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【個人詩集】 Dragonssss

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Under the harvest moon,

When the soft silver

Drips shimmering

Over garden nights,

Death, the gray mocker,

Comes and whispers to you

As a beautiful friend

Who remembers.

Under the summer roses

When the flagrant crimson

Lurks in the dusk

Of the wild red leaves,

Love, with little hands,

Comes and touches you

With a thousand memories,

And asks you

Beautiful, unanswerable questions.
Hope is a thing with feathers That perches in the soul And sings a tune without words And never stops at all. I've heard it in the chilliest land And on the strangest sea Yet, never, in extremity It ask a crumb of me.

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Beauty and love are all my dream;

They change not with the changing day;

Love stays forever like a stream

That flows but never flows away;

And beauty is the bright sun-bow

That blossoms on the spray that showers

Where the loud water falls below,

Making a wind among the flowers.

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I cry myself to sleep at night
while I think of you.
I drive myself crazy wishing
to be back with you.

Whatever happened to our love?
Whatever happened to our promises to one another?

I feel alone because
you're not in my life anymore,
I feel incomplete not being able
to have you in my arms

and have you kissing me
and saying, " I Love You ".

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When we two parted

In silence and tears,

Half broken-hearted

To sever the years,

Pale grew thy cheek and cold,

Colder, the kiss;

Truly that hour foretold

Sorrow to this.

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I sometimes think that never blows so red

The rose as where some buried Caesar bled.

That every hyacinth the garden wears;

Dropt in her lap from some once lovely head.

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My love in her attire doth show her wit,

It doth so well become her:

For every season she hath dressings, fit,

For winter, spring, and summer.

No beauty she doth miss,

When all her robes are on:

But Beauty's self she is,

When all her robes are gone.

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O, hurry, where by water, among the trees,

The delicate-stepping stag and his lady sigh,

When they have looked upon their images

Would none had ever loved but you and I!

Or have you heard that sliding silver-shoed

Pale silver-proud queen-woman of the sky,

When the sun looked out of his golden hood?

O, that none ever loved but you and I!

O hurry to the ragged wood, for there

I will drive all those lovers out and cry

O, my share of the world,

O, yellow hair!No one has ever loved but you and I.

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Come, fill the cup, and in the fire of spring

Your winter garment of repentance fling.

The bird of time has but a little way

To flutter - and the bird is on the wing.

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The fountains mingle with the river,

And the rivers with the ocean;

The winds of heaven mix forever,

With a sweet emotion;

Nothing in the world is single;

All things by a law divine In one another's being mingle;

Why not I with thine?

See the mountains kiss high heaven,

And the waves clasp one another;

No sister flower would be forgiven,

If it disdain'd its brother;

And the sunlight clasps the earth,

And the moonbeams kiss the sea;

What are all these kissings worth,

If thou kiss not me?

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When all the world is young, lad,

And all the trees are green

And every goose a swan, lad,

And every lass a queen;

Then hey for boot and horse, lad,

And 'round the world away

Young blood must have its course, lad,

And every dog his day.

When all the world is old, lad,

And all the trees are brown

And all the sport is stale, lad,

And all the wheels run down

Creep home and take your place there

The spent and maimed among

God grant you find one face there

You loved when all was young.

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