

Sacrifice - Ensure your squad escapes safely from Cuba - 10G
犧牲 - 確保你的隊友安全地逃離古巴

Death to Dictators - Use a single round to bring down Castro - 15G
暗殺獨裁者- 用一發子彈擊斃嘉實多(賣機油的,故意的 )

Vehicular Slaughter - Destroy all enemies on vehicles during the prison break - 25G
飛車屠殺- 在逃獄過程中,擊殺所有在車輛上的敵人

Give Me Liberty, Or Give Me Death - Escape Vorkuta - 10G
給我自由,否則殺了我- 逃出沃爾庫塔(俄羅斯)

Slingshot Kid - Destroy all slingshot targets in 3 attempts - 15G
彈弓小子- 在三次攻擊內,摧毀所有彈弓目標

VIP - Receive orders from Lancer - 10G
VIP - 收到來自Lancer 的命令(身份可能是SOG/Operation 40的高階軍官)
***Studies and Observation Group(SOG) 是個在越戰初期成立的聯合特種部隊
***Operation 40 是個由中情局成立,可媲美SOG 的部隊

A Safer Place - Sabotage the Soviet space program - 10G
更加安全 - 破壞蘇聯的太空研究中心

Tough Economy - Use no more than 6 TOW guided missiles to destroy
the tanks in the defense of Khe Sanh - 15G
經濟蕭條- 防守溪山(越南) 時,使用六枚以下的飛彈摧毀所有坦克

Looks Dont Count - Break the siege in the battle of Khe Sanh - 10G
虛有其表- 在溪山戰役中,中止敵方的圍攻

SOG Rules - Retrieve the dossier and the defector from Hue City - 10G
SOG 強! - 從順化市(越南) 取回檔案跟救出叛逃/投誠者
(猜想是叛逃北越,叛逃或投誠,看你是哪邊的吧 )

Raining Pain - Rack up a bodycount of 20 NVA using air support in Hue City - 15G
痛如雨下- 在順化市執行空中支援時,擊殺超過20名北越部隊的士兵
***North Vietnam Army (NVA) 北越部隊

The Dragon Within - Kill 10 NVA with Dragons Breath rounds - 15G
龍魂- 使用龍息彈葯殺死10名北越士兵
***龍息(Dragons Breath)彈葯- 是一種散彈槍的彈葯,效果就如短距離的火焰噴射器

Heavy Hand - Use the Grim Reaper to destroy the MG emplacement - 15G
沉重之手- 使用GR 火箭筒摧毀敵方機槍

Up Close And Personal - Silently take out 3 VC - 15G
近距離攻擊- 靜靜地毀掉3個VC
(猜想是攝影機,Video Camera)

Double Trouble - Use only dual wield weapons to escape Kowloon - 10G
雙重麻煩 - 只使用雙持武器逃離九龍

Broken English - Escape Kowloon - 10G
拙劣英文 - 逃離九龍

Lord Nelson - Destroy all targets and structures while making your way
up the river - 25G
尼爾森伯爵- 在往上游前進的過程中,摧毀所有目標及建築物

Never Get Off The Boat - Find the Soviet connection in Laos - 10G
絶不下船- 在寮國找到蘇聯的關係人

Pathfinder - Guide the squad through the Soviet outpost without them getting killed - 50G
領航者- 領導隊伍安然通過蘇聯哨站(安然通過= 不能死亡)

Mr. Black Op - Enter the Soviet relay station undetected - 50G
特務先生 - 成功潛入蘇聯通訊中繼站

With Extreme Prejudice - Get to the POW compound in the Hind
using only rockets - 25G
極度偏見- 在只用火箭攻擊的情況下,達到後方的戰俘營區
*** Prisoner of War (POW) - 戰俘

Russian Bar-BQ - Incinerate 10 enemies with the flamethrower attachment
in the POW compound - 15G
俄國烤肉- 在戰俘營區內,用火焰噴射器焚燒十名敵人

Light Foot - Escape the ship with 2:15 left on the timer in Veteran - 30G
輕功- 老兵難度下,在倒數時間2分15秒之前逃出船艦

