。
-> 建築指揮部要mp和4粒c寶石。
-> 如果指揮部被毀,復活術/復卷也不適用。也不能在指揮部中重開。(下省, 總之會變得和沒營一樣。)

5) 城堡內部
-> 防守方重登後是會在城堡內,但每次也要等30秒才能回到戰場。

6) 保護者之塔(我承認...這名稱是亂作的= =")
-> 城堡內部有3座塔,如果被破壞了就會有懲罰。
-> 如果這些塔被破壞後是不能用復活術/復卷來還原。
-> 如果3支塔也被破壞,重開的等待時間會由30秒變至8分鐘。

7) 勝利的契約
-> 城堡內有一"城堡物品"。攻擊方的王子要在攻城時間內對它使用"所有人的主"技能一段時間,便會改變城堡的擁有人。
-> 此技能的使用時間是3分鍾。此段時間內,如果王子被攻擊,技能可能被取消並要重新再來。
-> 城堡的擁有人便是攻城時間結束時(2小時)的擁有人。
-> 在npc防守其間,如果攻城時間結束時仍未有新的城堡擁有人,npc會繼續擁有城堡。

8) 勝利的途中
-> 在技能使用後,攻城者和防守者調轉了。攻城者本身指揮部也消失了。
-> 除了防者的血盟外,所有人也被送回他們的重生點,沒有指揮部的人會送至第二近的城鎮。
-> 取得擁有權的友盟也會變成防守方,而其他所有人也會被送走。
-> 原本的城堡擁有人,可以在此時建立指揮部一次。

9) 特別的事
-> 系統壞了:如果在攻城其間侍服器壞了,在修復後,攻城狀態會和壞了前一樣,所有人、城門、npc、指揮部的hp、位置也不變,所有人不會回hp,不能動,不能進入戰場,不能攻擊,直至攻城戰再開始。
-> npc侍股器壞了:和上面一樣
-> 客戶端強登:人物留在server上15秒,也會持續攻擊對方。

4. Castle's structure and taxes

(1) Taxes
In the Lineage 2 world, the castle is the one building in the region where taxes are received, government matters administrated, and economy managed.
Originaly, only the castle prince may use the castle, but the prince may use an "authorization transfer system" to allow the pledge members and alliance members to use the castle.
The ruling prince may set the taxes levied on the NPC stores. Since Aden castle is in the center, taxes are only received from the Aden region, but also from Gludio castle, Oren castle, Giran castle, and Dion castle.
When owning the castle, it is similar to a pledge house, there is a storage available and there is a gatekeeper to teleport to the inside or outside of the castle. [rest is interrupted with garbage letters]

(2) Gludio, Dion, Oren, Giran castles' structures
There is one outer door and one inner door.
The restarting point for defenders is in the inside of the inner castle.
The castle object is in the inner castle.
One cannot enter through the outer walls from the outside but can exit from the inside.

(3) Aden castle's structure
Inside of the first layer of outer walls is a second layer of outer walls.
The entrance to the first outer walls is in the front. Siege golems may break a certain place in the first outer walls. There is a path to the outside from inside the first outer walls.
The second layer of outer walls has entrances on two sides. The second outer walls also have a location where siege golems may break them.
The area between the 1st and 2nd outer walls is affected by the control tower. Outside of these points, Aden castle is similar to the other castles.
* What about the control tower?
When defending the castle, the control tower may be used to to place HP draining traps [continuously decreases HP] or slow traps of 4 levels. The tower may be taken over.

4. 城堡的結構和稅收

1) 稅收
-> 在天二的世界,城堡是地區內收稅、政府管理及經濟調控的地方。
-> 原本,只有擁有城堡的王子才能使用這些城堡功能,但王子能使用"委任系統"來准許盟友及聯盟成員使用這些功能。
-> 掌權的王子可以在npc處制訂稅率。因為亞丁城是中心,所以他不只能收亞丁地區,也能收古丁,歐瑞,奇岩和狄恩。(我懷疑英文翻譯少了一個not字, 應該用not only, 而不是only)
-> 當擁有城堡時,就像擁有一間盟屋,有倉庫的功能,也有一個守門人讓你自己傳送。(英文翻譯的作者說此句的剩餘部份被垃圾郵件中斷了,英文翻譯也沒有,我自然譯不出中文)

2) 古丁,狄恩,歐瑞,奇岩的城堡結構
-> 有一個外城門及一個內城門。
-> 守城方的重生點是在內城。
-> 城堡物件是在內城。
-> 外面的人不能穿過城牆進入,但能從內走出外。

3) 亞丁城堡的結構
-> 第一層外牆內有第二職城牆。
-> 進入第一層城牆的入口是在前方。攻城高崙可以打破第一層城牆的部份區域。
-> 有一些路徑讓人能從第一層城牆內往外走。
-> 第二層城牆有兩個入口分別在兩邊。而第二層城牆也有一些地方能讓攻城高崙打破。
-> 第一和第二層城牆間有一些地點會被控制塔影響。在這些點外,亞丁城就像其他城一樣。
* 關於控制塔
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找的用心.辛苦了  給你鐵幣一個
............................................................................................. 工作繁忙中

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辛苦嚕 翻的很辛苦吧
[color=paleturquoise]所在伺服器:當然是OB2嚕[/color] [color=paleturquoise]ID:馬爾吉斯[/color] [color=paleturquoise]血盟:鐵傲之光[/color] [color=paleturquoise]等級:45級持續上升中....[/color] [color=paleturquoise]職業:嫩嫩的咒術詩人[/color] [color=pink]詩風藏冷意 , 水術法專攻 ; 冰刃寒霜舞 , 漩渦凍氣沖[/color] [color=wheat]看到偶要打聲招呼喔[/color] [color=wheat]上線時間:1~5 PM9:00~AM00:00[/color] [color=wheat]假日:PM1:00~PM9:00(也許吧)[/color] [color=silver]徵求40~50左右玩家一起組隊打怪[/color] [color=silver]覺得po的文章不錯就給個聲望吧^^[/color] [img]http://myweb.hinet.net/home6/darkrock/t2.jpg[/img][img]http://myweb.hinet.net/home6/darkrock/t1.jpg[/img]

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