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【個人詩集】 Dragonssss

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What is a lifetime spent without you by my side?
A life not worth living, a motionless picture with no meaning, a lie.

There will be rocks and rivers that will shake our paths,
But we will pull thru, what with the smiles and the laughs.

You are my candy, my ultimate treat,
Our time spent together is precious and sweet.

So, let's make the most of what we have,
You are my darling, my angel, I love you....
Hope is a thing with feathers That perches in the soul And sings a tune without words And never stops at all. I've heard it in the chilliest land And on the strangest sea Yet, never, in extremity It ask a crumb of me.

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Beautiful poems,Long, loving talks,
Blue skies & tender,Bright sunshine
- a walk.Romantic & Sweet,
My Sexy desire,

This heart fell in love,
All passion - all fire.

Are you what you say?
I've seen it to be true...
Or are you what you do?

For I've seen that clearly, too.
Degrader of women,
Sex without love,
Selfishly using,
No light from above.

"We just used each other..."
This is not true,you were the userit's her world that blew.

"Can't understand doing a friend..."
How horrible - grotesque.
Words no "man" could defend.

I've heard you speak...
I've seen you do all...
There I was...

All alone in the hall.
It's all true
    - it's all real.

You can't understand..
I know who I am -And me,
I can't scam.

God, help me decipher,
I want to be sure.
Was it all the disease,
Or is there truly no cure?

[ 本文最後由 Dragonssss 於 06-11-13 11:56 AM 編輯 ]

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The sky is blue,
The air is cool,
To me, the scent smells like perfume.
It's already cold outside,
Like the way i'm feeling inside.

I have things running through my mind,
Looking for things I cannot find.
But I walk away and put it all behind,
I walk through life with my eyes blind.

I spend my evening alone,
Waiting by the phone.
It's so guiet in my home,
I curl up into a cone
And go to sleep alone.

My dream are long gone,
My pain is done,
Life is dull without fun.
Without the one person I want to confront.

So many things I want to tell you,
So many things I want to do.
Why did you make me look like a fool?
Why was it you I had to loose?
But I guess it is she you choose,
Now my life is like a zoo.

My tears are dry.
Inside is where I hide.
I look up into the dark sky,
And see a shoting star fly by.
I make a wish and finally say, "bye."

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Will you be mine always and forever?

Something is always bothering me,
yet I'm not all that sure what it is.
Everyone is always asking me what's wrong.
I answer, well, nothing really.
Of course, they don't believe me,
and continue to ask what's wrong,
so I make up something stupid, like I'm tired,
but that's really not it.
It's like one minute I want to cry,
the next I'm jumping for joy,
but when I'm with you...
we happen to glance at each other
at that same moment.
I forget all that's bothering me,
and all I see is you smiling at me.
You make me forget anything else exists...
As I lie in  bed, I think of all these things...
How much I love to spend my time with you,
or just think about you.
Everything about you makes me happy,
though sometimes we may fight.
I hope you know how much I really care...
at times I may not show it but
all I can really say is
that I love you,
and I want you to tell me how you feel...
do you feel like i do?
Just tell me that you love me,
just like I love you.

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The very breath which I breathe
Is because of you, my love
The very thought I think in my head
Of you? Of past and present
Is because of you my love

The very beat my heart takes
When I play a game of basketball or speak a word
Is because of you my love
The very essence which makes me a man
Is because of you my love

The tears I shed and the blood and sweat
I give day in and day out
In this hell-hole of a place we call Earth
Is because of you my love
I am here on this Earth as a human being

Nights go by
And not a minute passes by that I do not think of thee
Wanting to give my very best at what I do best
Is because of you my love!

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Two different worlds,
our feelings the same,
we fell in love,
our worlds, now,
the same.

Although I do not understand
the words she says,
I feel her love deep
inside my heart.

Our two different worlds,
are now the same,
the way she looks at me
tells me everything,
I need to know.

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All of my life I was looking...
for what- I was not too sure.
I knew there was something missing,
something loving and pure.

All of my life I was dreaming,
dreaming of one day soon
Meeting a man who would love me,
a man who would make me swoon.

Someone who would accept me
and nurture me all he can,
Not try to change my 'being'
for, this is who I am.

I spent many long years searching,
getting in trouble and strife.
Then one miraculous, beautiful day
you walked into my life.

I knew from the beginning
that you were the one for me,
My many years of searching
have ended in ecstasy.

Although, I know it's early days
and it's far too soon to see.
I do know deep in my heart
that 'you complete me'

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I sleep during the night
With the moon and the stars
Shining all so bright

I wake up at the stroke of midnight
I lay in bed and stare
at all the cars that fly by
But all of the sudden the dark and
Lonely streets become bare

As I watch the stars and moon
Slowly move through the dark sky
Everything soon becomes quiet and
All of a sudden I hear the bark
of my dog telling us she wants to
go outside, to enjoy the midnight sky

Soon I fall into a dream
It is a dream that allows me to
Soar through the midnight stream

It allows me to explore the midnight
Sky and I soon fly through the trees
And the midnight breeze

Soon I hear the sound of a car
I think to myself, is it him?
Did he come to take me
For a long ride
through the midnight sky?

As I look at the car I can tell
That it is not who I long for it to be
It was only the neighbor, who just got home
From a long day at work
I see him search for his key
So he doesn't wake his beloved wife

So I go on and continue with my dream
All of a sudden I am flying with the birds
Who enjoy looking down at the little girl
Who sits on the beam

I believe it is time for my dream
to come to an end and oh how I grieve
to hear that car drive down my lonely road

As I look at the midnight sky
With the moon and stars shining brightly
I wonder when he will come to take me for that nice and
long midnight ride

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In my world everything's my way
In my world no one is treated bad
Or judged by what they wear
In my world there is no pain
Everyone is really happy
No one is faking it
In my world you're still here
You never left without saying good-bye
I know it wasn't your fault
But I wish this was my world
So you'd still be here with me
In my world we are always together
It's just you and me
And we're so happy
In my world you won't ever leave
But you did leave
And you're not coming back
Because you see
This isn't my world...

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As I sit at home
In my bed
I think
Of what you always said.

I think of
Every time
You say
You love me.

When you say it,
It just means
Much to me.

I hope
Will never change
'Cause I will
Go from here to hell
To keep it the same.

Now you
May think
That is a lie
But it's not,

'Cause I
Could never
Truly deny
How I feel
For thee.

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