

Nightmare City


You are standing here
As true as you was born on this world
Don’t pin all you hopes
And you dreams on somebody else’s lives
The Southern Cross
Is twinkling and watching us
Far beyond
So far away to us
The Southern Cross is a holy light.
We are the crusaders of the Southern Cross.
Go, if you come up against a hurdle.
Fight, fight for the thing you believe in.
Passion, Joy, Sorrow, pain and tears.
All they will be pabulum of your life.
Go, if you come under the wet yourself.
Fight, fight for the person you believe in.
Destiny is calling you…
“Obey me, or defy me”
Is there a thing
Which is superior to love in this world?
A man is living with loving some one
And then being loved by others.
We are staying here
As true as we were born on this earth.
The moment on yesterday
When we lived is never waste.
Go, if you come up against a hurdle.
Fight, fight for the thing you believe in.
Passion, Joy, Sorrow, pain and tears.
All they will be pabulum of your life.
Go, if you come under the wet yourself.
Fight, fight for the person you believe in.
Destiny is calling you…
“Obey me, or defy me”
This little time that you live here
May be treasure when you are old.
Go, if you come away for you way.
Find, find your own way that you believe in.
Destiny is challenging you…
“Obey me, or defy me”
We cannot turn back to our past.
We cannot change our past.
We’re heading for the future.
So, let us reach our hands……
Our hands!

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回覆: [推薦]第三回紅白FLASH合I一賞

這個我一個月前就放過了= =||
推動驚奇靈異圖影專區搶救人氣大作戰= =|| 需要各位幫忙 我每2-4天會放影片@@ 雖然說是靈異板不過也不要這麼冷清>"< 靈異並不可怕.只要自己問心無愧.就沒什麼好怕了 "人類"的才是最可怕的東西呀....... [url="https://www.gamez.com.tw/forumdisplay.php?f=352"][color=#ffeecc]驚奇靈異圖影專區[/color][/url] (點此進入)

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