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【個人詩集】 Dragonssss

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You are a work of art
that touches me deep in my heart
Your beauty blends
radiates through your a beautiful complexion
that it gives my heart ressurection
You may not appear to be a lot
but you put my heart deep into thought
for you are rare like a third shoe in a pair
and there is nothing to compare
to how I feel about you in my heart
because you are a work of art

You are a work of art
that will never go sour or tart
you are the one who made me believe
that true beauty can be achieved
I admire your every detail
all your rich colors from bold to pale
I admire your beautiful scenery
for it is beauty that can't be made with any machinery
The way you came about will always be a mystery
but you will always be remebered in my heart as important history
Your image will never retire
because you are something I will always admire
for your beauty will never depart
because you are a work of art
Hope is a thing with feathers That perches in the soul And sings a tune without words And never stops at all. I've heard it in the chilliest land And on the strangest sea Yet, never, in extremity It ask a crumb of me.

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I guess there is nothing I can do, huh?

You never told me how you feel,

but I know and you know we all feeling the same way.

But yes I am that kind of person,

who are afraid to do things straight,

I am afraid to talk to you about how I feel,

how I really feel about you.

O, my love.

I will do whatever I can

to make the time go back,

go back to where I still had a chance to make you come back.

To make your heart come back to me.

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What is this thing called Love?
I don't want the paperback romance version,
Of flowers and candy, heart shaped beds filled with roses,
Mindless commercial garbage that makes you sick,
I want the real definition, the truest and purest kind,
That lives in poetic hearts and whimsical spirits,
The kind that transcends looks and status,
That goes straight for the soul and nothing in between,

Tell me what love means to you,
And why we have this pull towards one another?
This indescribable and reluctant mystical attachment
  neither of us sought.
Tell me your version; show me your vision.  
What is it that makes you say you love me SO!
What do I do, have I done that others cannot make you feel,
That makes me so unique and so worthy in your eyes to call me your love?
What makes me your heart's and your body's desire?
The one to whom all your juices flow and springs your imagination
  to life?

Tell me why the sight of you has this emotional affect on me?  
But please don't tell me of Angels singing and music playing at my sight,
Of earthquakes and thunderbolts, fireworks and cosmic reactions
  when we are together,
And about electrifying bolts and dizzying spells every time we touch,
Because I could never believe it and it would belittle every emotion
  I feel for you.
Just tell me your sincerest emotions and show me what it is you hope
  this love will achieve,
How it can survive against all odds and to others always exemplify?

Tell me why you say you love me SO!

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If I could have been there...
You would not have died!
The doctors wouldn't have lied!
The semi driver would not have cried!
Your Mom would not feel guilty!
Your family would have no sorrow!
If you were alive...
I wouldn't have to say good-bye!
I wouldn't have to shed so many tears!
The truck driver wouldn't have drank those beers!
You would be OK!
You would be standing here today!
I have so much I want to say!
I know eventually I will be OK!
My life is no full of regrets...
Together we will see no more sunsets!
I need you so bad...
It makes me so sad!
I wish God would have let you stay.
But he too needs you in a special way.
It has been four years.
Yet feels like only yesterday!
That we held each other and said I. Love You!
But now I've lost you...
But still I carry your love...
As if you were right here with me.
We'll be together again, Just you wait and see.
There is no other place that I would rather be.
We will be together through thick and thin...
And our love will never end!

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Fears rooted deep from childhood
insecurities that I will always face

The mark of shame left on me
from the beginning
There is no escape
Physical signs now show from
self-inflicted pain

Torture screaming from within
No one to share the burden
No one to understand the pain

The only way out seems to be death
It gets closer every day

Pretty smiles and happy faces hide
the pain held within
All alone in this world of sorrow
and hatred that will never end...

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My life with you is like the pefect storm,
So strong, so pure; from far away... so peaceful
so beautiful, as the storm gets closer
you can feel the strength,
at first you get scared, but then you get curious.

As the storm surrounds you, you wonder,
why is the storm here?  Is it here to hurt you?
Is it here to tell you something?
No, it's here to bring you somewhere.
Where?  You don't know,
but when it brings you there you'll know
because that's where I am with you.

In the center of the storm.
Around you, people going back and forth,
saying this, saying that.
You can't trust no one.
You know it's just me and you.
Two storms, coming together to make the perfect storm.

Nothing can stop you, nothing can get in your way,
nothing can stop me from saying,
"I love you with all my heart,"
and while we're together,
I'm going to prove my love for you.

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One day you're here,
the next day you're gone.
I really don't know
  Why I keep holding on.

Who should I turn to
when I'm  lonely at night?
Who do I talk to
  when nothing's gone right?

You say that you love me...
then off you go,
which do really love
  Me or the rodeo?

I could find someone els...
or ask you to stop.
But I'll be there watching
  when you reach the top.

Just remember I love you
and am here for you.
Come back when you need me,
  'Cause I love the rodeo too!

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I sit here every night and day,
and think of what you used to say.

I wish you were here to help me out,
there's so many things I need to talk to you about.

August sixteenth was a very sad day for me,
just thinking of you lying there still as can be.

I don't see how anyone could have killed you,
and not felt the least bit blue.

The guy must have had a lot of nerve to look you in the eye,
and then to shoot you and watch you die.

You were only 28 years old,
the guy's heart had to be very cold.

I miss you more than anything,
and I think he deserves to hang.

The sad part is he got away with it all,
and it was your family and friends who had to take the fall.

I miss you really bad,
but, I know you wouldn't want me to be sad.

It's been almost five years ago today,
but, I can still hear you say, "I'll never leave you and go away."

I know it wasn't your fault that you had to leave this world so fast,
but, it put my heart and my life in a cast.

I still miss you like crazy,
but, I know I must go on with my life even though it may get hazy.

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There are so many words
That I could say
To express the way I feel inside.
I know I shouldn't listen to my heart,
But I can't help but wonder why
It always wants to come back to you!
Is this really meant to be?
Or am I living a fantasy?
I know I love you with all my heart,
But the pain I feel is unreal.
Everything leads me to believe
That this is something real.
But please, Baby, open your eyes,
Because my love for you
Is dieing inside.
I can't live another day without you!
My heart calls your name.
It only wants to love you,
So please, Baby,
Come back and stay!

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where do i start?

from the moment i first saw you

you had my heart

from that moment i knew

we had to be together

from that moment until...FOREVER

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