Some Wounds Never Heal - Escape the past - 10G
舊傷復發 - 掙脫過去

I Hate Monkeys - Kill 7 monkeys in under 10 seconds in the Rebirth labs - 15G
厭猴症() - 在十秒內於復活實驗室宰殺(XD) 7隻猴子

No Leaks - Make it through the NOVA 6 gas without dying on Rebirth Island - 50G
並無漏氣(台語) - 在復活之島上,安然無恙地穿過NOVA 6 毒氣(就是不能死啦 )

Clarity - Crack the code - 10G
真象大白 - 破解密碼

Double Whammy - Destroy both helicopters with one TOW guided missile
from the deck of the ship - 15G
一箭雙鵰(雙倍詛咒) - 用甲板上的一枚拖式飛彈將兩架直升機都擊落

BLACK OP MASTER - Complete the campaign on
Hardened or Veteran difficulty - 100G
特務高手- 在困難或老兵難度下,完成戰役模式

Stand Down - Complete the campaign on any difficulty - 35G
停止出擊- 在任何難度下,完成戰役模式

Frag Master - Kill 5 enemies with a single frag grenade - 15G
芭樂高手 - 用一顆手榴彈炸死5名敵人

Sally Likes Blood - Demonstrate killer economic sensibilities
by taking down 3 enemies with a single bullet - 15G
嗜血莎麗- 展現殺手強調經濟效益的一面,用一顆子彈擊斃3名敵人

Unconventional Warfare - Use the explosive bolts to kill 30 enemies - 15G
不一樣的戰爭- 使用爆炸弩箭擊殺30名敵人

Down And Dirty - Complete "SOG" and "The Defector" on Veteran difficulty - 25G
毫無掩飾- 在老兵難度下,完成"SOG" 及"The Defector" 任務(任務名稱)

Its Your Funeral - Complete "Numbers," "Project Nova" and "Victor Charlie"
on Veteran difficulty - 25G
自找苦吃- 在老兵難度下,完成"Numbers", "Project Nova", and "Victor Charlie" 任務

Cold Warrior - Complete "Operation 40", "Vorkuta", and "Executive Order"
on Veteran difficulty - 25G
冷血戰士- 在老兵難度下,完成"Operation 40", "Vorkuta", and "Executive Order" 任務

Not Today - Complete "Crash Site," "WMD" and "Payback" on Veteran difficulty - 25G
屹立不倒- 在老兵難度下,完成"Crash Site," "WMD" and "Payback" 任務

Burn Notice - Complete "Rebirth" and "Redemption" on Veteran difficulty - 25G
黑名單- 在老兵難度下,完成"Rebirth" and "Redemption" 任務
(跟我喜歡看的美國間諜影集同名~ Burn Notice )

Closer Analysis - Find all the hidden intel - 15G
仔細分析 - 找到所有隱藏的情報

Matinee - Watch a film or clip with a friend - 15G
早場電影- 與朋友一起觀賞一部或一段影片

Gamblin Fool - Finish 5 Wager Matches "in the money" - 20G
堵徒 - 完成五場堵注比賽

You Can Do It - Reach rank 10 in Basic Training - 15G
你行的! - 在基本訓練中達到等級10

The Collector - In Zombie mode, buy every weapon off the walls in a single game - 20G
收藏家- 在殭屍模式中,於單場遊戲內從牆上購買每一種武器

Hands Off The Merchandise - Kill the Pentagon thief before
it can steal your load-out - 20G
別動那些貨- 在小賊偷走你的裝備之前擊殺他

Sacrificial Lamb - Kill 6 zombies after getting shot by
a Pack-a-Punched Crossbow bolt - 15G
獻祭犧牲品- 在被重十字弩箭射中後,擊殺6個殭屍

"Insert Coin" - Access the terminal and battle the forces of
the Cosmic Silverback in Dead Ops Arcade - 10G
投幣- 在遊戲中使用遊戲機,進行死亡任務的小遊戲

Easy Rhino - In Dead Ops Arcade, use a Speed Boost to
blast through 20 or more enemies at one time - 5G
犀牛衝刺- 在死亡任務小遊戲中,使用加速能力,一次衝過20名以上的敵人

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